
You conservadudes really fucked up this time! Donald Trump takes office in 2017.

the speed force!
Monday, November 14, 2016 9:35 AM
I for one will welcome our future Chinese overlords! I'm already saying "ganbei" rather than "cheers" when I make a toast! WEEE-YAWWW!!!


  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Do you mean that Rick the Lion and his pals from the Serengeti aren't going to take over.
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Funny idea, but I think Trump will sell America out to Putin. Then the Chinese will rescue us from the Russians. I'm excited. I've already purchased a Chairman Mao hat. Soon I'll paint my house red with five gold stars! Buckle up buckaroos...and start learnin' Mandarin! WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Leave before they build that wall!
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    FLASH!!! The president of Mexico has just announced that they are building a wall to keep the Nortamericanos out, and they're going to make us pay for it.......
  • saroya
    8 years ago
    It should be a climbing wall on the American side....
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I know I need to learn Spanish quickly. And as Chapo Guzman is at least for a while in custody, should we commandeer his tunnels? SJG
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Not Spanish. Mandarin.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    All it would take is the President, the Democrats, and just a bit more than 1/3 of the Republicans and the Constitution could be amended right now to eliminate the electoral college, effective for this election. We could ask those most qualified, the 8 sitting justices of the Supreme Court, to write the amendment. Sometimes it is strange crises which force progress. Bring the United States forward out of the 19th Century. Otherwise with this claim of weekly contact with Russians and the FBI announcements, it's "What did Trump know and when did he know it?" As it will be necessary to impeach him and require the same congressional 2/3rds. Obama missed his FDR moment when he failed to nationalize or even re-regulate the banks. Well now on his way out he can have an even greater moment by finally fixing our system so that every vote counts, and averting a disaster of epic proportions. Governing the most powerful nation in the world is nothing like a sporting match, as the stakes are so much higher. We all need therefore to think very hard about what is needed, and then do it. SJG
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