I have read and heard lately from several sources that I considered reliable (ie women) that most men are too vigorous and forceful when eating pussy. They suggested that men should do it more softly with lighter kissing and sucking rather than an all out oral attack. I always start out slow and gentle, and she gets into it, which gets me into it, which makes me more aggressive, and within a few minutes I've about got the whole damn thing in my mouth.
I've never had any complaints, but still I'm wondering if I could do this better. I have talked to the DS about it, but she is extremely shy talking about sex. I know, weird. She will do absolutely anything with me, but prefers not to talk about it. Probably has something to do with age. I plan to start asking strippers, but haven't gotten around to that yet.
Not sure why I think you PLs would know the answer to this, but I'm sure that won't stop people from having opinions. I'd particularly appreciate I out from our female members.
That's exactly what it's like. Come on lasies, we want to do this well, and we can't read your minds. It doesn't come with an instruction manual so please tell us what to do.
I've never had any complaints and usually am requested to do it. I like to tease them and build anticipation. IMO just like with sex, if all you do is just stick your dick in and get off, they aren't going to enjoy it as much. If you just go straight for the clit and work it hard they won't enjoy it as much. For women it's the journey, not the act necessarily. There are times when they just want to fuck or have you go down on them hard, but most times they want some foreplay and gentleness.
Sam Kinison the comedian, had a lot of thoughts on this. He said instead of licking it like you're white washing a fence, do the alphabet with your tongue.
Yes - sadly most men are too heavy-handed (tongued) when it comes to DATY. I have had enough guys give me head to realize that many just don't know what they are doing down there. They attack the clit waaaay too soon - long before the poor clit is ready. She wants that kind of pressure when she is getting really close to popping. And too many stiff, pointed tongues. Argh! It was sometimes painful. Now to their credit I was able to teach several male lovers how to do it better, but some will just never get it. And those knuckleheads are the ones that think that they are incredible at it. They ain't, but they'll never admit it. I have never really had any issues with women preforming it. Women just seem to know what to do and how to do it. Makes me glad & proud to be a vagitarian. :D
That's funny that none of you have had complaints because I have. A few years ago I was involved in bed with two strippers. Honestly, they were more into each other than me, but I was still having lots of fun. My ATF was one of the dancers and she said we need a plan or a director. She was selected by acclimation and would shout out directions (I.e. All right you fuck her while I suck your dick and she eats my pussy). As I noticed both of them having multiple orgasms when they performed cunnilingus on each other, I said, "What am I? Chopped liver?" My ATF said that I, like most men attacked the pussy like an ear of corn waiting to be devoured. Her friend told me to assume the position. As I stared into my favorite vagina, I was directed to use only the tip of my tongue and draw a map of the United States. The coaching went on as I did both of them and learned that I hadn't exercised my tongue enough. Everything about that night is burned into my memory like a bare palm on a hot stove. All three of us were totally at ease, we laughed, we loved, and had a great time. I could do an article on that night - the costumes, the music, the hotel room, the camera, and of course the women. I was 66, my ATF 26, and her friend had turned 21 the day before. The combinations and permutations of who did what to whom made for a Night to Remember. (Sorry, Walter Lord)
Lopaw is right on the money John. Gentle gentle gentle. Start by kissing inner thighs until she is begging for you to do the deed. I'm very impressed that you care enough to ask this question. Your stock keeps going up with me:)
gawker, please write an article on that night. We need more sex stories.
Lopaw and Diva, thanks for confirming. I think the DS might be so young that she really doesn't know how to tell me specifically how to do it better even though I ask. I do exactly what you describe for the first 5 minutes, but then I get carried away until she has an orgasm. Then I slow way down but pick up speed again. I'm gonna try doing it softer the entire time and see how that works. Maybe I can beat my previous record for the number of orgasms delivered.
Yes slow and gentle is the way to go and don't dive right into the clit. Watch your saliva level also - nothing worse than a sloppy too wet pussy eating
My wife once complained that I was making her numb. I listened and eased up, spreading my attention a bit. We were both rewarded! She ended up orgasming for about seven minutes straight, a quaking orgasm with every touch of any part of her body would start it all again.
Recently I was offered cunnilingus by a dancer that had such an outie that it hung down as low as my balls do. I had no idea how to proceed. Was I supposed to take all of that roast beef into my mouth and suck on it or just lick it?
Although some of you may think I am joking, cunnilingus is a skill men have trouble mastering. 25+ years being married to a bisexual woman and doing countless 3 somes and my skills remain legendary and not just because I am competitive by nature. My mom wasa feminist so when I became sexually active and on behalf of women everywhere, she bought me a book. A 1970's book entitle "the Sensuous Man", by M. It is a handbook of how a man should act with women from trimming your nails and shaving close to technique. My favorite read ever.
I've been told I have a "talented tongue" by civilians and professionals. I have found that younger women don't know yet what they like and generally are more sensitive than the older ones. I guess we all wear out the tools. Take it easy and encourage feedback but don't keep asking. This is an area where sober awareness helps. Drug or booze infused enthusiasm can be too much. watch lezzie porno and see how gentle that stuff is. Might be fake but it is a good method. That and strap ons are overrated.
I once said to a lady "I've been told I eat pussy like a girl". Her reply..."no, you eat pussy better than a girl". That might have been WS (woman shit) but her reactions said different.
Looks like I was right about being less vigorous. If my wife liked oral sex I would've figured this out long ago. But it took having a DS at 50 to figure out that I have room for improvement. Better late than never I guess.
My ATF taught me most of what I know about eating pussy. One of the many things for which thankful about my relationship with her. Besides her, there's only been a half dozen or so pussies in my face, and only one of those more than once. But the MILF thanks her every time we're together. :)
last commentThey lie all the damn time bro
That's exactly what it's like. Come on lasies, we want to do this well, and we can't read your minds. It doesn't come with an instruction manual so please tell us what to do.
IMO just like with sex, if all you do is just stick your dick in and get off, they aren't going to enjoy it as much. If you just go straight for the clit and work it hard they won't enjoy it as much. For women it's the journey, not the act necessarily. There are times when they just want to fuck or have you go down on them hard, but most times they want some foreplay and gentleness.
"When going down on a woman, imagine you're licking honey off of the wings of a butterfly" in other words - BE GENTLE ASSHOLES!
In honesty i gave up on making them feel good....im more into how to get my winky dinky off
Makes me glad & proud to be a vagitarian. :D
She talkin bout lil ol juice mane lol
My ATF said that I, like most men attacked the pussy like an ear of corn waiting to be devoured. Her friend told me to assume the position. As I stared into my favorite vagina, I was directed to use only the tip of my tongue and draw a map of the United States. The coaching went on as I did both of them and learned that I hadn't exercised my tongue enough. Everything about that night is burned into my memory like a bare palm on a hot stove. All three of us were totally at ease, we laughed, we loved, and had a great time. I could do an article on that night - the costumes, the music, the hotel room, the camera, and of course the women. I was 66, my ATF 26, and her friend had turned 21 the day before. The combinations and permutations of who did what to whom made for a Night to Remember. (Sorry, Walter Lord)
Lopaw and Diva, thanks for confirming. I think the DS might be so young that she really doesn't know how to tell me specifically how to do it better even though I ask. I do exactly what you describe for the first 5 minutes, but then I get carried away until she has an orgasm. Then I slow way down but pick up speed again. I'm gonna try doing it softer the entire time and see how that works. Maybe I can beat my previous record for the number of orgasms delivered.
So yeah, I say subtlety is better than attack!