
Comments by Ch3ll (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Someone Knows She's a Stripper
    @txtittyfag Yep!
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    8 years ago
    Stripper rubbing her stiletto against me !
    Might be their head or leg sometimes. Not sure one has used her stilleto on me. It does feel OK when they do it, but I'd much prefer their hand doing the rubbing.
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    8 years ago
    OT: Taking Risks
    @Dominic77 I meant to be vague. Wanted to read replies in general, regrets, or future goals. @Papi Insightful answer. I myself am taking huge risks with my finances and have yet to make it positive. Strip club going...Okay I can tolerate those expenses/losses, but I've become somewhat of a gambling addict playing blackjack. In hindsight, I'd be better off if I stuck to the plan I make prior playing or stick strictly to my win/loss goal, but Nooooo I keep fucking off money. I hope to curb the feeling that is keeping me at the table past my predetermined guidelines.
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    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    How much spent in 2016
    I'm guessing 2k - 2.5k. Three fourths of that is due to OTC. I've cut way back on my VIP and pretty much just get floor dances.
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    8 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    what is the most you have paid a girl for one encounter?
    $400 + $40 (two VIP dances talking it over) Now we get together for $200 - $250.
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    8 years ago
    Dating/Falling for a Stripper
    @Gawker Very funny. I've only had one outright introduce me to her son of and age to know (13 yr old) and I don't exactly remember how I got introduced. Moreover, this one had always talked about taking her son with her most places and I sorta expected it, but was surprised when I showed up to dinner and would be paying for three, not two. This was an OTC that was strictly dinner at a restaurant.
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    8 years ago
    Dating/Falling for a Stripper
    I'm kinda insulted Subraman. I have alot more to learn from the game, but I'm just sharing real experiences while dealing with these strippers.
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    8 years ago
    Dating/Falling for a Stripper
    I know the ways it could have went bad, but after realizing that, it was no longer a concern because we were there. The only concern then came to her and how she could make a choice like that. I'd like to think that was a one off day, because she was pretty drunk, but then again judgements concerning your kids shouldn't different whether you're drunk or not. I know I'm defending her here, but do any of us PLs truly know the whereabouts of a stripper's kid(s) when we're with them or the drugs they're on or currently did??
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    8 years ago
    Dating/Falling for a Stripper
    @Daddilac I'll have to read that thread. @Random It's a nickname from childhood I modified. The nickname is Chell but I changed the e to a 3. I see where everyone is coming from with the kid. As a PL I guess I'm just as bad as her because she has brought the kid around me once and I even had to rub the little guy to sleep so me and her could get to it. Not sure how many of you view that, but I have 5 kids and feel that a fresh 2 year old won't recall me or what we did (he was sleep). If I had the choice of introducing my kids to her, thatd be a no. I've had a dancer I'm cool with offer to be at my house cooking breakfast one morning when my ex comes over to get the kids for school. I never let that happen and she's never met my kids. The closest any stripper has gotten to my kids is Facebook and I'm only friends with two strippers l, this one and the one I just mentioned cooking breakfast. I don't know what will come of it. Is it a long haul hustle, I don't know. I think it's too much gamble to provide a service and hope you're compensated fairly. And that's what she has done aside from our first meet. Also, as I rethink this, I did mention "for a couple" when I arranged with her, but feel that could have been interpreted either way, time or money. Furthermore, she just never confirmed once we were face to face. I know for a fact she may have made some less than stellar choices, but I try to look at the situation she's coming from/in. The one incident I know of is her leaving her little ones at the house sleep while we went to get some drive thru. Before anybody says this PL, I didn't know the kids (she has two) were left inside alone, because I didn't make it inside until we got back from getting the food.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    One way contact always bad.
    One way contact can be good given the right dancer, but I do prefer two way overall. At the club I frequent most, most dancers when doing floor dances will tell me I can't touch their tits; some even say no touching the ass. According to these girls, they'll get charged extra by the club or pay a fee. These girls then go on to say if you take me to VIP you can touch. I rarely take these to VIP because I've found a few gems in the club that'll do much more on the floor (kissing, touching, fingering) and VIP then just becomes a little privacy. So I agree with jestrite, it depends on the dancer.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What would you guesstimate ...
    I'd say 1) 20℅ 2) 60℅ 3) 20℅ I can remember in my teenage years it was the shit to be able to say you got your dick sucked and it was a big deal to the girls who did it. However, as adults most if not all have done so and make it a common sexual habit. I'd be thrown for a loop if a woman and I had sex but she didnt give head.
