Fuck. Course correction in effect starting today. No more boob groping on the floor, tips must be handed at stage, dancer feet on the floor, grinding is restricted. At 11:30 am, the club is dead, many day shift regulars are missing, saw one of my faves dressed and leaving. Let's hope it's temporary.
They got raided last night. Can u arrange OTC with your favorite azdd? I think I know your favorite and she is not sweet and low. PM me of you like. I have info.
Papi's probably right. Sherrif Joe is up for reelection and from what I hear the race is tight. A lot of people talking about the Democrat taking over, and Joe's posse has to create a perception of being a tough Sherrif. Easy pickings to create a public stir to hit the strip clubs. We only got 3 weeks or less before things return to normal.
Doubt that the Phoenix PD allow Sheriff Joe and MCSO in their jurisdiction. Most real cops think Joe is a bozo. New chief (female) just started. New broom sweeps clean. It will pass.
Fuck - when I lived in Dallas in the mid-2000s we had a spell or two where touching was not allowed and it was while there was a female mayor in place - not saying that is the reason but ...
Fuck Fuck Fuck. Please tell me that this is temporary. I'm not concerned for me. It's just that the blow job queen has got to have a way to make the payments on her exotic new car.
I am just leaving the HiLiter. Flew into town, hoping to have a better time than I just did.
I talked to multiple dancers about, eves dropped on a bouncer conversation, and then just asked a few bouncers about it. So lame. The entire vibe was different. Going to switch gears to a different club tomorrow.
Papi......VIP is a limited contact zone now. For sure no extras to be had as they are monitoring VIP closely through cameras and recording the action. Even the discreet girls are being monitored and suspended if they even suspect. No blocking the view HJ/BJ.
I quickly stopped by today just before 1pm for about 20 minutes hoping to see my fave. No luck and I didn't get any dances either. I honestly didn't notice anything off about the floor dances that I saw, but I also wasn't privy to this new info at the time either. Otherwise I woulda looked closer or at least asked. I did do VIP last Thursday for about 4 songs and didn't feel like I was being watched nor did my dancer act like that was the case. Desertscrub please do some recon for us. Say it ain't so!
Change occurred last night when LE requested VIP tapes, but club had none to give them. IDIOTS!!!! You always have a set of books for LE review. No arrests or citations to date, but warning that they are on the watch list. Now enforcing tighter rules than BSC.
Not sure what being on the "watch list" entails, but if it in any way puts the liquor license at risk, then we can expect the fun at the HL to be curtailed for a long time. The liquor license is what gives the club value and revenue to the owners, and they will do whatever necessary to protect it. The ability to sell booze in a bar easily dwarfs any reduced income from VIP fees or tipouts. Sucks for all of us, but the owners will protect their asset.
The only PHX club I've been to is Christies Cabaret in Tempe, before I learned extras are real. Not that I would ever go there, but if they hit HiLiter as part of a vice sweep, I wonder what they'll do to BLM
If a club severely restricts the fun in order to protect their liquor license then they may not have enough custies to sell that liquor to & one would think profits will still go down significantly - pussy and the ability to play w/ it is what brings the PLs in, they can go drink anywhere [unless it's just a temporary thing that they expect to blow over]
^^^ Papi_Chulo, I've wondered about that, too. I'd rather have nudity over liquor given the choice, yet I wonder why topless bars are so common. I figure given the choice, the customers would think like me and choose the former. Yet the girls seem to often say topless bars bring in better clientele (travelers, esp). Plus there seem to be a lot of customers that go to topless bars, and don't really interact with the girls. So I agree and disagree that being able to play is what brings some of them in. How many and what mix, is hard to say. I find it all fascinating.
I don't doubt that topless clubs may make the biggest chunk of their profits from alcohol, just saying that if the club is lame then custies may not come in just b/c there's alcohol
Thanks WetWilly. He's fine during his time(Sherriff Joe) but it's time to shift directions and go with some new blood. I think the polls are spot on, and o don't believe the Presidential election will be a landslide either. Remember Dewey/Truman anyone? That's right, the underdog has won even after the favorite was called the winner!
In my personal experience over the past 3-6 months, the VIP dances got significantly more liberal after the renovation was completed. If I had to guess, I'd say word got out. I think management went too far.
I'm amazed at how much power the local liquor board has to enforce not only the ways of liquor being dispense, but also the solicitation of sexual acts. The recent raid is part of an ongoing review by the liquor commission since May '16 where citations were handed out for improper solicitation at wn establishment serving alcohol. Kind of creative if you ask me, and I still think it's coming from the county and not the city. Either way it doesn't bother me as my activities remain unchanged. Never do anything improper and you'll be fine.
Handing dollar bills to the dancer on the stage? What's that all about? What interpretation of local ordinance requires a club patron to pass a dollar bill into the hands of the dancer?
last commenthttps://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Fuck - when I lived in Dallas in the mid-2000s we had a spell or two where touching was not allowed and it was while there was a female mayor in place - not saying that is the reason but ...
I talked to multiple dancers about, eves dropped on a bouncer conversation, and then just asked a few bouncers about it. So lame. The entire vibe was different. Going to switch gears to a different club tomorrow.
Sounds like there might be some dancers hungry for OTC?
[unless it's just a temporary thing that they expect to blow over]
Sheriff Joe is now 84 years old, I'm predicting he's going to be watching a lot of football this winter.
Keeping investing America!
Surely not, Shirley