Does she really like me or is gaming me?

avatar for Snakeyes11
So there is a new strip club that recently opened about 25 minutes from me. I've gone a few times, twice with my buddy and once by myself. The new club offers 10$ dances on Thursdays to get business in the door and to promote the club. We have gone enough times that the general manager now knows our faces and will even come check up on us to see how we are doing and if we need anything. Anyways, we would go on Thursdays to check out the new club and to meet the new dancers.

Well -- I went Thursday as in the 5th. It was particular slow that night and my friend and I were doing are usual talk to any dancer that approached us. My buddy would mostly just talk to them and never get a dance. Kinda like my wingman. Well the first girl that sat down and talk to me hustled me for 5 dances and I agreed (like a idiot.) I then went back to my seat and continued enjoying my night. A few of the dancers knew us by our faces and would ask us how we were doing and would just talk with us, never ask for a dance or try to hustle us.

Well on Thursday there was this one really cute dancer that grabbed a chair and would sit next to me. Her and I were talking about anything, places we want to travel to, favorite foods, music etc, If she offered and only if she did I would accept dances from her. After we did two or three dances, she would walk me back to my table and continue to sit with me. Typically most dancers give you a dance and then go on there way to other guys. She would sit with me all night and occasionally make her rounds around the dance floor. She would check in with me from time to time. We were talking and she asked me if I had Snapchat. I did not. So I take out my phone and she whispers to me. "Do me a favor, turn down your brightness on your phone a little bit, the manager is watching us, I don't mean he's over your shoulder, but they are watching." So I downloaded the app and set it up. She tells me her username and says "Send me a message with an emoji or something so I know it's you." So I add her and send her a message. She continues to sit with me and I would never ask for a dance unless she asked me first. She asked and I would agree and we did five dances. We talked about the VIP room and she told me she would show me the VIP room for free and I said "Are you sure you will show me for free?" I asked again and she said yes both times. We then went back the table and she sat next to me.

I would tip her instead of just forking over fifty dollars. She would sit with me again and we would talk and she would tell me about other dances on the stage and what I think of that dancer. She came back to me with and she was drinking champagne from a party that recently ended, but this time instead of sitting in a chair next to me, she sat on my lap and continued to talk to me about everything. Well we stayed pretty late, past 5AM. Around 4:40AM she asks if I will wait about ten minutes or so she can say goodbye to me. I agreed, well ten minutes or so passed and she came back and we hugged. Then my buddy and I said goodbye to the the GM and waited for the vallet to grab our car.

The whole way home my buddy and I were talking about the night and my phone was in my pocket and when I dropped him at his apartment I see she added me on Snapchat and she sent me a message saying "Goodnight" with a kissing face emoji. I replied back and told her I had a great time and would like to come back soon. She did not reply back to me until the next day. It was around 10PM on Friday when she sent me a message and we were talking briefly. She was going to work so we had a few minutes to talk. She sent me a picture of herself and what she was wearing that night. I replied back to her, I have not heard back from yet since then. I am not worried about it. Should I maybe send a message to her on SC with my Google Voice phone number attached or, go back on Thursday or Friday and see what happens?

She only works at that club two days a week and works her other job on other days. She told me where her other job was and It's pretty close to me. I don't want to seem champagne and show up there, I don't even know her real name yet so It'd be weird. Should I assume she's playing me or does she actually want something more then me being a customer of hers.


last comment
avatar for goosman
8 years ago
I didn't even read your post. I don't need to, the answer is: she's gaming you.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
She wants to blow job you
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Dancers like some customers more than others, but remember you're primarily a customer and a source of money to them. If she makes you feel special, she is being a good salesperson.
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
Goosman took the words right out of my mouth.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
The simplest rule of thumb - "if you gotta ask, then you're being played"
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
These guys are just pulling your leg. If a dancer is fairly unresponsive after giving you her Snapchat, it is time to cancel your previously-scheduled life plans and start picking out a best man.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Just like some custies stick to a specific dancer, some dancers stick to a specific custy for various reasons one of them being they see him an an easy-mark or easier work or more easily manipulated - you either sound young or just inexperienced in the SC gake/hustle.

Some people are better at their job than others, some dancers put more effort into their hustle.

Do you get approached on a regular basis by hot chicks you don't know that do what this chick did? If yes then decent chance she's into you, o/w you should get my point and if not then you are less far along than I thought :)

Your story is actually common for those of us that have been in the game long-enough, you're not the first PL to be "confused" w.r.t. to a dancer's motives, that is how good dancers bank, the more honey they put out the more flies they attract.

