Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?

I'm dealing with some rough stuff at home and my remedy is to take a long weekend trip every month. So far, I've hit Cancun, Costa Rica twice, Panama, Puerto Rico and St Maarten. I've gone alone and either used SA/Tinder to meet locals or hit a brothel. It's been pretty interesting but what I really want is a hot US girlfriend to come along.
I'm not impressed with the SA crowd in South Florida. That doesn't feel right and the hot ones want crazy money. The dating apps are taking forever because I am picky.
I met a very fine ebony dancer this week and kind of got onto this topic. She is late 30's and has a day job. No kids, no ghetto vibe but for sure wants that money. She lit up when I described the job description. Has never been out of the country and we exchanged digits after a test drive in the lap dance area.
So the pluses of an arrangement with her are: no questions asked, we do a trip one time or maybe repeat, I set the trip budget and we talk about what to do but in the end I call the shots. Oh yeah, I get lucky multiple times.
Lots of risks that include she's a thief, won't show up (like latinas), creates drama or otherwise messes with my vacation.
I will meet her outside the club soon to develop the conversation. This is going to take a few meet ups to see if we are like minded. I also plan to run state and federal background checks if I get to point of booking a ticket.
Let me know some lessons learned if any of you have done something along this line. I'm sure there are some horror stories out there.
I'm not impressed with the SA crowd in South Florida. That doesn't feel right and the hot ones want crazy money. The dating apps are taking forever because I am picky.
I met a very fine ebony dancer this week and kind of got onto this topic. She is late 30's and has a day job. No kids, no ghetto vibe but for sure wants that money. She lit up when I described the job description. Has never been out of the country and we exchanged digits after a test drive in the lap dance area.
So the pluses of an arrangement with her are: no questions asked, we do a trip one time or maybe repeat, I set the trip budget and we talk about what to do but in the end I call the shots. Oh yeah, I get lucky multiple times.
Lots of risks that include she's a thief, won't show up (like latinas), creates drama or otherwise messes with my vacation.
I will meet her outside the club soon to develop the conversation. This is going to take a few meet ups to see if we are like minded. I also plan to run state and federal background checks if I get to point of booking a ticket.
Let me know some lessons learned if any of you have done something along this line. I'm sure there are some horror stories out there.
If it were me, I'd prefer to have something setup when I get where I'm going vice travelling with someone.
And if I can't set it up in advance, just finding some trouble when I get there. Wouldn't even use any apps - just find the spots via the locals.
But the stripper being late 30's and never been outside the country could be beneficial, if true. She'd more likely follow your lead, be grateful for the experience and show some fantastic appreciation.
Remember that if she's determined to cheat you into buying her a free trip, there's not much you can do about that once you get there. You cannot force her to have sex with you, after all. I suppose you could make part of the arrangement be spending money for sex while you're there, or a bonus on return, but that's going to increase the cost, and you run the risk of her contacting police and accusing you of something. Remember, it's illegal many places in the U.S. to take a woman across state lines for the purpose of prostitution, and it's also illegal for American citizens to travel internationally to purchase sex.
I've done this with three different girls, and they were all people I actually enjoyed spending time with even without having sex, and they are all people I'd known for literal years before even thinking about it. I gave each of them an "exit plan" if they decided to bail; either we'd cut the trip short and just come back, or I'd buy a bus ticket if it was somewhere I didn't want to leave. The hotel room was always one with two beds. There was always non-sex things to do, as well. As I say, these were people whose company I enjoyed even out of bed.
“ Half the Family dying , 1/2 the family pregnant”
Who knows that TV reference ? lol
Step 2 - do at least one overnight with her locally to be sure you like each other’s company
If you're buying dances from her, unlikely she'll say fuck no would I ever go on a trip with some old cracker. But, doesn't mean she's not thinking it.
So unless they're making enough money to put on a show, they're generally not that pleasant to be around. Especially, if you're not having sex.
Which, while we're on the topic, you discuss, agree upon, and compensate her for. Don't expect that just because she graces you with her presence that it's going to be a sexfest. She really doesn't want to have sex with you. If she does, it'll be an act for which she expects something other than your dreamy post-cum face.
It could a disaster - but it might be great!
Well, I wish you the best of luck. If you do, then pics and vids or it didn't happen.
She doesn't want kids? Only in romance novels and TV does every woman of childbearing age consider herself worthless without children.
Back to the question at hand. I figure to spend an $500 on a ticket and plus $500 on food/drink and upgraded resort. Throw in a few hundred for some gifts if things work out. I'd be OK with that to have a stunning English speaking dinner date, jealous stares at the beach and a couple of pokes.
She can suck a tennis ball through a garden hose. More was on the menu and that's something I'll audition outside the club.
There's 100 things that could go sideways. I'll report back on what happens.
I wish I could say it was odd seeing a racist fuck post on the internet, but here we are...
Setting aside possible nightmare scenarios, there's the simpler reality that she could ruin the trip in more mundane ways that could only come out once you've spent an entire day with her.
So, given your circumstances I wouldn't do this, but you're obviously a bit more daring with your vacation time. I hope it works out.
If I bring a stripper I know with me - there seems to be pussy everywhere and I regret bringing her and being tied up.
If I don’t bring her with me there’s no tail anywhere in sight.
Always happens that way.
One more word of advice, make sure this trip isn’t longer than 2 nights together - 3 at the very max.
