
You can go back in time to any era...

Sunday, July 7, 2024 8:01 PM
Your situation with you and your family stays the same. (ex: You can't go back to high school, your still married) But everything else changes back to that time.

I thought about it, and I'd be hesistant to give up some of the joys that we tend to take for granted today. I mean a smart phone makes these car rides so much easier. Music/podcasts and above all GPS. You ready to whip out a MAP again to find the shitty strip club out in the boonies? And the cars btw are way better today. Maybe not cooler but they are way better.

On the other side though some of the live music you could catch in the 70's and 80's would be just so badass. I feel like when nobody had a phone, there was definitely a tradeoff where it was just way better to socialize, because you didn't have anything, you didn't have an out.

And finally the strip clubs by most accounts would've been on the whole lot better in some places if you go back time. Maybe just 10, 20 years even.


  • Muddy
    2 months ago
    Would you do it? And what decade would you go to. And hey I'm not ruling out Ancient history, I just don't know if I want to go back there for good. Life really sucked back then.
  • Book Guy
    2 months ago
    1974. New Orleans. Decatur at Iberville.

    1984. Amsterdam. Red light district.

    1994. Richmond Hill near Toronto. Fantasia.

    2004. Drew Park in Tampa. Lipstixx.

    2014. Absolutely nowhere.

    2024. Here I am.
  • Puddy Tat
    2 months ago
    2008-2010. Young and optimistic. Had money. Surrounded by intelligent, ambitious people. Partied and screwed my brains out, no obligations. Online dating was still a Stop & Shop of women. Oh and better extras in Providence.

    But after that, the last few years have been damn good too. In particular, this year has been awesome.
  • misterorange
    2 months ago
    I'd go back to the American Revolution. I think it would be interesting to see real history in the making. I'd tell those soldiers to lose the snazzy blue uniforms and teach them how to camouflage themselves. And this standing in an open field thing, just lined up and shooting each other... yeah, that's out.

    I'd have that war finished in no time, and as the guy whose clever ideas led to the speedy annihilation of the Brits, I figure I'd get laid a lot. Probably go on tour through all the colonies and hook up with a half dozen young ladies every time I stop for the night.
  • RonJax2
    2 months ago
    To be honest, right now is a pretty good time to be alive!

    Here's a more fun answer: I'd go back to ancient Rome. Equipped with the very simple (but elusive) formula for making gunpowder, I would wind up being a famous and wealthy alchemist. (For the record, it's 75% saltpeter, 15% softwood charcoal, and 10% sulfur, and the proportions must be exact.)

    I'd buy a nice villa in the middle of the city, just down the street from the best brothel in town, and I'd spend the rest of my days having Roman orgies.
  • Book Guy
    2 months ago
    Better bring some antibiotics with you ...
  • RonJax2
    2 months ago
    Hmm, good point @BookGuy. I would definitely want to smuggle some tetracycline with me through this time portal....
  • skibum609
    2 months ago
    University of Massachusetts (Zoo Mass.) in it drug and alcohol fueled heyday of 1975-1979. I would join Phi Sigma Kappa and enjoy the 18-year-old drinking age, the easy, free sex, the no aids, the no herpes, the no need for condoms because all the women were on the pill. I would enjoy Tuesday night ten cent draft night at Barselotti's. I would buy a Pub mug for $3.00 and enjoy quarter beers in it every Wednesday. I would sell weed and have an income of a free ounce and $120.00 cash every week, at a time when the minimum wage was $2.50 an hour. I would love to ride my motorcycle, even after I ran over a bird in flight. I'd enjoy going to the Blue Wall, drinking forty-five cent beers, getting in for free and watching "The Cars". The next month I'd go to the "Hatch" and see Elvis Costello and the following month I would go back to the frat during Intermission of The Kinks to do shots because it was 50 yards from the fine arts center. I'd enjoy having the frat bar open at 1:00 a.m. and see all the drunk girls flood in for alcohol and dancing. I would thank God that I had drunk girls, weed, and a bedroom two flights up every weekend of my college life. Lastly I would like to go to our spring bash as a guest, just one time, and not work it. We were limited to a 6 hour liquor license by the school, permitting us to sell beers in our backyard. 365 kegs. 6 hours. That was the 70s.
  • Book Guy
    2 months ago
    unclear on the "even after i ran over a bird in flight" motorcycle comment, seems like you're referencing something specific?
  • shailynn
    2 months ago
    I’m assuming you mean going back in time equipped with the knowledge I know today. If that’s the case then I’d do it. I’d bring a print out of all stock performance reports for the past 65 years and become a multi-millionaire.

    Technology today is great but I think it’s in a stagnant point of too much right now. Smartphones have turned a lot of people (including myself) into 24/7 365 employees.

    I just want to watch a certain college football game and it’s only steaming on an app, which I can only get on my phone which I can’t “cast” to my TV because the app is restricted. Things like this drive me insane. That’s technology working against you. I need a true self driving car, one I can sleep in until I get to my destination. I want a food machine that I just throw the ingredients into and out comes a full prepared gourmet meal. No, today people flip out because Apple adds new emojis to text messages, that’s the technology we get today.