Most custies are unfamiliar w/ the SC environment and they may SC once in a while, many of these dancers do this day in day out many for years so the avg PL is at a disadvantage and on her turf. She most likely is experiencef saw you as an easy mark and most likely the main reason she wanted your # is so she can keep getting you in the club eo she can continue to work on you to get everything out of you she can, that's why she probably didn't answer your text till the next day b/f she was going in to work (so she could try to get you to come in again).

Strippers strip to get $$$, that is their *job*,nl not to hook up w/ guys in the club, most of them already have a BF - when it comes to dealing w/ strippers it's best to always assume you're being played unless proven o/w and proven o/w means she fucks you for free

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
As I mentioned your story is not that uncommon, here's a recent PL account:…
avatar for ppwh
8 years ago
Papi_Chulo is just jealous that he didn't get her Snapchat. Pay it no mind. When she ignores you between shifts, that just means the bathroom troll is spying on her texts and the champagne room is the really the only place that it's safe to talk.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Here's another PL story of woe;…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
I forgot to mention that I did at one point have snapchat prior to entering this club. That was probably a year or so ago. I deleted it since I never found a need for it. Not that that makes any difference.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Why/how did the first girl hustle you gor 5 dances? In any club I've been is up to me how many dances I get and I would only get 5 b/c I was enjoying myself not b/c I got hustled into it
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
She said she was new to the club her first or second day... I don't remember exactly. She said "Im new here and really want to make some good money, would you like to go for a dance?" She then said "I would like 5 dances, we can 3 now and 2 later or 2-2-1 whatever you want." I just agreed to doing 5 in a row to get it out of the way. She danced for maybe two or 3 songs and then just sat on my lap and talked to me. She told me she'd hoped to see me again and wants to "network" I told her she wouldn't remember me. I paid her and did not tip her at all and went back to my table. End of story on that one.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
Short answer is she's gaming you. Snapchat as opposed to a number? Sporadic messages? I also think she's trying to build her clientele, you, since this club is just opening. If anything there may be some potential for OTC or she just gives you really good dances because she's comfortable with you.

There's this dancer who gave me her number the first or second time we met. Then we became friends on Facebook. She'll always chill with me in the club and doesn't hustle me for dances. We've ate out together twice, once a day she was off and she brought her son; another after her shift. The most that came of all of the above is hugs after dinner or breakfast and ass in my lap, tits in my face when chillin at the club.

The above cool with me? Yeah, it is what it is. But as you can see it's not the "like" I think you're mentioning.
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
I am thinking of going back on Thursday or Friday. Friday would be 30 dollars a dance as opposed to ten dollar dances on Thursday. If I go back and I don't see why not, I even talked to the GM for a few minutes on Thursday about the club and we small talked. Not that it matters, but going back and removing the money from the equation and seeing what happens if I just sit there with her and talk to her. No dances, maybe a drink or two for me. No VIP room, nothing.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Shit - I'm gonna be blunt for your own good - you *are* an easy-mark - if you just go w/ what dancers say you will be often hustled, that's what they do - and even worst she only did 3 songs and you paid her for 5 - fucking unacceptable - that's why so many dancers are ROBs b/c they can easily manipulate and push around newbies that don't know shit and that emboldens these bitches and makes them feel even more entitled and less willing to work for it by treating custies well and fairly and just look for the easy dishonest hustle.

It's YOUR MONEY - NO ONE fucking tells you how to spend it especially some lazy hustler stripper bitch by telling you she wants X and all you do is say yes, if you don't learn how to stand your ground in SCs you will constantly get pennies for your dollars and get taken - your $$$ your rules - you pay her to do what you want/like, it is arsenide to pay her to do what she wants/says.

I'm gonna be blunt again for your own good, you are in a no way shape or form ready to be dealing w/ strippers OTC at this time, you'll get eaten alive - just stick to lap-dances until you learn how strip-clubs and strippers really work.
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
That was a different dancer. The one that added me on Snapchat is the one I'm referring to. She asked if I wanted more dance the one I'm talking about and I agreed. The other one that approached me first never bothered me again. Sorry thought I made that clear. But I did agree to more dances from the one that I am referring to.
avatar for clubdude
8 years ago
Goosman beat me to it, read his answer, that's mine.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
You're not getting my point, which you don't have to.