During my single years I considered giving the passes to dancers in exchange for favors or for taking them on trips. I didn't take much deliberation to decide against it. The risk outweigh the benefits as far as I'm concerned.
My friend likes to be in early (call it a night by around 10/11 PM latest) and doesn’t drink much, if ever. She made him go to various clubs, got wasted, and apparently the last night they had a big argument so he had to follow her up/down the beach with other guys leering lustfully or watching with concern.
Just a word of caution. It sounds great taking a dancer with you until it isn’t.
Things you can't even anticipate.
This has the makings of the plot for a bad movie. Starring Ned Beatty and Lindsay Lohan. Co-starring Luis Guzman as the local drug dealer who is after Ned and Lindsay for the $20,000 in drugs Lindsay stole from him.
Since I didn't feel like copying and pasting that whole post I'll just leave that there. The rest of what TCabot described about his friend's experience was not success. It was the opposite of success. It's what happens when dumbass marks try things they shouldn't with strippers. He's lucky she didn't completely ditch him until it was time for him to carry her bags and fly back home.
But give the dude a little credit...at least he had enough balls to try and actually got a girl interested enough to use him for a free trip.
My hit rate is 50% - one I still do some traveling with periodically, it is a break from reality for both of us. The other was horrible.
There's nothing wrong with being friends if you happen to meet a few you'd like as friends.
Surprisingly enough this rick agrees with Skifredo.
Nevertheless, this rick believe that the OP should take the stripper on his trip. He will have a new amusing anecdote to tell at parties after he wakes up in a bathtub full of ice missing a kidney.
And a missing kidney is a small price to pay for a delightful story. ROAR!!!
I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your question.
Q: Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?
A: You know it is, however, Dum Ideas sometimes when tried make good “fictional” stories.
You wrote, and I quote:
“I figure to spend an $500 on a ticket and plus $500 on food/drink and upgraded resort. Throw in a few hundred for some gifts if things work out. I'd be OK with that to have a stunning English speaking dinner date, jealous stares at the beach and a couple of pokes.”
You should write a nondisclosure relationship agreement specifically spelling everything you two agree to do. Like they do on some of the big budget porn movies that use a script.
Porn stars sign contracts where they agree to do whatever the script requires; oral, vaginal, anal, dp, specific sexual positions, doggy, missionary, wheelbarrow, pile-driver, etc, et, etc.
You also wrote, and I quote:
“There's 100 things that could go sideways. I'll report back on what happens.”
As long as you are prepared for the worst and praying for the best you will be OK. And remember to include Pics and Vids in your report, because Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
So my questionable idea is out the window. I appreciate the replies. I'm off to St Maarten on Friday where I understand it is a target rich environment for female company.
It's Sooooo Close, People Show They Can Almost Touch The Planes Or They Get Blown Away From The Overhead Force! I See A Lot Of KLM Airlines. Since The Beach & Water Is Popular There, Girls Shouldn't B A Problem To Grab, Even If It's Just To Look! Great Views & Tours There! Cheers********
Another risk of traveling with a stripper is that they can rather easily discover your identity/full name, either from sneaking a peek at your ID, or having your name appear on the hotel room TV.
I would also advise against going out of town until you've know her a few months. Having just met her, an out of town trip would have been awkward, just as you wouldn't want to do that with a civvy girl that you just recently started dating.
There is also a risk that she could be carrying prohibited substances and sneak them into your bag before security check, causing you a great deal of pain.
Your kidneys lucked out this time. ROAR!!!
If you could essentially set your own schedule and simultaneously be unreliable but still do well if you maximize your time if/when you show up...what's your motivation to not be flaky?
"And why is it that 95-99% of everything they say is a lie? It’s so frustrating."
I won't get into percentages on this, but in most cases with the hobby I prefer the lie. If I like the dancer enough I'll be good with the truth, especially if we move beyond the business side of things to something more personal. But unless the dancer knows I'm "wallanon" (which is a whole different situation than what most of my posts here are about) it takes a while to get past my game face.
Show me a strip club that provides complete honesty and I'll show you a strip club with an empty parking lot.
This is incorrect. Are you saying there is a separate criminal charge for going to a different state for prostitution, beyond the basic charge of prostitution itself?
The second part is also false. Numerous americans, travel internationally for the purpose of buying sex or drugs. In fact it quite literally is allowed to the point wealthy famous people do it openly- openly brag about prostitutes and drugs overseas. Criminal charges for using a drug or seeing a prostitute only apply if done locally- there are no laws broken if you used a drug or saw a prostitute in a different country. That is completely laughable. How are police even going to investigate such a situation of international drug usage? Its so legal to use drugs internationally that rappers can openly admit to it and brag about it, even black and brown rappers who are supposedly extra discriminated against by the police, can openly brag about it
LOL! @ "supposedly extra discriminated against by the police"
As spoken as someone that is most likely neither black nor brown...lol
She could claim you did something to her on vacation and either get you in trouble over lies or she couls try to extort you. Just go to Cancun and meet a girl there, they wond bullshit you. But if you want the inevitable drama and shit that will come from this and you like creating problems for yourself then go right ahead. Sh will tell you what you want to hear....she wont tell the truth. Her intentions will be to get money ...PERIOD!
Another thing is a lot of the women are imported, be careful with HIV and syphilis. Known FACT: Blacks have more chance of STD than any others.