Transgender Dancers?
I was wondering if there have been any pushes to try to normalize transgender dancers in clubs and in the broad adult industry at large (e.g., only fans, camming).
What do you all think? How would you all react?
What do you all think? How would you all react?
I haven’t seen anything in real life that reflects that aspect of social media. And I haven’t noticed anybody claiming to try to dance or actually dance as a transgender on social media platforms that are less anonymous.
I mean all kinds of shit happens in clubs, but that is one thing that if a club allows it I sure as fuck am ot giving the club ANY of my money. Thats enough of forcing that mental illness shit on everyone else. If thats your thing then ok....go do it in front of mommy, leave the rest of us out of that shit.
Y'all make me laugh. As if you'd even be able to tell unless she was pre-op and got naked.
There used to be a trans dancer in Louisville, and her shit was indistinguishable from OEM equipment. She's in another part of the country now, and I hope she's fooled some of you. 🤣🤣🤣
I have personally seen 2 at the club. One was totally obvious and the other passed well. Initially I saw them on stage and didn't notice but something just seemed off. I think all of the secondary sexual characteristics are very hard to hide in a club. Things like leg vs torso length, neck length, etc.
Personally I feel like people should not engage in sexual activities with other people without their full knowledgable consent. Meaning it's not acceptable for a trans dancers to engage in a lap dance with a customer who would not consent if he knew they were trans. Even if you believe the customer is a hateful bigot they still have the right to consent.
Besides that I think it's only a matter of time before a group of guys gets their wasted drunk friend a non consenting dance with a trans dancer. Then makes fun of them. Then the guy gets mad and assaults the dancers.
If you've ever done a grappling sport you can smell the difference between a man and a woman.
I know I'm attracted to women and femininity so if it's happened, I don't care.
Now, theres no way you can argue someone who has done all that, and grown new sex organs, is still just a male or just a female simply because thats what they originally were. They are trans which is its own separate gender, or a mix of the two genders.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated as one. You wouldn't give an anorexic a gastric sleeve to "affirm" their illness, or schedule an apotemnophile to get their leg cut off, why would gender dysphoria be treated any differently?
Treat the underlying mental illness.
But if you want to ignore those specific categories like whether someones 90% male vs 95% male, theres still a minimum of 5 if not 6 genders. Which are male, female, mostly male some female, mostly female some male, and hermaphrodite which can in itself be divided into mostly male or mostly female or perfect split if there is such a thing.
The fact is that taking certain hormones can literally do things like grow or shrink breasts, grow or shrink penises, grow vaginas or half a vagina.. etc. you cannot genuinely and honestly say, with a straight face, that an average or muscular male, with no breasts and an average or bigger penis, is the same as someone who grew breasts, shrunk their penis into below average or more, or started growing a vagina, lost their facial hair and body hair, etc.
Im not sure why the subject is even debated to begin with, it seems like some weird argument some conservatives want to start with the liberal lgbtq side where they can proudly say “hah! Theres only 2 genders, trans people dont exist”. Its very strange and oddly enough it’s similar to conservatives who start claiming Palestine doesnt exist in some sort of odd attempt to excuse Israel killing them…
You can debate abortion… gun laws.. immigration.. but the trans subject isn’t something up to date. It basically comes across as if theyre denying that these chemicals exist or that modern chemicals have the power to have insane effects. Now you combine that with the fact some conservatives are anti vaxxers and it becomes even stranger. If there’s chemicals that can cause cancer, cause deformities, and potentially kill people, it shouldn’t be tough to understand that chemicals can to some extent, alter your gender and biology.
Your trolling is boring me. I can't tell which terminally-online TUSCLer you're an alt of but your grasp of biology isn't any better than your grasp of foreign policy.
Don't mute this guy! Your conversation(s) with the medium sized cock reminds me of this level of entertainment:
So a hermaphrodite has both but because they aren’t functioning its a male or female? Nonsense. The fact it has those features, functioning or not, by definition means its not male nor female.
All those graduate level biology classes taught me some dangerous things.
Anything in between is complete bullshit and mental illness...PERIOD!
I dont give a shit how many cunts come on TV and social media tryiing to make it normal.....its not and never will be. Even if everyone in the world accepted it and only 1 normal person was still would NOT be normal.
I think it's much more likely that you just ignored the parts that didn't match your preconceived notions.
"No one cares if people want to pretend to be a different gender."
Proceeds to rant about people "pretending" to be a different gender.
With most of the people you consider to be either a man or a woman, you've never seen their junk. Which proves it's not about junk. Ironically, the people who say gender is only about birth junk, are generally the ones who say things like real men don't wear dresses, and real women submit to the authority of men.
@small penis - were you in the classroom with me? Biology finds remarkably little of a fuck about progressive dogma.