Whichever dancer asked you for 5 danced and you just agreed just b/c and she only gave you 3 and you still paid for 5 is the problem, and my point - it doesn't matter which dancer it was just that you allowed yourself to be treated that way is the problem and my point - i.e. the fact that one dancer hustled you so easily means the snapshat chick saw she can easily hustle you too - I don't have a crystal-ball to say that 100% chance snapshat girl is hustling you, just 99% chance she is - so just like in "Dumd and Dumber", "technically" there's a chance she's genuinely into you even if it's just 1%
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
I may be missing some of the point Papi is making, but yeah you got shortchanged if she only did 3 dances over 5 songs and you paid her for 5 dances. Even more so if it was 2 dances, since in your original post you weren't sure. The way I see it is, you just spent $20 - $30 for approximately 6 minutes of conversation. That's fine if that's what you like. But you can get them sitting and talking to you for free in the front room as they try to get you to buy dances.
avatar for grand1511
8 years ago
Why did I feel like I was in the 7th grade lunchroom the whole time I was reading this?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Maybe I misunderstood, perhaps she asked for 5 dances but only did 2 or 3 and he paid her for the 2 or 3 and not the 5, if that's the case then it's no so bad but still it should be the custy calling the shots b/c they're the one w/ the $$$
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
1. It's clear to me that she truly wants you.

2. She's not interested in your money.

3. You should start shopping for a ring - you're going to need it soon.

4. The Abominable Snowman is a lock to be your best man.

5. Take the above-mentioned ring and insert it in your nose. This will enable the girl to more easily lead you along since you are definitely BEING PLAYED BIG TIME!
avatar for Aravas
8 years ago
Sounds like she's in love bro, put a ring on her finger and have a hot stripper wife
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
You guys seem to missing the point. The first girl was not the one who gave me her Snapchat, the second one was.
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
No I get what you are all saying plain and simple.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago
I think everybody got who you're basing this post off of. It's just that some analyzed both girls. How long have you been strip clubbing? In my opinion, I love when someone asks the question you did. Hell, I think we all have and I'm definitely guilty. It's just that it's been seen/experienced time and time again so some will use sarcasm, while others don't. No disrespect to the older gentlemen on here, but I run close in age with these strippers and not a single one has "liked" me. In my opinion the only true test for the "liked" is consistent free sex with her.
avatar for Daddillac
8 years ago
Fucking run away as fast as you can
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
I've been going to SCs on and off for a few years now. I understand they play mind games with us and are all about the hustle. To clarify, she "the second girl" even asked If I had Instagram and she'd add me later. I know it's all mind games... I felt everyone was missing the point. I appreciate everyone responding honestly, I was looking for feedback. I got lucky once and took a dancer home after her shift, that is as far as I've ever gotten in the SC world.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
as to your original question... she's gaming you.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Can dancers like -- a mean "enjoy the company of" -- some customers more than other customers? Sure! They're human.

The dancers work for tips. The only way to know is to take the money away and see if she'll still see you.

Stop thinking "she's trying to game me." For fucks sake. The dancers don't get dolled up, put on skimpy outfits and heels just to hang out for free and try to find a boyfriend. She's working and trying to make money. 99.9% of the time its about the money, and we'll be right.

Stop worrying about hustles and mind games and just try to have some fun and stay within your budget. You are over thinking this and over analyzing this too much. Try not to go too often, either. If you're a guy in your teens, 20s, or 30s there are better ways to spend you time and better ways to meet people. Healthier, too. My $0.02. I've clubbed on an off since 1995 when I turned 18. In that time, I've been to cubs about 31 times. For me. That's enough.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
i admire your discipline dominic. wait till you get old.
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
If you have to ask, she's gaming you
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Perfect example: At my local favorite, non-extras club I began getting dances from a dancer that were fabulous. Total gfe experience in a place that frowns on it. We both knew we had a "connection:, so after awhile I began to think OT, but for free, because we had a connection. I was hooked. A couple of weeks later we are chatting, she has a few and she tells me about some guy who spent $1,000.00 on her, which is unique in this club. He had just been released from jail and she was so proud she was able to create a tough chick personality, that encouraged him to over spend. She finished by telling me that she "was amazing at her job because she could pretend an=bout anything and make any guy believe it". She smiled and I said: "I know, I was on the verge of believing we have a connection". The look on her face indicated bull's eye and we have yet to do a dance again, but I admit that everyone can be fooled by a pro.
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
After reading the OP I don't know where the "is she gaming me?" question is coming from.

