Comments by MrsSeaboard
discussion comment
9 years ago
Marriage does not ruin most women. I'm sure a lot of women stop having sex with their husbands after a few years. But here are some of the reasons I think why-guys start taking them for granted, busy lives and not taking the time for each other so the romance goes away. Woman need to feel wanted/appreciated and the majority of guys think once you're married they no longer have to continue the pursuit of her. You do!! If you have the desire to chase another woman then why the hell aren't you doing that in your marriage.
Now some marriages can't be saved but most do not try. When we said "I do" then that meant forever. Most people give up too easily. Is everyday rainbows and kisses. Hell no, I could smother hubby with a pillow right now because he's snoring on the couch. But the good far outweighs the bad. And my friends all feel the same. True love exists but it's damn hard work.
discussion comment
9 years ago
layin low but staying high
"And it's too demeaning for a DS." Seriously? That must be the difference between paying for it and being with a woman who actually wants to have sex with you. It's not demeaning to me - of course I'm not being treated like a cum deposit whore.
Why would she not want it in her hair if she was just going to shower afterwards? And why wear a condom if you're just going to spread fluids at the end. Makes no sense.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Being hot in the clubs wouldn't be an issue if think. After all if you have the cash that's what they are wanting. However out of the clubs I'd say it matters a lot. Everyone has different types they are attracted to but when we see a six pack, pecs and biceps - Watch out!
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Yes slow and gentle is the way to go and don't dive right into the clit. Watch your saliva level also - nothing worse than a sloppy too wet pussy eating
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Good grief! The secretions come from glands similar to the prostrate. Sure there might be trace amounts of urine but Hey there is when guys cum and we swallow that. It feels totally different than urinating.
discussion comment
10 years ago
She's very HOT!! I'd spend all of our money on her. Good grief guys she's not FAT at all she weighs 120lbs 30E-26-36. She wears a damn size 4 dress. Just because she actually has tits and a round ass SHEESH!! She's a nice curvy hot woman who looks how a woman should look. I can't stand rail thin no tit no ass women with a boys figure. Now that's a turn off
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Hmmm don't know if I'm like a DS as I'm exclusively MrS's. I know the majority on this board are anti- marriage but we are unique and lucky. It seems our only problem lately is how to get it on as much as we want with the rugrats in the house. takes some creativity and loving that ;-)
discussion comment
10 years ago
Wow sounds like she has major problems in her marriage. If you can't keep your man happy then that's all you- don't go attacking a dancer because of it.
True love is a fairytale and we live it everyday Nutz
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10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I'm at 93% and my number is NOT high. Guess they expect women to only screw 2-3 men
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
I wouldn't want to see it at the clubs either. Great to fuck with one though ;-)
discussion comment
10 years ago
Side effects usually go away after 1-2 days. A friend used it and felt a little nauseous with some bleeding but didn't last long. Compared to raising a child on your own I'd take it. Unless of course you wouldn't mind a baby but sounds like that's not in the guys plans. Good luck to you either way.
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Just say no to anal sex? JS really? Im surprised
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
" The quality I'm finding these days is f-ing depressing "
Being a newbie in the SC world I still see some great tits and beautiful women. But being a woman myself I also can look past the small flaws that they may have. It takes a helluva lot of balls for these women to get naked in front of so many men. Which reinforces my point of that Everyday women dating a SC regular have a lot to live up to. If y'all are stating that dancer quality has been depressing - what do you think when civvies drop their panties?
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
I think most "normal" women don't stand a chance for frequent SC patrons. Dancers are the fantasy women who mostly have great tits and their job is to make a man feel like a stud who gets their attention. It can be very intimidating to women who are not confident in their sexuality.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Beauty can vary and depends on personality also. A woman could be absolutely gorgeous but if she's a bitch that's not attractive at all. Very skinny women are also a no- must be curvy and have tits. Like Mr. Sea said shaikra with a little larger tits is our type. But he tends to like larger breadth than I do. I think they can be too big.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Well LeeH I've just had time between work and kids to read all the posts. Thanks for the input.
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
It varies a little I'm sure but you can find it best by inserting fingers then doing a "come here" motion. You do have to press a little harder than you would think. If she feels like urinating pressure you've found it.
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Wait to start the search until extremely aroused. 3-4 inches in and you must press pretty hard. You'll know when you hit it - trust me ;-)
discussion comment
10 years ago
Unfortunately our club doesn't have VIP just lap dance booths. Does she not like being exposed at the rail or do you not want other guys looking at her? Mr. Sea seems to not mind but sometimes I can't judge.
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10 years ago
layin low but staying high
uh no dear not slighted in the least. Just didn't feel the need to bluntly say "No my husband has a huge cock".
And so sorry for the generalization. But MOST women prefer an average and above dick. You can work with a small one and make up for it with spectacular oral skills but damn that's love. I've had friends break up with a man because of a small penis. I'm beginning to understand why very few women post on here. Can you say smart ass much LeeH? No reason to feel sorry for Mr S at all considering most of my waking moments are spent sucking and fucking him.
discussion comment
10 years ago
In a brilliant place!
Groom man groom! Just for goodness sakes don't take all of it. Hair is sexy on a man. The only exception to this is your balls. If you want them in a woman's mouth they should be fuzz free. Nothing worse than stray pubes mid blowjob.
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Nothing wistful about that comment JS. I'm living the dream! But for the average size guy ....Tons of foreplay is the way to go. Most guys tend to focus just on tits and pussy and while that's great you need to figure out what spots are most sensitive. Now these are different on everyone so you must explore. We've found spots I'd never have imagined to be as sensitive as they are but they can almost immediately get me wet.
When you get to the actual deed teasing is the way to go. Do not just stick it in,that's a no-no. The initial penetration is the most sensitive so prolong that feeling by just using the tip for a little bit. When you do go deep lift her ass at an angle or use a pillow or wedge. The wedge is the best investment one can make along with high quality lube.
You spend extra time on oral sex but that doesn't work for every woman. I personally prefer dick to tongue.
The position is the biggest thing to help the average size or smaller guy. Woman on top or facing you in a chair allows the deepest penetration along with her having control to move her clit against you where it feels the best. The best advice I can give is find out what works to get her wet and begging. Then you'll please every time hopefully in multiples.