
How to proceed when a Stripper gives you her number (and it's real) ?

Friday, October 14, 2016 3:22 PM
Well how to proceed, vets!


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Ask when you can fuck her right in the pussy!
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Start by reminding yourself that it's all about the money.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    8 years ago
    Great advice ! I wanted a brother to slap me and say that.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Yeah, with nothing else to go on, I'd expect "come see me at the club, baby" to be the main communication. Anyways, text her and you'll quickly find out what it means. Either she wants to see you more ITC or is open to OTC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    You tattoo it on your forearm to show her how much she means to you
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Hahahahaha, Papi.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    You treat is as any other salesperson wanting your biz - does-not mean "you're special" and she wants to date you for free - 99% of the time it's just a way for you to be able to contact her for you to spend more $$$ on her - i.e. you as a custy/sales-lead coming to her rather than her having to do the work of coming-to/finding you. It isn't about her or what she does - it's about you and deciding what you want: + do you want her as a GF or regular date? (unlikely she's thinking that way) + do you want to be able to contact her so you can see her at the club when you are there (then just text her) + if you want to do P4P OTC; then you have a way to get a hold of her
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Sometimes you're a complete nut, Papi :)
  • PRBOY56
    8 years ago
    Amen, Papi, amen...
  • lotsoffun201
    8 years ago
    Within the past month I've had two dancers at the same club give me their real numbers. (I checked them both out). Both want OTC. one of the girls I've known for a while and she changed her number. I had her other one and she had mine. She was never bothersome and didn't text or call at inappropriate times. She outright asked for a SB arrangement for reasonable fees. The other one is a different story. She's older, takes care of her mom and would like a "dating" arrangement ultimately. I told her I don't want to "date" and I would have to trust her sincerity. I already have a free FWB, as well as a SO in an open relationship. I've had some limited ITC club activity with both already so my take is as follows: as with any civvie you have to weigh the pros and cons as well as what it will cost in the long run. I think most of these girls are looking to get out of the game and when they see potential they go for it. Best advice.... Proceed with caution and a clear head(s)!
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Depends what you're looking for.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Text her that same night or day and say you had a good time with her and mention something specific between you'll or your visit, but keep the text concise. Then, just know its HIGHLY likely it's just a business move that you got her number in the first place whether she texts back regularly or doesn't. Soooo, if anything remember everything after Then,...
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    You proceed by assuming that she gave you her number so that you'll come back to the club to see her and spend money on her again. By assuming that you won't be setting yourself up for disappointment thinking that she wants OTC action, which she probably doesn't.
  • TheFword
    8 years ago
    Ask her the best time to call , how much?, do I need to get a room or can we go to your place?
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Just remember, it's only a transaction based relationship. Don't think she's really into you, odds are you're not the first (evan that night) and not going to be the last. I knew a few dancers that were actually escorts that used strip clubs to build and maintain a client base.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    It would seem strange to give you a number that wasn't real.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Option 2 She's in love with you and will refuse any offer that involves money. Go for it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Maybe she was hoping you'd send her some dick pics
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Yeah, dick pics do the subtle job.
  • magicrat
    8 years ago
    If I would like to spend time with her (in the club at first) and she doesn't text me first, I will text her to see if she responds. If she doesn't I delete the contact.
  • Mainster
    8 years ago
    I have four numbers, all from girls who suggested we should hang out, go get a beer, etc. I get infrequent texts from three of them, inviting me down to the club so we can get together and chill. I'm sure the girls are texting all their regulars when I get such messages. Girl #4 actually met me for lunch, then moved to LA and never hit me up again. I didn't mean to scare her off; table manners count, guys.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Agree with my esteemed colleagues above: dick pics are never NOT appropriate. Beyond that, proceed by using her number to text her to set up an appointment (assuming you're looking to see her again) next time you go. Then, hang out with her while the other PLs sit around and wait and rant about whales and regulars on tuscl :)
  • YellowBros
    8 years ago
    One time in A.C NJ. , girl gave me number. Back in hotel room after getting twisted. She called, and additional services was bought. Right in the pussy. Went bareback still haven't got checked. K
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