What do you guys think about this?

avatar for SebastianCobb
ATF wants money wired to her to pay for her "phone bill". She claims that she was injured and is unable to work and make any money. Yet I know for a fact that's bs because she actually danced/worked on the same day she told me that. I've otc'd with her many times and she's never flaked so she's pretty reliable. Should I keep around or should I cut her loose?....What do you guys think is the reasoning behind this?.....Im thinking about taking a leap of faith since she's asking for under $200 and see what happens....Do you guys think that the juice is still worth the squeeze?


last comment
I think you are another Lil Larry Fishsticks alias.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Give it to her! Then, she will be your girlfriend :).
If she's your ATF, and you've OTCed with her frequently, why not just have her earn the $200 the old fashioned way?
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Is this the same one from the threesome fiasco?
Cut her loose.
She's lying to you. She really needs the money for car repairs.
I say give it to her so she can text all of her other regulars letting them know when she will be working.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
If it's the girl from the threesome, you owe it to her for making her buy her own drinks afterwards.
What get's me is the money these lying bitches make and they can't pay their bills. Fuckwits.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
^ hey now. You need to read the threesome story before you judge this girl. It might be the same girl.
^ Video games and reefer for their boyfriends account for a large part of their income
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
We need our boy toys! And they need distractions. You guys should understand. ;) .. or is she not allowed to have a boyfriend?
If she asks for under $200 I'd give her $400 so she'd leave me alone for awhile.
I would give it to her this time but with conditions. First, make clear that you will take it out of what you owe her at your next session. Otherwise you will never get paid back. Second, make clear that this is a one time thing and you won't be regularly "loaning her money." She will ignore that fact and ask you for money again, but the next time I would say no, reminding her of your prior conversation. The way that I usually word it with my girls is that I don't want us to have a banking relationship together, and it's too hard to keep track of who owes who what. Instead, when she wants money next time, invite her to come over suck your dick and earn it.
@ gammanu95......Yeah that's what I was thinking....
-->"Give it to her! Then, she will be your girlfriend :)."

lol! This should be the PL motto
"I'd be happy to give you $200 dollars as long as I get $200-worth of fun first. I'm available [LIST TIMES]. How about you?"

My standard answer to all these requests.

Bj99.....Yes it is her and it's the one that I was asking about last night too. I still feel bad about the night you mentioned which is why I'm inclined to doing this. I still don't understand the lies though. I know strippers do it all the time but why just tell me truth and I will respect you for it. Don't feed me a pile of shit and call it cherry pie. Tell me truth. Just say I need money so that I can put on my boyfriend's books. He just recently got locked up and I want to take care of him while he's in jail. Strippers think they are slick but in reality they're not. They're not good liars and their stories are always full of holes. If it's one thing that irks me are liars. There's no need to make up some bullshit because I will only lose respect for you and you will lose a good customer. That's what I liked about this girl. I thought that she was different from the rest because she never seemed like a scammer. There's a lot of red flags on her story including the fact that she wants me to "wire the money". Why can't I just pay your bill at the store?...Why can't I just give it to you somewhere?...I mean do strippers really deal with guys that are stupid enough to believe their lame ass stories? I don't believe anything she's told me but I will take into consideration the "threesome disaster" which is the probably one of the only reasons I'm doing this. I will give her the benefit of the doubt just this once but if she's just playing games, believe me I will send her to go pound sand for good.
@ JohnSmith.....Exactly it's a one time thing and in fact it will be credited off my next OTC or it will be in lieu of a birthday gift.......
Have her work for it. Don't just give her the shit then she'll never take you serious. ATF are strictly for us to fuck nothing more nothing less
Subraman....Just a gf?....But I was hoping she would marry me......
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
I agree with gammanu. If she wants the money you can come over and bring it to her in exchange for some fun. If she won't do that, I don't think you should.

Granted we know strippers lie, but it seems to me she's treating you like an atm or a fool she can get to pay for things bc she knows you are a RIL.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Seriously, is this the girl from the threesome? Bc she might actually be trying to get rid of you, and might JUST want the money now. The stuff w that girl would put a different light on the whole "injury" and secretiveness thing.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
^sorry I typed before you responded.
@Cobb bro DON'T DO IT! In a vacuum what if you're wiring money to ISIS??? Who knows where that money is going and you gotta protect yourself. If she needs just give her cash
BigTezzy....Yessss I saw that and was like?....WTF....I was so pissed off....It's like why don't you arrange an OTC with me so that you can EARN your money!!!!
Strippers like just like we lie and yes they're terrible fuckin liars and they think they're waaay smarter than us. Let's be real if they were they wouldn't be strippers
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Okay, so what happened after the threesome thing? Did you iron it out? This is an ongoing situation, so you need to let us know that when you ask for advice bc it changes things.
Bj99....Yeah and that's the feeling that I'm getting.....It just doesn't make any sense....It appears as though she's trying to get rid of me.....
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Well, what did tou wind up doing after the bad threesome? Have y'all met up again?
Bj99...I went no contact and then just before 4th of July she texted me....We had a casual txt conversation then we set up an OTC. We had dinner and then fun. That night she became ill. She had some sort of allergic reaction. She went to the ER and told her to keep me posted. She never replied that night or the day after when I asked her how she was doing. A couple of days later she texted and told me that they gave her something for her allergies but that she had fallen down the stairs and fractured her foot/sprained her ankle and that she "would be out for a while"....I didn't buy her story but went along with it. Then yesterday I saw her name on the roll call and while she's at the club she's texting me this BS....She told that she can't work but that we could OTC next week....Something just doesn't feel right.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
It sound like she could have a drug problem. I've always thought she sounds like a nice girl and you did really push her. Any girl would have been overwhelmed in that threesome situation. She was nice to even talk to you after that. I think you should give her the money, and tell her you are sure she will more than make up for it next time.

