
Comments by saroya (page 2)

  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Every Monger Should Visit Brazil at Least Once
    First of all, it's not helpful to discuss prices in USD in Brazil. Currency is Real (or BRL). I only mentioned $50 because the article did. At current exchange rates, $50 = just under 200BRL, which is very favorable to foreigners. When I first visited Brazil, they had the Real pegged to the dollar 1:1. If you're paying $100 USD now, you're paying top dollar, which is what most tourists pay. "American Bar" is commonly used throughout the world to describe a bar with either girls dancing on tables/stages or where there's lap dancing. It's a concept that we started. You go to a "strip club" almost anywhere else in the world and you take the girls home with you or they have rooms on site.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Every Monger Should Visit Brazil at Least Once
    I don't know if the OP meant for people to believe that he is he one who traveled to Brazil and wrote the article, but that info is outdated by several years. First of all, the Help Disco closed 2 - 3 years ago due to pressure to clean up Rio for the World Cup and the Summer Olympics. They've also been cracking down on escort sites and other obvious sex tourist venues for the same reason. With that said, some of the info in the article is still true, which is that Brazilian women make great sex partners. That's largely because they are very open and uninhibited about sex. The info on termas is somewhat true, although you don't automatically get to take the girls home. I managed to find a very young girl who quickly agreed to going away on a wknd with me, and then used to come to my hotel for free, and another girl I met in Centaurus offered to meet me for a paid engagement outside the terma (that's the place where Bieber was photographed). For that to happen you should know some Portuguese. Many of the girls who know English charge a premium and will take you for all you're worth. There are strip clubs where take out is the norm. Barbarella is the best one and also the most expensive. You pay a flat fee to get in, which includes something to drink (I used to get a bottle of wine), then you can negotiate with a girl to take out and pay an exit fee for that privilege. The girls in that club are at the high end of the price scale, but if you speak Portuguese and have some game, your negotiation will go easier. The info on pricing in that article is outdated and makes generalizations that don't really exist. For instance, there are no set prices for all-nighters or for "European-looking" women. Besides, the currency fluctuates wildly in Brazil, so with current exchange rates, you can find girls for anywhere from USD$50 - you name it. I never paid more than BRL200 for anyone and I'm pretty picky. If you go to Villa Mimosa, which I've not personally done, you can have sex cheap, on a dirty bed, with the same favella girls that the locals can afford, and then you might find an attractive girl for practically nothing. As for picking up civilians in Rio--yeah, right... Good luck with that if you don't speak conversational Portuguese and are older and a gringo. I mean, I was approached a couple of times, but that happens in the US, too. Notice the guy in the article (whoever that was), didn't score with anyone. Except for hookers, you will have a hard time finding attractive local girls who will want to be seen with a gringo, especially one who's older, because you'll be thought of as a paying customer and she'll be thought of as a hooker. There are some parts of Brazil where civilians are less jaded, like Fortaleza. As for overall advice, I'd say that if you plan to go to Brazil, learn Portuguese first, then get your info from an up-to-date Brazil forum. And consider places other than Rio for the women, as that ship has sailed. Rio is still a beautiful city, with lots to do, but as a sex destination you can do better for less money, time, effort.