Morning sessions

avatar for K
I've been doing more over night work than normal. This has cut my clubbing and OTC options.

One lady I've known well for a while told me she is happy to accommodate my schedule. She gets up early and prefers a morning session to an evening session. She dances a day shift and goes to bed early.. I arrive anywhere from 5 AM to 8 AM. A quick shower at her place (one of the only women I'd visit at her home). Sometimes she joins me, We spend a few pleasant hours together. I head home and she heads to work.

It has been working out so well that I stop by sometimes when I work a normal 9 to 5 shift. Some good sex and someone else cooking breakfast is a great way to start the day.

I am familiar with the clubs that do legs and eggs and of course I've had morning sex after some one stayed over. besides those, is this common. Any of you other hobbyists and mongers have morning sessions?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
Not unless you consider 3AM to be morning. :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
I like afternoon sessions, been awake for a few hours already & alert and not as tired as in the eve after a full day
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i'm a 24 hour guy.
avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
I remember my original ATF telling me that she just couldn't get into her job at the strip club if she had sex before going to work. I can understand that.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
If she spends the night, then yeah I will be fucking her in the morning.
avatar for K
8 years ago
Papi_Chulo - After I've done an over night shift, you could say this is my afternoon. I sleep well when I get home.

Larryfisherman- That's understood. I'm curious about sessions that start in the morning. There are many people that work nights and for some it may just be easier to disappear for a few hours on the way to work and then work late so I expect it isn't uncommon. On the other hand, I've never run into it before so I expect it is uncommon. I was curious and asked.
avatar for Htxx
8 years ago
The girl I'm seeing lives in Dearborn, near where 90% of my work occurs. I absolutely LOVE dropping my kid off at school then going to her place. She makes breakfast for me, then we hang out for an hour or so. I'm not hung over, get stress relief and she's not a bad cook either. Going to pick her up in an hour or so for another fun night. The only problem is that the girl that just gave me her number from another club wants to meet tomorrow afternoon. I have absolutely no will power when it comes to pussy
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
The last stripper I had join me in my hotel room was at 9am and we had a great time. And smiled the rest of the day too.
avatar for timothyjames55
8 years ago
Yes I like mornings in Vegas. I visit club A, but a dancer I like to see works at club B... so I do my thing til the wee hours (Vegas doesn't even start til like midnight) and so does she...

We both end up typically leaving our respective clubs anywhere from 3-5 am, go home/hotel and sleep and then meet up at either a strip restaurant, Mon Ami Gabi is a favorite, or do room service, then hang out all morning, then maybe gamble some so I can throw even more good money after bad, then inevitably turn to her and say something like, "that was stupid, should have just spent a few more hours with you." She drives me to the airport, I go home to my empty house and the monotony of my life... for usually somewhere between 2-6 weeks.

Ahhhh, Las Vegas. How I love you and loathe you.
avatar for timothyjames55
8 years ago
Ironically, I am trying to wax poetic from the lobby bar of the Ecore at Wynn as we speak. If anyone is here, meet me at the craps table in 5 ;) I'll be the one making the table cold.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
When I spend the night with strippers (either on a trip or just an otc overnighter), it's fairly common that we have morning sex followed by a shower and breakfast. However I've never done morning sex with a stripper as the main event. I don't know many strippers who are awake before noon.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Yes I have done this several times, but only with a few dancers.

My last one was a girl that usually worked day shift, and had a part time job on the weekends. When I was in her city my 'travel day' allowed me to sleep in late so she would come over usually around 9AM before my 11AM check out.
avatar for gawker
8 years ago
For years I'd get a hotel near my atf's home. We'd do out thing in the evening and then she'd frequently come back the next morning for breakfast and round 2. Her BF knew she was with me but didn't like her staying over night.
avatar for Imamutt
8 years ago
Absolutely! It's the best!
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
Mon Ami Gabi. that would be nice. i must remember that for the next morning girl.
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