Is it high time we start holding strippers down and force feeding them?

avatar for Muddy
And maybe even IVing whole milk.

Look I've been active in the feminist movement for years, decades even so my love of women should not questioned but enough is enough. This subsidization of anorexia has to end.

Farrah Fawcett is overrated and needs to eat about 50 more cheeseburgers.

I shouldn't clankety clank clank when I'm getting a fucking lap dance.

A wolf coming by shouldn't huff and puff and blow the damn stripper away.

This is straight up UNHEALTHY. Bulimic girls do not need to propped up and celebrated. I will now tip them in french fries.

Karen Carpenter is a TERRIBLE ROLE MODEL (although admittedly, I still her in the shower)



last comment
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
@Papi_Chulo back me up. Form the phalanx...NOW! Fuck outta here.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
I won't even get a dance from a woman with less than C's.
avatar for Hungryhunnypot
8 months ago
Hog tie them!
avatar for motorhead
8 months ago
Don’t know what strip clubs you’re going to, but modern strippers are beginning to reflect Americans as a whole - getting fatter
avatar for Sgrayeff
8 months ago
I have to start going where Muddy goes. Because near me in central NJ and eastern Pa., it's extra pounds that I see too often.
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
Btw did I mention stripperweb absolutely loves my ass.
avatar for booty_lover92
8 months ago
If they're under 160 lbs its a hard no for me. I like grown women not preteens.
avatar for Jascoi
8 months ago
300 pounders... jus rite!
avatar for gammanu95
8 months ago
Farrrah Fawcett? She died 15 years ago (but in her prime she was HOTT!) I had to google Karen Carpenter. Pick someone from this century, at least. Millennials won'y have a clue about either.
avatar for WiseToo
8 months ago
Let's not forget about Twiggy, the British super-model of the 1960's. 5' 6" weighing 91 pounds wearing a sleeveless mini dress and white gogo boots. Bring back the Mod era. You can have your tatted heifers with thunder thighs. Twiggy should be a role model.
avatar for stripperlover777
8 months ago
☀️ Muddy, Have Good Day
🌙 Night Wishes As Well. Good Luck
On The Strippers + All The SC Fun
avatar for Lurker-X
8 months ago
I’m with motorhead and sgrayeff; I’m much more likely to see a dancer I think is too heavy than too thin. But I admittedly have a bias for slim.

Of the celebs mentioned Carpenter and Twiggy were too thin but Farrah was hot.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
Karen Carpenter was more talented, with a lovelier voice than any other female singer in the last 40 years. If you go back to her beginnings, she sings these songs, while playing the drums.

90% of all current strippers are too heavy for me. Fridays at desires with Vanessa, Rosalie, Angie, Jenna, Lisa, etc. is super-hot spinner heaven, ya know, with dancers who cannot beat the fuck out of ya because they're 5 weight classes up.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
8 months ago
The Kim Kardashian popularized trend toward slim thicc has been good for me. I still see plenty of spinners who are too thin for me and thick girls who are too big for me. That’s the beauty of different strokes. Lots of those girls of all shapes are at the clubs for years and sell. Free market at work is a beautiful thing.
avatar for Dolfan
8 months ago
I'm with Motor, I see way more fat bitches than I do unhealthy skinny ones.
avatar for twentyfive
8 months ago
^ yep
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
8 months ago
I like women with some meat but even places like Desire that I typically associate with spinners have increased the "well-built" dancer population. I like that.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 months ago
Send them to me before you hold them down and fatten them up. I need some relief from the fatties!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
Mostly my complaint at any clubs I've been to in the last five years is, that there are way too many fat women stripping. Haunches, waggling thighs, monstrously dangly stretched-out tits, calves with cellulite. I like a bit of femininity, I'm not attracted to waif-thin; but I like 'em "spinner" in the sense that they seem to be lithe, supple, gymnastic, maybe the ballerina is the perfect model. Please don't fatten them up even more than current practice!
avatar for shadowcat
8 months ago
Just feed them semen. It does contain actual nutrients including vitamin C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, fat and protein.
avatar for nicespice
8 months ago
I got curious so I searched on the stripper subreddits about posts on semaglutide/ozempic/wegovy/etc

I could barely find anything. Unless it’s a city like Denver or Tampa, I think the pressure to be as slim has changed?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
@nicespice did you also search on cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine, MDMA? Wonder if that's how they're losing weight? Or maybe they just don't post about it.
avatar for nicespice
8 months ago
No, but I remember back in the days of stripperweb, that there was stuff about lipo, waist training, different plastic surgeries(whether invasive or noninvasive), or whatever dieting style was trendy at the time, etc on there. Nowadays, I just don’t see as many posts in general with dancers wanting to help each other get trimmer.

It could very well be plenty take that stuff privately, and not admit online to taking shortcuts and it really was their diet/exercise discipline. But I just figure if topics like that are less talked about, then it just means that dancers aren’t prioritizing skinniness as much.

And I don’t have any data on it, but I think drug usage in general is not as common with strippers (or heck, people in general.) Synthetic opioids have killed too many :(
avatar for Studme53
8 months ago
Ha ha- to each his own. “Too many thin strippers these days” is right up there with “Kids should use their cell phones more”.
avatar for Muddy
8 months ago
Oh and FUCK Jenny Craig
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
@nicespice I pretty much have the same impressions, that (1) fewer strippers, over all, are taking crazy-ass drugs and (2) skinny is not "in" any more. Your impressions from stripperweb agree. I recall a thread or even article type posting I read once, maybe stripperweb or another resource, about how to make money as a dancer. In there an experienced dancer basically equated the wanna-dance game with body fat. The skinnier the girl, the more a guy gets a dance from her; all competition on the main floor was simply a body-fat comparison competition. I think I read that article in about 2010 or earlier. Just by the fact that it could be so blatantly announced, back then -- whether or not it was totally true, it certainly was a central concern.

I'm really disappointed in the unappealingly fat women. I'm OK with women who are zaftig or otherwise attractively large. I'm definitely not OK with unhealthy or over-fed women. I don't know how to define the difference. I know it when I see it. I will never get a dance from any girl who weighs more than average, for the typical college girl of the 1980s. I don't necessarily prefer freakishly thin, the waif-look turns me off, it doesn't look feminine. But I can't find what I consider "normal-stripper" any more.

Examples from porn. Janice Griffiths, a bit too skinny but fabulous anyway. Leah Gotti in her prime, perfect. Emily Grey, oddly skinny in all the wrong places. Alexis Texas, a bloated disgusting freak of nature. IMO, of course.
avatar for 5footguy
8 months ago
"If they're under 160 lbs its a hard no for me. I like grown women not preteens."

^^ sounds about as idiotic as "If they're over 160 lbs its a hard no for me. I like women, not cows". So, if I like to fuck a fit woman who's not a fat ass, I like "preteens"? gtfoh with that shit.

I don't discriminate. Sometimes I want a girl who's more full figured and sometimes I want one I can sling around and pick up and just go to town on. It ain't gotta be one or the other. The thing is, there are some fit girls who are in the 120-130 pound range who have nice full tits and meaty grabbable asses, but just don't have all that nasty fat belly hanging over. Those are my favorite.
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