
New year new me...

Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:54 AM
Looking to be a bigger part of this site with more discussion post this year. Looking for ideas on things you guys want to hear from a dancers perspective. Let me know


  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    A new year can only mean new pics ;-)
  • poledancer83
    7 years ago
    thats a given lol
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    We guys like extras!
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Beyond money, what makes a customer more appealing to you ? I’m guessing it’s not guys in suits who practice “ The System”.
  • poledancer83
    7 years ago
    money... oh wait lol. clean, nice, well dressed, nice attitude
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I’d enjoy reading stories about stuff that happens in a strip club from a dancers perspective. Creepy customers, whales, stripper shit etc etc. And of course pictures of your breasts.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    New pics of those amazing pussy lips? Yes Virginia - there is a Santa Claus! Lol! I look forward to your more active role in our discussions - and I look forward to more sexy photos too! Happy 2018!
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Do you (strippers) keep a mental note on how a much a customer spends on you? And if you do, do you expect that same amount each visit?
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    What's funny for me is I get way more positive attention from dancers in jeans and a t shirt than my business casual. I suspect I look slightly older in my work clothes and look like a grown up rather than a peer.
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    Do some strippers actually only do VIP and no floor dances (excluding cocktail waitresses) and/or do some find it's usually more profitable than wasting time doing floor dances OR do they just pick and choose thinking oh this guy is a sucker?
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Damn, it's a one stop shop for this loser, Trucidos. It hates everything except for his overpriced toys. LMAO
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Poledancer, 10" heels, do you think these are practical, or are they even dangerous? [view link] If it were a style with a more enclosed heel, would that improve the safety and wearability? [view link] And also, we have a nationwide strip club management company known as Deja Vu. Their signature mode seems to be restricting front room interactions, even when they are in a metro where LE is not that tough. And really, most front room interactions are in a range where LE cannot really say any law is being violated. Its just that DV has figured out the psychodynamics of strip clubs, and so most guys go for 'wanna dance'. So what this does is reduce dancers to verbal only. Whereas in wilder places they don't do that, they just start dancing, and then try to get money. Most of the time they do get it, and experienced dancers insist that they get more money that way. Part of it is just that there is no house cut. But another factor is, with no front room rules to speak of, dancers can get extremely friendly. Many accounts of places in the US where dancers are encouraging front room makeout sessions. And before DV in San Francisco, this was quite possible. And then in Mexico it is all but universal: [view link] And then many accounts of places in Mexico where the girls are far more aggressive, not giving a guy any choice in the matter. Even at our underground clubs, and sometimes even in our above ground no touching clubs, when girls want to set a guy up for immediate OTC, makeout sessions are not uncommon. In clubs you have worked at, or maybe even just visited, is front room interaction restricted, or is it anything goes? My own experience is that unless there are real rules, dancers will do what they want. And even with strict rules, dancers that say, "I don't kiss" will often be demonstrably reversing themselves not too much further on. Mostly its just how the guy is interacting with them. Agreeing to buy a dance with a girl who is only verbal is, in my opinion, stupid. The choreography is just wrong. And no matter what she has agreed to in the back room, if she really wanted to open up to you, she would be just doing it right there. So my advice is always, front room makeout session before even considering anything else. But along with that though, the guy should be ready to start seeing her in OTC overnighters and to be seeing her regularly, if she goes along with him. Best just to walk her right out the door right after the back room action. And best if the guy can pick the girl himself, as that still carries a great deal of weight. In clubs you've seen, are girls that aggressive, jumping onto guys laps and encouraging DFKing? If the girls are really in competition with each other, and if there are no real rules, they would almost have to be. The accounts of Mexico and also of US dives are innumerable. And also our own underground Mexican bar circuit has at times gotten like that. Thanks, SJG
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    ...whats the deal with airline food?!?!
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