It strikes me that "gaming" implies some attempt to pry more money out of a PL's wallet than the PL wants to give the stripper. Basically, some sort of con.

It sounds like this girl gave the OP a way to contact her (snapchat) that she felt comfortable with. It also sounds like she revealed what her other job was, though it did not seem as though the stripper wanted any contact via her other work.

This strikes me as advertising, not at game. Come back and see me. If she strings you along implying (or straight out saying) that she'll do more (BJ or sex) if you pay her and the "more" never materializes then she's gaming you.

Approach this the brilliant way Snakeeyes11. As long as she gives you what you agree to and you're having fun don't stress. If she starts asking for money but not delivering, she's gaming you. Stop!

It'll be ace! ;)
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
It's fun when a dancer settles on you and makes you feel special. Enjoy the ride while paying very close attention to your cash flow. If you're spending more than you can afford and still not fucking her OTC then you're in trouble.

She only "likes" you like a real g/f if you're fucking her for free.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I think we're concerned about the OP's naïveté. He seems like easy prey for strippers--who are mostly lying, thieving cold-hearted whores.

avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
jack. i am offended by your statement. to me these girls are selling a fantasy. they are acting for their financial benefit.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
When experienced guys go to clubs, they know the score, but the newbies can be hustled with lies and false promises, and this isn't fair. Ultimately no one is putting a gun to a guys head to fork over cash, but we all know of ROBs and the newbies are particularly at risk.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
May I be the straw the breaks the camels back. You are being played. Grow up.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
If you are going to keep arguing with people who give you honest answers that you don't want to hear, may I suggest that you don't ask the question in the first place.
avatar for Ch3ll
8 years ago

Did you ever go back to the club and spend little to no money on her? If so, how was it?
avatar for Snakeyes11
8 years ago
I did go back and did not spend any money on dances one night. As I have stated we talked through Snapchat, I believe it was a Sunday or a Friday I went down to the club to see her, She tells me what days she'll be there besides Thursdays. We just sat and talked all night, she ordered some soup and I said I'd order one too to try it since she told me about it. I have since sealed the deal, we were talking once while in the dance room and she told me "My friend rented a hotel for the night." I forgot why she did. I told her, "Do you want some company and want me to join you?" She told me it was up to her friend. Well once we got back to the table I said "How do you expect me to get a hold of you an figure out how if I can visit you at the hotel, I need your phone number, will you give that to me?" She smiled and nodded. Well that night, I told her "If you need a ride home in case your friend bails on you and doesn't answer her phone let me know." So at this point it was 5AM... I left the club and drove my friend home. Before I left she told me she'd reach out to me asking for a ride.

She had mentioned about OTC and I told her I agreed on hanging out outside the club.

I thought she was full of it and gave me a fake number, so I dropped off my friend and I told him I had to get back to the club. She told me "pretend your my uber driver and come get me." Seeing as I do Uber on the side it was a flawless plan. I thought well I was just here like an hour maybe hour and a half ago they are going to know my plate number. Well she told me "When you get here pull to the left side of the building." Now I usually always let the vallet people park my car so I never noticed the alley on the side of the building. So I get there and I see the alley, I didn't know where to park since they were pretty much closed up and getting all the employees and dancers out of there. I left the parking lot and made a u turn. She then called me and said "Go back to the alley just go farther in by the exit on the side, just keep your head down so they don't know it's you." She told the vallet people she was waiting for a black car for her Uber. She gets in the back of my car and waits until we get out of site from the club and to the intersection, to hop up front. I get on the interstate and she navigates me to her place. Which turned out to only be about 20-25 minutes from my place. We talked the whole way home. I told her about how I told some of my friends about her and how they all think she is playing me. She told me "Well they've never met me I am not a typical stripper who wants to screw every guy I meet, it's not all about sex with me."

Now to see if she'll follow through on OTC. We were suppose to do something on Friday but she woke up late. I will keep pressing it and see what happens.
avatar for georgmicrodong
8 years ago

It doesn't matter whether you have a connection or not, whether she's playing you or genuine. It's going to be fucked up no matter what.

Take it from experience. Run.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Well, as long as you are aware of the many potential pitfalls of dating many a stripper, then see how it goes
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