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    8 years ago
    She wants commitment
    Next time ask her what she means by commitment, whether shes talking in the club or y'all dating outside.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Why do i Persist in playing the chumps game ?
    Lap dances are for chumps, feed her money in the front room until she is ready for OTC. Thats scripture from SJG so just got to keep at it Juice.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Dancer response to my question about champagne court
    Are you and her still at the club? Seems like you posted this while there. Anyway, I concur with others on just ask. I was opposed to outright asking, but surprisingly now I've saved myself some money and regret. If she's willing to allow this or that she'll say so explicitly or answer your questions as so. As someone earlier mentioned, her being vague or not 100℅ clear typically means it may not be too much to expect.
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    8 years ago
    how for deal with ATF OTC using coco in hotel next to you?
    What's to worry about, the smell or you rubbing it on her body? All jokes aside, you are on a slippery OTC slope if something were to happen. Just be cautious is all I can say. I'd definitely say let her know no drugs when she's with you. Most dabble in drugs as is, not necessarily coco, so there's always the risk when you've moved to OTC with them.
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    8 years ago
    Low mileage indicator?
    Im sure it varies place to place as I've only been to one in Vegas and one in my regular strip club city. Where I'm at its an indication patrons aren't tipping at the stage. Mileage? I'd say that varies because I haven't received any mileage in my visits, but according to a bouncer at another club that used to work there, he'd find condoms in the VIP areas. When I was at Little Darlings in Vegas a couple of years ago each girl went full nude on stage. The one I chose to do VIP with didn't provide much mileage. I think most I got to do was suck her tits and her neck.
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    8 years ago
    Lodging Issues
    There's a hotel I've used for some OTC sessions and being they are always at night I've seen the same guy at the desk each time. Three different dancers I've brought there. I sometimes wonder if he recognizes me or something. Nonetheless, I've gotten the vibe that he's "cool" so I try not to worry too much.
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    8 years ago
    Lodging Issues
    Lucky for me no room at the inn(s) resulted in going to her place.
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    8 years ago
    Lodging Issues
    SV city = strip club city
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    8 years ago
    Lodging Issues
    I like your thinking Subraman. Going at this OTC we mongers speak of, I'd get a room in hopes I'd arrange some OTC (I live ~90 minutes from SV city). While taking this approach I never did any OTC. So then I started having things develop and would get the room in advance. This showed to be a waste too, because so far the few I've had have always flaked the first or second time. Only one followed through the first time. Now I prefer to just get it on the spot. I'm 32 and in my opinion and from others I appear in my late 20s sometimes younger. So I'm close in age to most dancers. Haven't met any 18 - 21 yrs old yet. But these dancers dress all kinds of ways, especially if it's after her shift. Not to mention they may want to come in with their bags which clearly show their shit. It's just awkward checking-in in that respect because they may or may not have on makeup to go with the appearance. Anyway, on the spot check-in has worked out just well aside from the awkwardness depending on how they are dressed. I had one try to play as my wife which threw me off guard, and made me suspicious of the clerk and what they were thinking. So the check-in is what bothers me as how it looks. I guess it's my paranoia in general. And checking out after a couple of hours. However, recently will be my first time checking out without stopping by the front desk.
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    8 years ago
    New York
    fake it till ya make it, reusing and pocketing stage tips
    Lol @ Shai. That's some club. At the clubs I frequent when someone makes it rain a bouncer immediately walks over to police up the bills close to patrons.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What can an attractive stripper say .....
    "Can I have $5". This is as I'm making my way to the bathroom. I had done a dance with her earlier, but she didn't chat much and at this point was dressed to leave when she asked me this.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Divorced mongers
    Divorced (separated I am currently) caused my SC mongering. It was the quickest, easiest relief of not having a woman there at home. I went to a SC twice probably while we were together (10 years), one for a bachelor party and the other with a guy whom we were friends with him and his wife. I hide my SCing from most and surprisingly I still hope that she doesn't somehow know.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What % of strippers do OTC?
    C amount = considerable amount
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What % of strippers do OTC?
    I agree with Shailynn that it's 100℅. Accomplishing that number (let's say 10 strippers you interact with regularly) though I believe will cost you a considerable amount of time (them getting to know you, feel okay with you, and just the stars aligning that day) and a C amount of money (they'll go for varying rates). A funny note for Shailynn. I mainly access TUSCL from my cell phone. When I went to type your name the first time and pressed spacebar it put out ShailynnLarryfisherman!