That sucks. For some reason the United States is obsessed with stopping prostitution when all it is, is two consenting adults having sex for a fee. Many other countries have some or all forms of it legal. If it was regulated it would be safer for everyone and people are going to do it whether it is illegal or legal so might as well make it legal.
If alcohol prohibition failed miserably b/c people wanted to drink – do they think they are doing a good thing with sex prohibition? SMH (both of them :))
It's all stemming from the increased awareness and outrage against human trafficking. While most normal people would never come into contact with victims or their pimps, I have heard from somebody recently that this a a huge problem in FL. Someone I met who does fraud investigation for a major band told me that trafficking women is big money and that FL is a hub for that kind of activity.
Well, driving is legal and prostitution isn't. Anyway, it's probably a small % as you suggest, but Pam Biondi made a big deal out of it and probably got a lot of female voters by going on TV and pronouncing war on trafficking.That means craigslist ads, strip
I"m all for anti sex trafficking - but they are lumping it all in when it does not have to be this way - SMH.
Visit a lady at her home, give her a couple of hundred and fuck her, you're under arrest!
Makes total sense, right?
No doubt trafficking happens but it’s probably a small % of the sex business (at least in this country).
Drinking and driving is a big problem – so it’s like saying let’s make driving illegal b/c of the small % of drunk drivers.