I think there are more issue here. She might be avoiding you at work bc you are attached to her and want all of her time. She has other customers and makes her money w you otc.
Fuck that bitch
Holy shit dude you are taking the PL thing to a whole new level.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
Actually, he hasn't done so bad, expect that he's all worried ab it. He fucked this girl, and her friend, made them buy their own drinks, and then she went out w him again, and doesn't have to buy dances from her ITC. I'm not seeing the issue.
^^^Good point. Although it seems like he has more SS to his name than most strippers.
if you done OTC with several times I'd give it to her and make sure she knows it comes out of your next hook up. Easy!
Ish-->"I'd be happy to give you $200 dollars as long as I get $200-worth of fun first. I'm available [LIST TIMES]. How about you?" "

I wouldn't word it that way, but it's the only sane response, IMO.

If we had an ongoing relationship of constant over-delivering and some minimal level of trust (realizing that she's a stripper, so the standard is very low), I have no problem floating the fee ahead of the OTC, but that is definitively not this case.
Bj99 She seems like a very nice girl. Shes never flaked or stood me up. She has nothing but good reviews so has a lot ot credibility to her name. The thing about "that" particular club is that its always been a secret....Since I first met her that I dont understand why....
Bj99 you know whats up...lol
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
I think you should go shit at McD's
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
Better just to assume everything they say is a hustle. Stings a little less that way. Send her 75 and tell her that's the best you can do right now. This shit is like a stupid tax for PL's. No way to avoid it.

I've never had much luck with a dancer owing me anything and it was never worth the hassle so when I give I just give.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
I'll add, in my experience, helping them out with shit like this never increased the level of service I got from the honeys. There is some benefit, but the benefit was never worth the cost in almost all cases.
My biggest problem is that I fell for this girl and she knows it...I geniunely have feelings for her. I violated the cardinal rule. It's never happened to me before but with her it did. I just care too much about her. I know I fucked up but I just need to find a way to surpass this......
avatar for rh48hr
8 years ago
Amen Lone_Wolf
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
One of the best things about a P2P relationship is her problems are not yours. Why make it your problem? if she needs money and you have it to spare, offer to have her earn it.

Would she give you a free BJ if you really needed one and were broke?
K good question....She did pay for her own drinks once even after I had offered to pay for them....Had a little issue with my funds. We had a falling out but then she forgave me.....So it's a possibility that she might...Cant say for sure!....
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
My standard response is "I'll be happy to help you face to face, but not when we are apart" or something along those lines. In other words "I'll hand you the cash (after our fun) but I'm not sending anything to you"

It's worked the few times I've had this type of request come up. It helps that I travel a lot and am seldom in the same town or state when they ask for money.
avatar for Bj99
8 years ago
I actually think this girl might give you a blow job on credit, after the drinks thing. She really does sound nice and hasn't taken advantage of you, from the sound of things.
avatar for Phoenix133
8 years ago
Maybe this time or maybe only half. I wouldn't make it a habit. If you don't want to cut her loose though say you can't right now.
Tell her she can come earn it
Take a picture of the cash next to.your dick
avatar for s88
New York
8 years ago
"Bj99...I went no contact and then just before 4th of July she texted me....We had a casual txt conversation then we set up an OTC. We had dinner and then fun. That night she became ill. She had some sort of allergic reaction. She went to the ER and told her to keep me posted. She never replied that night or the day after when I asked her how she was doing. A couple of days later she texted and told me that they gave her something for her allergies but that she had fallen down the stairs and fractured her foot/sprained her ankle and that she "would be out for a while"....I didn't buy her story but went along with it. "

Drugs/high/hangover. My ex-ATF tried to do a "really sick/hospital" with her other club's manager, and the other club had super strict scheduling. Other club manager said to bring ER discharge papers from XXXXX hospital she name checked to him or she isnt welcome back. My ex-ATF couldn't believe what an "asshole" he was while she was showing me the texts between her and him at my club. She told me was too KOed from weed and acid to goto work at her other club, hence "sick" and the ER story. She was saying the other club is so not "accommodating". I let her vent, but didnt comment back to her since she admitted she wasnt honest.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
The only time I loaned a dancer money and I sort of came out ahead was a loan of 100 bucks to a dancer who liked me and promised she would dance for half the normal price for me forever. She always wanted me to get a bunch of dances from her but I did only pay her half the price per dance I paid everyone else in the club. After 2 years, forever ended. I suspect she thought one of us wasn't going to keep going to the same club for that long. I think dancers and people flake out of doing things if they aren't serious about paying it back and don't get at least half the money.
Sebastian, if you've fallen for this girl don't be a cheap ass and just give her da money. Why is a request under $200 a big deal or even a question, given your feelings for her? Be generous, it'll pay off.
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