
Comments by saroya

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    An update to Daddillacs tale of woe
    All you ever need to do is read SW for some insight into how these women operate. I don't have anything against strippers per se, but the ones that go for sugar daddys are the true cunts of the stripper world--and guys actually seek them out. They're selling this fantasy that they exist on a higher plane than some common hooker and then make you believe you're special because they choose to be with you based on your [insert your attributes here]. A friend of mine made the mistake of putting some stripper on the payroll, but when his girlfriend found out he went to cut it off. At the same time, he was going through a prostate cancer issue and had a date set for an operation. Stripper bitch sends him a text the night before his surgery telling him she hopes he dies. He'd been nothing but nice to her and she knew about his significant other, so this was her reaction to just losing a little income stream.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Cialis for fun
    Here's a real answer to your question: It works like a charm. Only a small dosage, maybe 5 or 10mg is enough for a wknd. I don't normally need it, but have taken it just for a guarantee if I'm going out drinking. Th effect is amazing: I had a girlfriend who would go for literally hours before getting off and it helped me keep pace. I was in Brazil and took some before going to a terma and the girl I wound up with called me a sex machine. The effect is that you get rock hard quickly and without an accompanying urge to cum so it's better that when you were 22. The stuff is amazing. I bought generic from a couple of Indian online pharmacies and didn't get ripped off. Thee thing you have to deal with is ending up on their spam lists, meaning phone calls from various area codes all from the same company autodialer. If you can deal with that then go for it Can't remember the pharma company names, but you can find reliable ones searching review forums...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just in from Floriduh.
    If the state charged Floridians for being idiots they'd recover enough money to build a bridge to Cuba.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Clubs in MA
    Mardi Gras in Springfield is worth seeing. It's an institution. From the Gras you can also walk down the street to Centerfolds, which is a hit or miss type of place. It's quite ghetto, but on occasion you might find someone worth doing a dance with. Both clubs are nude--optional.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    You conservadudes really fucked up this time! Donald Trump takes office in 2017.
    It should be a climbing wall on the American side....
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Am I being taken for a sap and used? What should I do?
    I've got a gas money story... I used to frequent a club that had a few interesting possibilities, one of which was a tall, blonde, ex-cheerleader type who was really cool to talk to and fun to do dances with. Everything was kept in the club until one night she stuck her tongue down my throat and then told me that she'd finally broken up with her boyfriend and that was why she felt she could do that. Then she invited me to a party about 20 miles away and convinced me to go with her. Another girl was driving. We stopped at a gas station shortly after we left the club and girl #1 asked me for gas money. Made me feel like a sucker, so I started to get out of the car. That's when she said, "do you know how many guys would give their left nut to go out with me? Blah, blah. That was all I needed to hear and I walked back to the club. I think the deal was that she was going to use me to make her "ex" jealous as he was going to be there. Fuck that. Most of these girls have an agenda.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Brazil Rio De Janeiro Termas
    Centaurus is in a decent neighborhood in Ipanema and is frequented by wealthy locals. Justin Beiber got photographed taking a few girls out of there...Tourists are treated differently (i.e., ripped off) but it might be worth a visit. You can go in and hang out, drink with the girls, and leave without taking anyone to a room, but there is a fairly hefty up-front fee unless you speak convincingly in Portuguese. A lower-priced option is Monte Carlo in Copacabana. There are also strip clubs in Copacabana which are take out places. Barbarella is nice, but you will pay a tourist price if you don't speak Portuguese. There are many other options in a country where paying for sex is like getting a haircut.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    londonguy, London recommendations
    Try the Windmill...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Sleeping With The Boss
    Happened to me when I was in my early 20's and my indirect boss was in her late 20's. She had an older husband and kids from his prior marriage. We started by hanging out at her girlfriend's house once in a while and I really wanted to get with her girlfriend, but no dice. Eventually my boss got me drunk one night and we ended up fucking in the back of her car. I still remember her saying the next day at work that she didn't feel one bit guilty. She started hanging around me a lot at work, co-workers started talking, she showed up at my house one day unexpectedly. It became awkward and I had to end it. I would advise not to do it. Imagine the worst repercussions and ask yourself if it's still worth it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another reason to hate ITC and much prefer OTC.
    HAHA, I had a girl once beg for a dance, told me she was great at blowjobs. I said no thanks. Gave her the standard lecture about strip clubs going downhill when the dancers start offering extras. So, then she offered me a BJ for free but I told her no--just a dance, She was 19 and pretty cute so I agreed to go back with her, not intending to do anything extra. After half the first song she convinced me to let her blow me. She was amazing, swallowed like a champ, then went out to the main bar - before even going to the dressing room - and solicited another guy. I couldn't believe it. Talk about unsanitary. Wonder if he stuck his tongue in her mouth.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Dominican Republic Sex Resorts
    The comment about bad roads is accurate. I rented a car at the airport and drove into Santo Domingo, Sections of highway had no streetlights and the pavement would suddenly disappear and there would be nothing but gravel and rocks. The country is very poor and there is squalor everywhere. Usually you take a shuttle to a walled-in resort, then spend all your time there and never see the surrounding area. That's not what I did. i drove around almost the entire country, staying in different places. I walked around Santo Domingo at night by myself and felt fairly safe. Same in Puerto Plata. I stayed for most of my visit in Cabarette, which was very nice by Dominican standards. The p4p scene is primarily nightclubs that are frequented by pros and semi-pros, although I would recommend using a dating site to line up girls ahead of your trip. You can also find very high end, all-inclusive clubs that will provide girls for you, or lower end places, like Blackbeards but that's not my type of thing. I was there to play golf and girls were a secondary consideration. I wouldn't go there for the women--if you like Dominican girls, go to NYC and hang around Washington Heights.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    How many strippers did you ask before you were given the OK for OTC?
