
Comments by s88 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    why i decided to strip..not even for a single night which is what i wanted to do
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    6 years ago
    This happened to me ( cell phone)
    Atleast a waitress took it and handed it over to management instead of a dancer or her dopeboy PL taking it.
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    6 years ago
    Likes large natural tits
    Top 15 U.S. cities for extras ITC
    @chessmaster That is the top 5 cities where you wont get extras.
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    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    Front room or semi private LD area kissing is unheard of in my region. One stripper told me "If one customer sees me do it, they all will demand it". "there are cameras" is reason number 2. In any case, "make-it-rain" guys dont kiss. Strippers know that. Kissing for me only happens at underground SCs which either hire seasoned escorts who dont pole dance, or virgin strippers who dont know any better and think they have to do it will all guys till they work one night at a public SC and learn NOBODY kisses.
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    6 years ago
    New York
    bartender catches me bootlegging juice
    @chessmaster Not going to pay for $9 beer and $14 "special" cocktails and $18 for topshelf cocktails.
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    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Dancer texts me back
    She was seeing another client OTC. Deal with it. Thats why you have more than one fav at more than one club.
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    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    songs that forever remind you of the SC
    Fergie-london bridge Anything pussycat dolls.
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    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    @rogertex For clubs that dont publish dancer schedules online, when Ive tried calling or asking cover girl at front door with the dancer sign in clipboard right infront of her (hard to read upside down for me), they said "pay cover and find out, we cant tell u if she is here".
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    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Stripper Boyfriend
    How to date a stripper or pornstar: Get job in A. smoke shop B. weed dispensary C. tattoo parlor and just wait and in no time your will be a stripper's BF. You can't meet them at their work, you gotta meet them as a civie. And they always work friday and saturday nights so you cna't bump into them at a dance club or bottle club. But those 3 places are only civie places they go other than jail and rehab.
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    7 years ago
    Girls that try to sell VIPs/CRs right away
    The only club with VIP rooms I'm willing to spend at is $75/15 mins. Cheapeast in the city. This way a B&S ROB gets very little and no repeat business ever. At the big $ club, if she can sell 1 VIP a week, say absolutely anything to get him to agree, and have the guy ejected at the end for touching, she won the game. My strategy with "wanna dance" "wanna private" girls is, my next couple words are always "do you want to _____ with me?". The look on their face is priceless. Ya wanna hustle, I hustle too. They always say "only if you are very generous" or "how much are you going to tip me". At that point I drop them. Anything but a yes is a no. One of these days I should just ask for BBFS and negotiate a price for shits and giggles, then turn her down anyways unless its affordable. The better SCs around me, $20/song anything goes. No VIP. No tipping. But its basically VIP without the room, just nobody caring or stopping you.
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    7 years ago
    Strippers and social media
    @sal69 Uninstall the FB app from your phone. Only use it through a browser. The "recommended" thing works by FB slurping out your contact list, most people have their number attached to their FB. I never gave FB my number and never will. You can do the "recommended" thing manually by just putting the girls number in the search box and see if her profile comes up. 99% of people forget to lock down the FB privacy settings so they can be found by email or number. Note, many strippers use google voice or change their number 3 times a year since they give out their number "too much" so FB may not know their current number, or their current number is a fresh burner associated with a random other account.
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    7 years ago
    Drugs in the strip club
    Half of it is stripping is the only way to afford drugs. Other half of it is social, "have a light?" "wanna smoke?" "wanna drink?" "wanna do a line?" are euphemisms for "wanna fuck?" in this country because you can't just outright say "wanna fuck?" and expect an honest answer.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How are you gonna handle this Papi?
    Solution, walk into SC, then flush your undies down the toilet. It will clog every toilet in the SC and the SC will have to dig up the parking lot to clean that clog. Mean while the dive SC will have porta-poties set up indoors.
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    7 years ago
    Damn - what the fuck is that smell??
    It is worse if she gets a shit stain on your pants from a LD. That happened to me. I thought it was dog poo but my shoes were clean. I then took off my pants at home and smelled and realized it was a smeared stripper dingleberry. Guys also, wash your ass with a wet paper towel. Some newbie strippers come to the SC from yoga or the gym reeking of BO and sweat.
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    7 years ago
    failed txt OTC negotiation with a russian stripper, advice?
    @billburgee I gave up flirting, or it just became too hard, since she doesnt really know english, but she is hitting up for $, so what was the point of txt flirting? I agree, my text game sucks. I'll follow your advice, no questions. @rh48hr Her stripper shit was obvious, because I told her I dont come to her SC, when it was my 2nd time this year there. The fact she said she will be a regular, too funny. She must have assumed I'll never be back since her new SC wasn't my reg SC. I thought I gave her a time, 2 PM, she then said "08-06-17 11:38:23 AM Nastya: Why 2 pm?!" like it was a no. @Digitech I guess I should have been more "man" and given her a take it or leave it offer. She didn't offer a price or a menu, so I didn't offer her a price. Last P4P OTC girl, we did discuss price for time in great detail, this girl confused me by NOT giving a price. I didn't get the feeling she wanted to hook up, or she would be hitting me up for extra $ the whole way through the date "taking off my top is extra, $100 more, sex $500 more". I'm guessing from what all the PLs here say, just tell her a "time, location, yes or no?", then negotiate price IRL face to face OTC in hotel lobby, dont let her walk upto your room (or know its number) until the price is negotiated on the sofas in the hotel lobby?
