
This happened to me ( cell phone)

avatar for Bavarian

I went to the strip club Sunday night with a friend.

It is customary for me to leave my cell phone on the table as long as I’m there. If I go to the restroom or to stage tip, I take the cell phone with me.

My friend leaves for a couple of minutes to smoke outside. I look for my cell phone and it’s not on the table. I check my pockets and it’s not there. I check under the table. Nothing.

My first thought was that a PL had swiped it from my table when I turned around to check the stages behind me.

I then remembered flipping my phone over when a waitress came by to open a beer bottle for me. She grabbed a bottle from the ice bucket and opened it directly above my cell phone. I didn’t want any water to drop on the screen so I flipped it over.

My friend comes back and I tell him that my phone is missing. He calls my number and gets a response on the second attempt. It was a door girl at the front desk. We go over there to retrieve my phone. I ask how my phone got there. She said a waitress brought it over.

The waitress that had opened the beer bottle earlier approached us and said that she picked it by accident and didn’t know where she got it from so she turned it in to the front desk.

I was in disbelief of how the phone was taken right under my nose.

I have no insurance on the phone so it would have cost me $600 to replace.


last comment
avatar for abqspencer
6 yrs ago

At least you got it back

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

Okay ... so ... don't do that again.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Yeah, taking an expensive ph into a club is a risk in itself let alone constantly leaving it on the table while one is distracted by the T&A

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

^ It's even more of a no-no if it's a shady club

avatar for Bavarian
6 yrs ago

This had never happened to me before.

I tend to leave the phone on the table because dancers just sit on your lap not realizing there could be a cell phone in your pocket.

avatar for mal_hodgson
6 yrs ago

Is that a cell phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

One needs to always be cognizant of their valuables in a SC (wallet/$$$, ph, etc) and make it hard for someone to get their hands on them - apparently it was swiped from right under your nose

avatar for shailynn
6 yrs ago

well you're never lucky with the strippers but it looks like you're lucky with the waitresses.

avatar for Bavarian
6 yrs ago

Agreed, Papi. It doesn’t help that the strip club is dark, the tables are black and my cell phone is black. I only noticed that it was missing when I reached for it to use it and it wasn’t there.

It’s not a good feeling to lose a cell phone. It’s not just the replacement cost but also what’s stored inside. I don’t back up my phone to my computer so who knows what actually gets backed up to the cloud.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

They need to invent something we can use to keep our phones safe in a strip club and still allow us to use it

avatar for shadowcat
6 yrs ago

My phone stays in my car. I keep a pen and paper in my pocked in case I need to write down a number. I can always go out to my car to get it, if I'm going to show or take photos.

avatar for Asor619
6 yrs ago

don't like phone or keys in my pockets during Lappys.. I normally take out of my pockets.. Hate when I forget them in VIP area.. Need to run back and there's someone else already geting their lapdance on.. Worst is when it slips into the cushion or side of couch.. Great thing is my Apple watch has a pager to page my phone when I cant see it when dark.....

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

Funny the waitress picked it up... maybe thinkng it's a coaster or something?

ya, good lesson, keep absolute track of the phone. I feel the phone is a non-negotiable safety device, plus the way my kids will reach me if they need me in an emergency, etc., so not an option not to have it with me. But I do keep close track of it... although that doesn't mean I won't lose track someday. I do have insurance, all my data is backed up, and the memory and card are encrypted, so though I do my best to make sure it will never happen, it's a $100 mistake

avatar for lolruned
6 yrs ago

I will never understand patrons who just leave their phone on a table for extended periods of time

avatar for Bavarian
6 yrs ago

I have no idea why the waitress picked it up and didn’t realize she was walking away from the table with a cell phone in her hand.

She’s new and cute but a little shady or just plain dumb. The week before I ordered a soda as mixer from her. It comes with a cup of ice. I told her I wanted one more cup of ice so I could split the soda with my friend. She comes back with one soda and 3 cups of ice. Each cup of ice is $2. I didn’t know if she would get reimbursed for it if I sent the extra cup back so I kept it. The total was $11. I hand her a $20 and she still had the nerve to ask if I wanted change back. SMH.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Was this at PTs?

avatar for Bavarian
6 yrs ago

Yes. It happened at PTs. That’s my favorite spot now. I don’t go to Baby Dolls that much anymore.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

It can be scary when you reach for your phone and it’s gone. Nowadays we simply expect our phones to be in a certain place. It’s good you were able to recover it without incident.