    First time I hooked up with a dancer, she asked me out and we ended up dating for quite a while. Also went out with one her stripper friends years later. Lost count of the number of dancers I went out over the years. Never paid any of them except once. I was doing dances with this girl and the place was closing up and I just couldn't go home empty handed. Offered $100 and she spent the night at my place. Next morning I didn't have any cash so she took a check. Then she said she'd accompany me for free any time I traveled for work because she didn't get to travel much. Last one I dated for any length of time was a few years ago--a European hottie who wanted the whole deal. Wanted to have my kids, move in with me, etc. I didn't fall. Even in my older age I get offers all the time but lately they sound suspiciously like p4p so I don't bite. All these guys begging dancers to take their money for an hour of sexy time is ruining the game for the rest of us.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One dancer that gets it.
    The club in Clearwater is almost certainly Oz--it's the only one that charges that fee per dance. There are other girls in Clearwater who go away in the Summer to make money. Snowbird season starts after the holidays and that's when things pick up for dancers. In the meantime, customer's rule.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Florida going downhill...
    ...clubs, backpage all get extra scrutiny.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Florida going downhill...
    Well, driving is legal and prostitution isn't. Anyway, it's probably a small % as you suggest, but Pam Biondi made a big deal out of it and probably got a lot of female voters by going on TV and pronouncing war on trafficking.That means craigslist ads, strip
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Florida going downhill...
    ...meant to write "major bank"-haha
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Florida going downhill...
    It's all stemming from the increased awareness and outrage against human trafficking. While most normal people would never come into contact with victims or their pimps, I have heard from somebody recently that this a a huge problem in FL. Someone I met who does fraud investigation for a major band told me that trafficking women is big money and that FL is a hub for that kind of activity.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    If a Stripper has Sex With You.....
    If she tells you you're the hottest guy she's seen in a long time, that she's horny, has a condom in her purse, and wants to jump on your tool without asking for any extra money, then she probably does like you.That happened to me recently. I've also had the experience where a girl just wanted some dick before she went off her shift and she rode me bareback for nothing extra. She was upset because I got off before she did. (it's ok--I got tested). That's a case where she didn't like me at all--just wanted a random dick. I never saw her again.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Masked dancers
    I'm old fashioned--I prefer a bag and the option to use it whenever I need to.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    ATF Reunion
    When I was in my 20s I walked into a strip club and the girl dancing was absolutely stunning. Pretty face, dark hair, perfect boobs, amazing ass and legs. Looked like a model. She immediately hit on me. There was no lap dancing in the club at that time and she just came over, sat down, and said she liked my aura. I'll keep this short... We ended up dating for maybe 6 months, then years later I dated a friend of hers (also a dancer) and girl #1 got hold of me by phone (presumably jealous) and wanted to get back together.I shot her down because she broke up with me the first time. Anyway, the story is that many years later I was picking up some stuff in a general store out in the boondocks in a small town where I was spending the summer. Woman behind the register is looking at me funny. She had grey hair, nothing remarkable about her, just some middle aged woman. Then she says my name?!! Turns out it's the former dancer from all those years ago, not doing well, unmarried, poor, and running out of options. She used to have the world by the tail and knew she was the hottest thing going. Now she's just a down and out prematurely grey, out of shape, middle aged woman. Asked me if I was happy, said I looked good. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. It was a creepy feeling.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I trust you
    I was in Dallas for work a long time ago and Baby Dolls was not far from my hotel, so I stopped in on my last night. Got talking to a dancer who didn't seem to want to work anymore. We just sat and talked and had drinks for a couple of hours and then she asks me where I'm staying. I told her and she asked if there was room for one more. Only one king bed, but she was fine with that. Now, I'm not going to say I didn't want something to happen, but she seemed tired and not interested in fooling around. So, she slept on one side and I slept on the other. Got up early for my flight, left her a note and slipped out the door. Good karma--if nothing else. Oh, and there was no room service bill...
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    I went into the club midafternoon...
    This review is undeserved. Dance prices are $35/song--not $30--and you can do well here if you don't look like quazi moto.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Same ol same ol
    That review/rant is right on. Used to be a blast to come here but the management these days is completely out of touch with what customers want.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    I always stop by here to...
    Good observation that this club and DD have been going downhill for a while...
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Weirdos and How to Deal With Them
    I actually appreciate her point of view. I've listened to dancers complain about guys that start off with the "what happens in the back room" question, then blatantly ask for sex. A girl one time pointed out several regulars at the club who would shell out $400 at the drop of a pin for FS. I've heard this from other girls, as well. in every single case it was some poor schlub who was probably married to a wildebeast or could never find a girl in real life. It can drive some of the more attractive dancers out of the club, which is a shame, because I don't go in looking for extras. If you work in that environment, though, you will find the pee guys, the foot guys, the slappy guys (I think the ball stomping guys are an urban myth). I mean, you have to laugh at that. I've had some of them pointed out to me in the club and one time I saw a foot guy in action. It was effing disgusting, though. The guy was slurping all over some dancers toes. Kind of made me want to puke.