"Proceeds to rant about people "pretending" to be a different gender."
Context is your friend. I have trans coworkers and don't give a shit. Doesn't affect my relationship with them. If they demand I "affirm" them, it becomes a problem.
"You can say you're a woman when you've got a dick. You can say you're a competent genius when you babble in front of large crowds."
@ilbbaicnl - I can also say I'm a unicorn, it doesn't make it true.
"With most of the people you consider to be either a man or a woman, you've never seen their junk. Which proves it's not about junk."
"What i see" and "what is" are two different things.
"Ironically, the people who say gender is only about birth junk, are generally the ones who say things like real men don't wear dresses, and real women submit to the authority of men."
It's quite the opposite. It's like saying that a boy who prefers dolls to trucks and cries easily has to be part girl. Or a tomboy is part (or all inside) a boy. It's a return to 1950s roles and bringing kids into our political dramas and sexual desires, rather than LETTING KIDS BE KIDS and allowing them to express themselves without confusing them.
It's telling that a lot of "trans" kids are actually gay and don't want to be that, so they find a way to be straight instead.
🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 (since this seems to trigger the libs)
Transgender, drag, cross-dressing - it's all gender dysphoria and it's all a mental disease. Attention starvation, hormone imbalance, depression, and more are all illnesses which can be treated with medication and therapy. Professional medicine went woke and removed gender dysphoria from the DSM, but wokeness is predicated in denying reality,
There comes a point where you are an adult and you can harm and mutilate yourself however you want. It is never all right for children to be mutilated. Teachers have an obligation inform parents of what is going on with their children at school, and if I child ideates self-harm or sexual confusion. My teachers certainly never had a problem telling my parents about every second of trouble I got into.
Everyone normal remembers puberty as a time of chaos and confusion. Of course, we felt funny, worried if we were developing normally, were preoccupied with new features of our bodies, new thoughts, new impulses. That part is normal. This new presumption that abnormality is normal if demonstrably harmful. It is being embraced by the left not out of compassion and care or the mental welfare of the child, but as another opportunity for the government to take control of the nuclear family away from the parents. Never let a crisis go to waste, remember?
The thought police will tell you that 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮is transphobic and bigotry. This is not so. It is an adult reaction to the pandemic of woke mind virus infiltrating every aspect of our live. To label it as hate speech is another indication of the thought police attempting to silence anyone with a dissenting opinion. I do not have to address you by words you choose. You do not get to tell me how to speak. You cannot force me to accept your displays of mental illness as normal, no more than I can stop anyone from dressing in attire of the opposite gender. If you want to simply live and let live, I can do that; but the moment you start telling he what to say, how to think, and what to believe, then I have to fight back and I do not fight to lose.
Them -- Hi, I couldn't help noticing, you're using your hands.
Me -- Yeah, that's what you do when you're playing basketball.
Them -- No, you have to respect my religion. You're not allowed to use your hands.
Me -- Dude, you play soccer wherever you want, just don't try to force me to play soccer. I'm playing basketball. I therefore intend to use my hands.
Them -- If you don't respect my religion then you are un-American and violating my right to Freedom of Religion. Stop! Stop using your hands! It's against my religion!
Me -- No no, man, you seem to misunderstand. I'm not telling YOU not to play soccer with your little soccer pals. I'm just telling you to stop FORCING ME to play soccer instead of basketball. And if you're a public servant, you aren't allowed to pick between soccer and basketball.
Them -- Your failure to allow me to cram my religion down your throat means you're an un-American shit. You don't understand the Constitution.
Me -- Here comes the Lacross stick ... right across your jawbone.
I feel similarly about some of the trans-gender activists. Some of them just want free space to be themselves. Others of them treat me like I'm somehow unclean for having failed to cut off my dick and they seem to be trying to come at my dick with a knife in order to prove how open-minded they are.
A guy went into the SF Pride parade and found two women. He told them they look beautiful, congratulations on your transition. And they go "eww no you think I'm a man!?" We know.
Find a girl who says Lizzo is hot, and say "Yeah, she is, you remind me of her!" You'll get slapped. We know.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
George Orwell, 1984
How should I feel? Angry and deceived because I didn’t get what I thought I did? Or should I not be angry because even in the close confines of a VIP I couldn’t tell the difference? Maybe I should just be mad at the person who outed the trans dancer?
In other words, if you can tell it’s a trans dancer don’t do a VIP. If you can’t tell, then maybe it shouldn’t matter? But that seems a bit weird. I’d never stick my dick in a glory hole but what if I did and my dick betrayed me and got hard for a dude on the other side of the wall?
