avatar for MrsSeaboard


joined May 2015last seen Aug 2016

Comments made by MrsSeaboard

discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for JamesSD
What's your ideal number of lovers?
Marriage does not ruin most women. I'm sure a lot of women stop having sex with their husbands after a few years. But here are some of the reasons I think why-guys start taking them for granted, busy lives and not taking the time for each other so the romance goes away. Woman need to feel wanted/appreciated and the majority of guys think once you're married they no longer have to continue the pursuit of her. You do!! If you have the desire to chase another woman then why the hell aren't you doing that in your marriage. Now some marriages can't be saved but most do not try. When we said "I do" then that meant forever. Most people give up too easily. Is everyday rainbows and kisses. Hell no, I could smother hubby with a pillow right now because he's snoring on the couch. But the good far outweighs the bad. And my friends all feel the same. True love exists but it's damn hard work.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Bucket list item fulfilled
"And it's too demeaning for a DS." Seriously? That must be the difference between paying for it and being with a woman who actually wants to have sex with you. It's not demeaning to me - of course I'm not being treated like a cum deposit whore. Why would she not want it in her hair if she was just going to shower afterwards? And why wear a condom if you're just going to spread fluids at the end. Makes no sense.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for Clackport
OT: in shape
Being hot in the clubs wouldn't be an issue if think. After all if you have the cash that's what they are wanting. However out of the clubs I'd say it matters a lot. Everyone has different types they are attracted to but when we see a six pack, pecs and biceps - Watch out!
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Eating Pussy
Yes slow and gentle is the way to go and don't dive right into the clit. Watch your saliva level also - nothing worse than a sloppy too wet pussy eating
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Squirting Questions
Good grief! The secretions come from glands similar to the prostrate. Sure there might be trace amounts of urine but Hey there is when guys cum and we swallow that. It feels totally different than urinating.