At my ratchet SC, which I gave up on this year, I came back, by chance saw a girl from Jan 2017, but VHM back then she declined #, and disappeared, and I last went in March 2017 and gave up on this club. But anyways, we bumped in again, exchanged numbers now, and I did DATY, DFK, nude (me & her) lapdance, cum on stomach. I know the cameras arent watched :-p They are just there for girls to hustle away mileage.
Anyways, at the end, she wiped herself off on the VIP curtain like its a towel. I was like "you want napkins?" "no thats why they put the curtains here", my eyes are WTF, I then had tell this nasty girl that ano nasty girl last year was "wait i gotta get my lipstick off" then made out/licked/smear the wallpaper with her lipstick, then we made out. My new girl laughed.
Aslong as there arent wet cum stains or used condoms, I kindda dont care anymore about VIP cleanliness. The subway seat I sat in going to the club is nastier, over the years I've seen piss, shit and period blood on them.
Because it is deemed illegal, the quality is lower and the price is higher. Basic microeconomics. So I guess the sleaze is just part of the experience.
@shadowcat you would think the girls would want the rooms cleaned more often. It's hard to deny availability of extras when there's used condoms on the floor
I have a favorite that always wipes her hand on the carpet in the CR no matter how many napkins I bring along and offer her. She says "that's what the carpet is for"! Also, I learned the hard way a long time ago to ALWAYS check the seat BEFORE I sit down in the CR! Otherwise there's a chance that I'll stick to it if you know what I mean.
I was getting a very enjoyable dance in Seattle in the good old days and the dancer serving the client in front of me spit on the carpet. A good load. Made the dancer I was with say, "I'll have to remember to keep my shoes on there."
last commentAce!
Me cago mis pantalones
Also, I learned the hard way a long time ago to ALWAYS check the seat BEFORE I sit down in the CR! Otherwise there's a chance that I'll stick to it if you know what I mean.