What I have difficulty wrapping my mind around is how many people (not just TUSCLers, and not even just men) have such visceral hatred for people they don't know based on who they are (or, if you prefer, about who they think they are) based on something that doesn't negatively affect the haters' lives one iota. Brings to mind the insane reaction to the trans "influencer" which prompted a boycott of the shittiest beer on the planet. (At the peak of that craziness, I choked down the first and only Bud Light in my life at a public event as a lame counterprotest) I know parents whose offspring have transitioned, including from female to male as well as male to female. They share in the private turmoil that led to their kids' transition, and, fortunately, the parents I know have sucked it up and continued to provide unconditional love and support
Reminds me of the gay-marriage debate. Evidently, people who dislike the idea of gay marriage, somehow think that allowing it, would devalue heterosexual marriage. So, in their thinking, if Bill and Bob buy a dining room table together in California or Massachusetts, then, somehow, they get worried that the dining room table which Herb and Elaine own in Peoria will break. Just, kaboom, of its own accord, magically, because two dudes did something half the country away. Must'a been a pretty shitty dining room table that Herb and Elaine had, don'tcha think?
But I do have a concern, or, call it a "question". Are there really so MANY trans-gender people? It seems to me like about one in four high schoolers wants to fix his/her/its gender into something different. I remember in my (very open) upbringing, there were one or two people I knew of, from among my (very open) wide circle of friends and acquaintances, who were gender experimental in some way. That's about one in 300. Why did the ratio skyrocket?
It stems from some sort of insecurity. Theyre worried that if they Dont absolutely hate that person, that theres a chance they could become like them in some way.
To give you an example, a guy I knew, had a major issue with Walter White in breaking bad, when he took his wife back even though she cheated with ted.
Now, you could make an argument that its cuck behavior, weak behavior, desperate behavior, that walter didnt forever divorce and leave her after the cheating. But at the end of the day, did that scenario involve Walter harming or screwing someone else over? No, not at all, unless you make some far reaching argument that Walter taking his cheating wife back somehow harmed his son or something.
Now, the same guy hated Will smith for what he thought was “cuck” behavior. Its once again notable, that he didnt hate will smith for slapping chris rock, on the contrary, his big issue with will smith was that he stayed with his wife even though she cheated. Once again its a personal decision that harm’s nobody besides potentially will smith himself.
To a normal person, will smith slapping chris rock is a valid reason to hate on him. But to an insecure, twisted guy, the biggest issue with smith becomes why he took his cheating wife back.
I wonder if the bullying of nerdy guys or gay guys or trans people has some sort of similar element. Maybe its an insecure guy who feels he needs to prove how much he isnt a nerdy guy, how much he isnt gay, how much he isnt trans. And in their mind- what better way to prove you arent nerdy or arent trans- than beating up nerds and trans people. Surely if youre beating them up, then you cant be anything like them, and are automatically superior.
But smith attacking chris rock, is a much bigger issue than him letting his kid be trans or letting his wife sleep with other men.
@book guy - I think you answered your own question. Gay marriage was "let us live our lives in peace," the current LGBTQ movement is "think like we do, or suffer the consequences."
They are threatening to revoke tax exempt status of churches (and soon I'm sure mosques and synagogues) that don't embrace gay marriage.
They threaten to take your job if you question the gender mafia.
They make it a literal crime in some jurisdictions to use someone's birth name or gender.
They pass laws that a school doesn't have to tell parents that their child is socially transitioning, when this sort of isolation gets these kids sex trafficked. I'm remarkably less "live and let live" when it becomes a child safety issue.
They are pushing transgender surgeries on younger and younger kids, and the DoJ is literally threatening a surgeon (Ethan Haim) who blew the whistle on gender reassignment surgeries at Texas Children's.
Your questioning the spike in transgender identification would get you labeled a bigot.
There is nothing live and let live here. At every step, they've said "oh, we'll never do that, " followed by actually doing "that" a little later. They're not done, they didn't give a rip about trans anything until 2015 when they could use it to create division. Now "moderate" Joe Biden is calling trans "rights" the "civil rights issues of our day."
It is in everyone's best interest (except the activists') that we kill this movement with fire.
Oh please. You sound like your grandfather sitting in his chair telling the youngsters (you) that the world is falling apart because of this, that or the other.
We're both here with bread in our pockets, probably a secure future, and a desire to feed said bread to Cuban women who convince us they want to serve.
Just fuckin' relax man, avoid the stroke.
For me, it has no effect. I am fine and always will be, but the differences in children of today compared to 40 years ago is insane and not in a good way.
I will of course drown my sorrows at the Boardroom and make my tee time in the morning, but I stated what I believe, without emotion, and that is just how it is.
As far as a stroke? BP 115/75 with a resting heart rate of 55 says this old fuck will outlive everyone.
Fair enough. I see where you're coming from.