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    7 years ago
    At one manhattan SC, old or fat girls are told to either fuck the owner, or they get put on the "standby list" AKA laid off. As one fired stripper told me, the owner told her "do you know how many girls turn 18 in NYC every day who want your spot?". There is a waiting list 100-200 new girls deep to work at this SC (I accidentally saw it once). Avg girl makes $2K on a Tuesday and $4K on a Friday.
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    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Tales of surreptitious ITC in no-extras clubs
    After you get FS IDGAF about cameras multiple times from same girl, you realize the cameras are there only for law enforcement (choke a stripper with your hands, not dick), or to drive up price for OTC or so zero mileage girls can say "we can't do that cameras". In some clubs, cameras are watched live and your dance will be walked in on by a bouncer if you touch her. In others "dance will be stopped" SCs giving a $100 tip to a bouncer for him to radio that it is "no cameras" exists. I only goto SCs where cameras are irrelevant. Either the girl agrees or doesnt. Her reject words dont matter unless it is "we can here, but should hang out here is my number".
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    7 years ago
    NYC Clubs
    Without a drug dog at the door, there is no such thing as drug-free club. Coke is most popular in manhattan clubs. Weed outer boroughs. Clubs with "hookah" on the menu or fog machines tend to have more customers trying to get away with ITC weed smoking hoping nobody notices. Very rarely you might see a dancer on ecstasy or another disassociative hallucinogen tripping and being unable to recognize anyone's face or name in the club. Bouncers typically "remove" such girls from the main floor for security reasons and send them home or keep them in the DR till they sober up.
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    7 years ago
    What do you guys think about this?
    "Bj99...I went no contact and then just before 4th of July she texted me....We had a casual txt conversation then we set up an OTC. We had dinner and then fun. That night she became ill. She had some sort of allergic reaction. She went to the ER and told her to keep me posted. She never replied that night or the day after when I asked her how she was doing. A couple of days later she texted and told me that they gave her something for her allergies but that she had fallen down the stairs and fractured her foot/sprained her ankle and that she "would be out for a while"....I didn't buy her story but went along with it. " Drugs/high/hangover. My ex-ATF tried to do a "really sick/hospital" with her other club's manager, and the other club had super strict scheduling. Other club manager said to bring ER discharge papers from XXXXX hospital she name checked to him or she isnt welcome back. My ex-ATF couldn't believe what an "asshole" he was while she was showing me the texts between her and him at my club. She told me was too KOed from weed and acid to goto work at her other club, hence "sick" and the ER story. She was saying the other club is so not "accommodating". I let her vent, but didnt comment back to her since she admitted she wasnt honest.
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    7 years ago
    Do feature dancers give lapdances?
    Most give lapdances. Some young/famous ones make so much $ as sex workers, ITC LDs are worthless for them. I've twice noticed in my overpriced areas, pornstars were actually CHEAPER than regular strippers in the same club. 2 diff pornstars I did at 2 diff clubs, both had $150/15 mins private room rate. At 1 club, $150/15 mins for a "no cameras" private room with pornstar, while reg "with cameras" is $150/15 and "no cameras" is $185/15. At another club, $150/15 mins private room with pornstar, when regular price is $600/15. Strange contractual obligation. The pornstar "must" be able to give LDs to their IRL fans at a fixed price, and "semi-private" or "floor" LDs are forbidden with a pornstar.
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    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Bed Bugs? not necessarily OT
    A pal of mine who is afraid of planes but smokes like a stripper took Amtrak coast to coast with me. They spent every possible second outside the train allowed smoking at all the smoke stops. I dont smoke. After 2 days, they had so many welts from mosquitos my pal got paranoid that our middle range name brand hotel had bed bugs. Top to bottom welts like hit with bb shotgun. I slept in the bed next to them same and had zero welts and thought it was BS paranoia and they were off their psych meds again. My pal takes 6 doc pills a day. Actually does need them. My friend tried to sterilize and de-bed-bug their roller bag at the laundromat. On the return trip my bed bugs I made them put on DEET and long sleeve pants and shirt no matter how hot it is outside during a smoke stop. Zero welts. I was right. Mosquitos. I always have a mini maglite in my rollar bag. If it is a motel in my home town, I use phone flashlight. First thing I do in a room is, everytime I lift the mattress off the box spring or frame and look for trash and bed bugs. I have to see the orig fabric of the mattress and its corner stitching. The edge stitching fabric seam is where bedbugs hide supposedly. Worst I've ever found is hair, candy wrappers, and a dying poisoned roach. Get a script for fluocinonide cream. Works great against poison ivy so strippers dont think I got leprosy. Since ya say ya in Florida, you really sure thats bed bugs or just being eaten alive by mosquitos in the swamp land? As for the hotel, find the corner of bed frame/bed matress with bed bugs. Photograph it and trip advisor it. The bed bugs leave poop and it looks like black mold dust supposedly in the seem where they live on your bed. Get some clear plastic tape and try to catch some for management to confront them. I doubt the hotel will comp you anything. If they got bedbugs, they probably aren't a chain hotel but indy hourly place that doesnt care. If it is a chain hotel you might get some gift certs and thats it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does tipping non-strippers really matter?
    One SC around me, if you slip a $100 into doorman or VIP bouncers hand during a handshake, he radios the camera room that you are now "no camera", otherwise your VIP room time will be interrupted the second you touch the kitty with a flash light being shined in your eye. I dont goto this SC.
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    7 years ago
    money is an addiction..... back to dancing.
    Oh yeah, cut the cigs too. You just saved $30 a day.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money is an addiction..... back to dancing.
    "i really dont know how people make it on regular jobs salaries. its crazy" Dont smoke weed. Learn a skill that isn't minimum wage.
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    7 years ago
    New York
    nasty VIP rooms