
Are any of you wrapped around your favorite stripper's finger?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 11:14 AM
Per Papi Chulo's suggestion, i decided to make this a new discussion, as my previous one (about being pathetic) went all pear shaped. But this question is more for those with favorites although it's possible to have a one time loss of reason at a strip club with a first or early encounter with an amazing stripper and overspend on VIPs or whatever. I guess this can vary by degree as some people might be more "pathetic" about it than others. This can be just ITC or spill out OTC or even IRL. In my case, my personal life outside of strip clubs and actual strip club hobby/career are and have been very separate. Only fairly recently have i given my number to a stripper and she ended up using it. As such the actual strip club universe started to slowly and slightly creep into my real world as i now had to spend a little random time and energy on it. Of course i don't have to do what she asks in the texts or even respond. So far it was a one time thing and i did reluctantly follow through on her request with mostly positive results (outside of spending more that i initially planned and her getting in my head more than usual) so i'm generally satisfied with that. As i almost always spend a decent amount of money on my visits, whether it's on multiple strippers or a single stripper as it has more recently, i consider all that i do ITC and how much i spend to be my usual MO and not being wrapped around her/their fingers. I won't lie though; i do have it pretty bad for my ATF and that's probably not going to change anytime soon. So how about the rest of you?


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    No. Not even a little bit.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    Let's see, I have been seriously considering giving her a grand for OTC ( probably not going to). I am pathetically in heat over her.
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    Been there before. Not again
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    Famous last words...lol
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I will admit that my behavior is slightly or much more than slightly different with my ATF ITC. For instance, i almost never buy drinks for dancers (especially non regulars) as i consider that a waste of money for me and only when a regular or favorite or waitress asks. But with the ATF, i try to be more like a good host and make sure she is all comfortable and imbibed and will definitely offer her something as soon as she is seated. She doesn't drink a lot or very expensive stuff though. I will be more friendly and good natured and affectionate as well and in general more concerned with her well-being. I will definitely listen more attentively to whatever she is saying. My patience and tolerance is much higher with her, although i genuinely don't find her annoying, irritating or tiring in the slightest. If i take off my ATF tinted glasses, i might find certain behavior not as cute with another dancer though. Just little things like this. I haven't done a whole lot otherwise for her, but she doesn't ask for much either (gifts, favors, whatever) besides the one time.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    i'm not--but i likely would be if my fav was in my area. i met my fav when i was out of town. i don't get to this area but 4 to 5 times a year, so i don't get to see her very often.
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    I certainly would be all in if the dancer I prefer made it known. If she asked me to shit, I'd ask what color. But the depth of how I feel is pretty much unstated to her, and I act a little nonchalant when she messages me. Even if you are or want to be all in, NEVER let it be known, whether it be in strip club land or out in reality. Laying it out there is weakness personified. Again, I easily & willingly would be wrapped around one's finger, but thus far the big head is keeping shit in check over the smaller one.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I don't get close to many people, kinda guarded that way - and liking variety it's hard for any one stripper to get her hooks in me - if I notice a dancer trying to wrap me around her finger that makes me wanna stay away from her b/c I want my interactions w/ strippers to be on my terms not theirs
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    No, but one girl had told me I should start writing her poetry. I had to tell her that that's not something I'd be very good at. SJG
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    @JohnTitor +100
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Papi like pear shape.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Have been in the past. I find it difficult to believe it will ever happen again, I'm just in a totally different state of mind, but then again, as my hero Justin Bieber said, NEVER SAY NEVER
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Only my ATF, only were she in my life again.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    My CF is a less extreme version of gawker's ex. I can't explain why, but I lose rationality when around her. It's like she taps into my Capt. SAH weakness. Fortunately, I can still shut down the fantasy when I leave the club.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    This time last year I was a pinky ring on my CF's right hand. That was before I started coming here on a regular basis and participating (teachers are right - you really do learn more if you participate in the conversation instead of just listening/reading). Got close a 2nd time with a girl I was seeing OTC, but reading gawker's stuff helped me escape that finger wrap. Now, I don't see it being likely.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I fell madly in love with a redhead teenage stripper, and fucked her bareback for about two years. In that time I took around a dozen trips all over the world with her, and spent well into six figures on her. So, did she have me wrapped around her little finger? Obviously yes although it was more her great tits and tiny, tight little pussy that my slut held onto me with.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Yep. I don't get outta control or blow my budget on her, but do and am willing to spend more than I would recommend for anybody to do so on any one girl.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I admit it -- I fell love with my ATF last year and was certainly wrapped around her little finger for a long time, paying pretty much whatever she wanted for a series of admittedly wonderful overnight dates. Eventually I figured out that I was nothing but a source of income to her, that all the affection was on my side and all the greed on hers, and I've been trying to get over her for a *long* time. I'm still not all the way there, but It helps that I've acquired another regular OTC girl in recent months that I'm quite fond of without being in love with, so I can just enjoy our romps without getting all emotional about it.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I am similar to theDirkDiggler with my ATF DS, who is the closest any stripper has ever come to having me wrapped around her finger. As long as she is spending time with me and giving me dick and balls tease time as I massage her at the bar, I will buy her any drink she wants which is a Red Bull but occasionally a shot of tequila. I will also smoke any weed I have with her if she wants but she shares hers with me too. Also once I have left the club to walk a block to buy candy for her so she didn't have to dress up. And finally if other customers want to get quick dances with her before I do, she will check with me first, but I usually allow it so that she can spend more uninterrupted time with me. This is just about the extent that I go above and beyond with my ATF DS that I won't go with other strippers. I wouldn't ever loan her money (and she would never ask) nor would I do things like help her out OTC over personal matters. But, like theDirkDiggler, I truly want to spoil her like a sexy hottie that I would hook up with at a regular bar or night club, so buying drinks and giving her a back rub and doing small favors for her is not an issue with me whatsoever. I get so much time with my hard dick and balls rubbing into her awesome ass at the bar that it is totally worth it. And then she also gives me eyes rolling and toe curling high mileage LDK dances. My fantasy in visiting her is to be the one regular guy in the club spoiling her, a hot as fuck 9, and she flirts with me at the bar like she wants me just as bad and then rocks my world during dances. It's an awesome routine for me as after work stress relief, and it doesn't cost me any more than a random club visit with a random stripper, so I take no shame in being a little wrapped around her finger. She definitely treats me better than any other customer I have ever seen her with, so it is totally worth it.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
  • timothyjames55
    7 years ago
    I’m getting closer to being able to share my tale of woe, it’s still just a little soon. I promise, very few will have heard a story of how PL a PL can truly be, like the story I have to share. On the positive, I have no regrets at this point. I learned a lot and it has increased my ITC and OTC experiences dramatically. It cost me a solid $xx,xxx, but is now saving me money through new methods of efficiency. Damn, now that I think about, I’m almost glad it all went down the way it did. If you’ve never had your version of a 10 on the stripper payroll, so to speak, you are missing out on one of life’s greatest joys and greatest hurricanes, all wrapped up in one tiny little blonde, blue-eyed box.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^ Yes, when you do get to that point where it seems worth it despite spending stupid and scary amounts of money in the long term, other former favorites can seem like ass (and not good ass) to the ATF. It then makes no sense to ever spend the same or similar amount of money ITC (or OTC) on such an "inferior" experience.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    @TJ55 - sounds PL-juicy - make it a TUSCL article
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I have shared my greatest PL moments over the years. Currently I am free of favorites and spending more of my time and money on myself. But I will probably meet a busty blonde dancer in the near future and fall back into my PL ways. I think I'll end up like this: [view link]
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