    I think it would be fun to go somewhere developing that eventually becomes huge, Vegas, South Florida, several California cities. A lot of places that I wouldn’t want to live today, were once really cool. Then again if I had the knowledge from the future I could pull a Buff Tanner (Back 2 The Future II) and bankrupt a few casinos through their sportsbooks. I’d take joy in that!
  • Studme53
    2 months ago
    Great question - my college days in the early 80s were pretty great. I played rugby, which was a perfect blend of sports, violence and partying. We even had some nubile groupies, as did a lot of the teams we played. That was a great time in my life.
  • NJBalla
    2 months ago
    I honestly miss quarantine. Would go back to that era in a heartbeat without the widespread dying of course. Loved that everyone kept to themselves, money went a long way, work was remote, and we appreciated the little things. Now everyone you meet in public wants to know your lifestory and share, deals are hard to find, and way too many shitty options out there
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 months ago
    I'd rather bring forward in time the metabolism, orthopedic resiliency, energy levels, and general health of my mid/late 20s to present day.
  • Meshuggah
    2 months ago
    Around 2004-05, a Canadian porn start\ needed a green card. She offered me, pay my rent for 24 months plus $2,000 a month. She said 2 years would be enough for her to get a green card and divorce.
    She moved in, she was boring as hell, went out with me and my friends once in like 3 months. I told her it wasn't going to work, she said ok, went to Cali and got hitched,

    I would go back, do the marriage and take the money.
  • shailynn
    2 months ago
    As an adult, I think we all realized how good we all had it in college. I’ve always joked if I knew then what I know now, I’d still be in college today.
  • skibum609
    2 months ago
    BOOK - we were out riding one day near Amherst Mass. A flock of birds flew across the road - I saw one come directly at me and instead of going high the idiot went low and the rear tire got him. Just popped into my head.
  • motorhead
    2 months ago

    You didn’t go to Duke, did you. 😊
  • motorhead
    2 months ago
    I guess as long as one was white, and not a minority, post WW II 1950’s seemed like an interesting time.

    The post-war economy was booming. Seems like everyone could buy a home. And if you can believe movies, although prostitution was illegal it always seemed to be available. And if that wasn’t your thing, seems like there were always dances and mixers to help everyone find a partner
  • Jascoi
    2 months ago
    first. i'd divorce at 3 months.

    second. and MOST important. do vegas strip clubs ONLY one month instead of four years.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 months ago
    That's an easy one. I'd go back to 5 years ago on Mother's Day and drive her home myself.
  • Studme53
    2 months ago
    Motörhead - no, not Duke. Although I know their Lacrosse team liked to party!

    If you ever took any of your kids for a college visit on a warm spring day when all the coeds were out, you’d realize how much you wish you could go back in time.
  • nicespice
    2 months ago
    I like how the OP specifically said that life circumstances (and age) is still the same, and only the time period is different. And only a couple responders took that part seriously 😂

    I know stagflation sucked and all, but it would be kinda cool to visit the 70s. There was a whole bunch of stuff from that era that impacted culture to this day and it would be kinda cool to see the origin. And my boomer Filipino family members were going about society just fine at that time, so I probably would be as well.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 months ago
    @nicespice: "I like how the OP specifically said that life circumstances (and age) is still the same, and only the time period is different. And only a couple responders took that part seriously"

    I took that part seriously. I wasn't a factor.
  • nicespice
    2 months ago
    I understand that grief sucks. I’d rather have paid better attention to a friend who wasn’t doing well, and done more to help prevent that death.
  • skibum609
    2 months ago
    ^^Nice when I read about life in the 70s I am always struck by how different my experiences were. Maybe because I grew up in a shitty neighborhood, then a shitty rural neighborhood, but my experiences were pretty fucking basic and simple. Drink beer, smoke weed, drive around in the car, get in fights with no permanent damage and look for women every minute of every fucking day. Everything was face to face. plans were made and kept. Promiscuity was mainstream. Hitchhiking was transport.

    A perfect movie which shows what high school life was like (minus the paddle bullshit, I grew up in MA. not TX.) is 1993's Dazed and Confused. It depicts one night, but for us that was life 4-5 days a week school year and every day in the summer.
  • NJBalla
    2 months ago
    I may have been in the duke area in the scandal years. Scandal hit the university hard but that didnt hold me back from a spring break trip to the DR
  • Studme53
    2 months ago
    Fast Times at Ridgemont High was something like my high school years, but in NJ, not California. All my friends had kind of shitty after school jobs that were also kind of fun and gave us the autonomy that came with making your own cash. Life revolved around chasing girls.
  • skibum609
    2 months ago
    ^ We could do anything we wanted or buy anything we wanted when we were kids; as long as we paid for it using money we had earned. After selling greeting cards door to door, after my paper route, after mowing lawns all summer and shoveling snow all winter, I worked at Exxon, Delitizer, Brighams, Franklin Simon, Woolworth's Ken's Steakhouse (you may know the salad dressing) and Kennedys before I was 18.
  • gammanu95
    2 months ago
    I think about the 90s and early 2000s, when China was weak, Russia was friendly, broadcast television was good, basic cable + HBO was great (no more streaming), technology was acceptable (not mandatory and everywhere). No social media or influences. People were proud to be Americans.
  • Mate27
    2 months ago
    2010, Hiliter. I’d get all the bareback bj’s from those good looking dancers that have long retired. The club doesn’t offer the same product or set up like it used to. Now I just no longer attempt to get service from unattractive dancers for patrons who have an open view with no privacy.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 months ago
    @nicespice: "I understand that grief sucks. I’d rather have paid better attention to a friend who wasn’t doing well, and done more to help prevent that death."

    I feel ya. I know there was no way to foresee what would happen to her that day, but gods don't I wish...
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