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

All of my shirts have pockets. That’s where my phone is. Always, unless I’m using it.

avatar for RTP
6 yrs ago

Bavarian, you call the waitress just plain dumb, but you are the one leaving a $600 cell phone in plain site on a table in a strip club. I would say you fit in the same category or are just so naive and trusting that you don't belong in a club. Probably 1/2 the people in a strip club have a criminal record. At least one or two dancers are very good at being a pick pocket. Swiping a phone in plain view is childs play to some of them. You have just been very lucky that this has not happened to you before. I agree with Shadowcat. I never take my phone inside the club.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 yrs ago

I had a dancer at one dive club palm my phone after I turned her down for dances and she quickly left in a huff. I saw it and told the manager and got my phone back after she said "I thought it was mine". It was my old trap phone anways so not worth much other than the contacts in my mobile "Black Book".

As cynical as RTP sounds he is probably spot on. But he also forgot addicted to drugs which also causes the worst in human behavior.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

There are apps out there that allow you to locate, lock, and/or wipe your phone if it really does get stolen (Lookout comes to mind, but there are others).

Smart to have regardless of strip club patronage.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

I never leave my phone unattended in a strip club. In my view - that is just asking for trouble.

I know many of the dancers in the club I patronize - but there are some sketchy folks who can come in and be off with a phone in a few seconds. It’s just not worth the risk. If it’s your main cell - there’s a lot of info there. Lots of info you don’t want to lose -

avatar for Dolfan
6 yrs ago

I leave my phone on the table too. I can be in the club for several hours, not having it that long isn't an option. So its don't go at all, cut my visit short, or take it with me. I choose take it with me. I've never had an issue, but I generally watch it pretty closely because I'm looking for notifications, which is why I have it there in the first place.

Is there some risk, yes. For me, its worth it. I haven't had an issue yet, but even if I did the # of times I haven't had an issue I'd still say its worth it after. It is set to lock immediately and can be remotely wiped from the car.

Also, stolen cell phones aren't worth nearly what they used to be. All the major US carriers and the MVNO's that use their networks have blacklists. The effort required to get around them is significant and the phones only kinda work after (generally no 4g) so you end up having to sell them overseas and don't get much. Hell, even legit used phones take huge value hits. People aren't inclined to steal phones they way they used to be when you could swipe a new iPhone and be using it on your account an hour later.

avatar for gawker
6 yrs ago

My phone is always in my pocket except when I’m in the Champagne Room. I put my wallet, keys, & phone on a table or shelf just in case I need to drop my pants quickly. One time I was with a dancer who put her phone on the shelf, too.

When done, I picked up keys & phone and then reached into my wallet to pay her, then down the stairs, into my car on the highway and my phone rang. It was the dancer who had an identical phone with the same color case and we ha,d switched phones. Back to the club and wait for the dancer to come to the desk

avatar for WetWilly
6 yrs ago

No lectures here, I'm just glad you got it back. Everyone here has made a mistake or two with valuables, no matter what they say.

You've been forgiven:-)

avatar for PutaTester
6 yrs ago

5.11 makes shirts with hidden, Velcro pockets. Very handy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

The more stuff you carry around, the more you are likely to loose.

Usually regularity is the best protection, a place for everything and everything in its place, and always trying to do things the same way.

Some guys here post about carrying guns around. Any ever loose them?

Local police chief had his gun and badge stolen from his parked private automobile. Some have talked about making it a punishable crime when police leave guns in cars like that with no trigger lock.

San Francisco, guy who was not all there, pick up something wrapped in a news paper. Turned out to be gun stolen from police officer's car. That guy shot a woman dead, without even realizing what he was doing.


avatar for s88
6 yrs ago

Atleast a waitress took it and handed it over to management instead of a dancer or her dopeboy PL taking it.

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

-->"5.11 makes shirts with hidden, Velcro pockets. Very handy."

I use one of those as a jacket on temperate days . I tuck the phone in the zippered pocket that's behind the right chest pocket.

Plus, the bulge makes me look JACKED, bra!

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