
why i decided to strip..not even for a single night which is what i wanted to do

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
i've gotten asking messages why i don't strip..some ppl think it is bc i might be shy. I'd just like to clarify something:

-I CAN be sexual as hell..as well as seductive as hell
-I definitely don't have an issue with making the customer feel special/welcomed/excited emotionally or mentally given that i am queen at making friends AND conversation AND flirting lol. I'd be the type of dancer who would want to spend some time getting to know the customer, what he is looking for, and establishing a mutual connection before asking for anything. Otherwise the interaction would feel forced.

-It isn't the strip club environment that compels a girl to be confident, sexy, flirty, and amicable which bothers me, as it is this very partial job description of a stripper that got me thinking about doing it for a night just for fun. INSTEAD, what turns me off and therefore constitutes as a cost which exceeds the benefits(factors drew me into which I just mentioned) is the fact that my body would be a commodity to someone whom I would prefer not to have my body sold to for a few mins in order to enjoy myself. Like, if I'm going to let you touch me, I have to like you, which doesn't involve physical attraction, but rather I'd want to be approached in a way that would instill within me the desire to provide services to you. although this can be done as a stripper may be able to selectively chose her customers, a fact which I do not ignore, the truth is that the genre of customers a dancer may want to cater herself to may be limited compared to the other men available. Consequently, this would impose a burden on me. Also, I need to ensure the dude is not a misogynist before allowing him to touch me. This would not only take time, but be a very awkward thing to screen for as a stripper..not worth it.

-Yes, people may argue that we "sell our lives to corporate america" which is why i am not arguing against stripping as a profession, but displaying why I don't want to purse it anymore.
-firstly, I've never had to really sell myself in a job. Right now I'm involved in academics and extracurriculars to a significant degree in ORDER to get the long term job I want upon graduation so that I will not "sell myself". Even though this requires obtaining internships /part time work etc, I feel less burdened in having to "put up with shit" and therefore do not feel as compelled to "sell myself" compared to if I was a stripper in which case the majority of the customers would be unappealing to me.

-Basically, i could totally strip sober bc thats what i was thinking of doing when i was thinking of doing it just for a night. HOWEVER, a mood killer for me which prevents me from being the seductress and fun and flirtatious girl that i can be is if the man is a misogynist or douche to others. because both these things are awkward to "screen for " as a dancer as doing so almost defeats the purpose of being a dancer, I aint about dat lyfe..

Nicole out


  • also misogyny is just one turnoff among many lol..the dude's overall attitude towards others important and how he carries himself etc. again im not looking for a boyfriend lol all i require is that he is decent (just stated my standards for that) before i have any kind of fun with him whatsoever . It might sound blah but i wanted to make a case for the fact that a woman can both be sexy and look for something meaningful. no discrimination to strippers, as a message of this post is that "hyper sexy" and "legitimate mental connection" need not be treated as mutually exclusive, contrary to what some may think.
  • title correction: "why i decided NOT to strip"
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    you didn't strip because you couldn't find a club to hire your ugly ass.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    It’s not us it’s you.
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    You must not have the personality or hard work ethic of a hustler.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    This is Nicole’s Dear John letter
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    You will be "selling yourself" regardless as long as you enter a career in which you need to obtain clients.

    You don't want to be a stripper? No shit. Golly gee, you've only been saying that since the dawn of your tuscl presence. So why are you here? Does this mean you're leaving? Was this your official troll-goodbye post, or are you just coked up and bored?

    You've never had to "sell yourself" in a job because all you've done is (supposedly) academics and extracurriculars. How are those internships working out for you? Let us know. Let us know when you've had to wake up at 5am because you had court somewhere that's almost three hours away, had to go to various municipal buildings filing or obtaining legal documents all day (in heels), driven a five hour round trip in the heat on the day your car's A/C decides to stop working because you had to get money from a client who is trying to retain your legal services only to find out when you get there that he doesn't even have the cash and is using PayPal instead (given your Skype knowledge, good luck with that), sat hours taking notes, in depositions, or literally all morning and all day in court waiting for the judge, prosecutor, witnesses (etc) all to show up only for it to get adjourned so you can wake up at the crack of dawn a different day for the same damn thing, stay up all night typing various motions and briefs, spend hours emailing or talking on the phone gathering info from a client who wants to retain your services for a divorce, proceed with all the filings just to find out she doesn't want to get divorced and you just lost a client, etc etc. All while having to look or sound professional and presentable if you are interacting with a human. THAT is selling yourself. People don't buy your product or use your services unless you "sell yourself" to convince them to do so. If I don't trust my car salesman, I'm not buying the car. If I don't trust my attorney, I'm not retaining him/her. If I don't trust my doctor, I am getting a new one. You do have to sell yourself. And if you don't think misogyny exists in whatever career path you choose, then you don't think. You are going to have to deal with misogyny in almost any field you choose, whether you're a damn telemarketer or an OB/GYN or a fucking Women's Studies professor. It still exists, and in the real world (which you seem to be detached from), there's no such thing as a free lunch.

    Oh, and all the hypothetical situations I just mentioned have happened to me in the past WEEK, besides a deposition.

    You are either a dedicated troll, or the most deluded and naive "23 year old" ever. Are you aware that planet Earth exists?
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    ^nina I was also thinking that whoever it is sounds coked out of their mind
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Lol yes! I've been thinking that.
  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    Gotta agree with Nina on this one
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Not to mention all this talk about misogyny causing her not to strip, but she's posted a dozen pics on here, to strangers, including one of her ass? Makes sense. What a troll. Or cokehead. Or both.
  • Eve
    6 years ago
    Jesus Christ, you would be crying from making no money every night you'd try to dance with that reasoning.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I mean, if you were born in the right family, the best daddy would be a biological daddy! No sex work required to secure the bag
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Blah Blah Blah...listen to me please!?!?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    (A) Pretty sure you haven't received any such messages at all.

    (B) 'lol' isn't punctuation.
  • @nina..i already talked about how selling myself at internships/jobs to get to ultimate desired career position would not be selling myself, or at least to the same extent, as stripping would. i'm not going to repeat myself so if youre curious just re read the post. you missed something which would invalidate the entire premise of your argument.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I read Nicole’s initial post (in this discussion) and it seemed to make good sense. Am I missing something?
  • again, lol at others who have already commented(zoe/nina) and those who will in the future comment and claim that i would have to sell myself at other places just as i would at a strip club:

    1) refer to OP for this premise to be invalidated-i explained how selling myself at a regular job would be to a far lesser extent than a strip club. i am going straight into grad school ..so although work experience is desired, it isn't necessary nor would it diminish one's competitiveness given my conversations with students who have gone to the best schools as well as my own research. And if you disagree, then idk what to tell you lmao . So the first legitimate job i'd get i plan to get it while in/after grad school which would be very much related to the research i would conduct as a grad student if i get into the top program i want given the opportunities afforded to their students. Consequently, the job would entail work very related to what I want to do, or OBVIOUSLY to a greater extent than stripping would..

    hence they are different situations, which i have already hinted. stop comparing them. have a a very nice day
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t get it @ Nicole after your dear john letter you’re supposed to ride off into the sunset, you’re becoming a bad case of herpes, you keep coming back.
  • Im.not insulting anyone? I have very respectfully expressed myself here and in other posts...so idk what yall problem is lol
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Its your attitude, y’all think you know it all.
  • I think there is a very sharp difference between being confident and cocky. Like even if i were to agree with u, i feel as if i am.not dismissive of anyone's opinions and am.open to hearing what others have to say . Many of you have responded to my objectice posts which were not related to misogyny etc with accusing me of being fake( which i proved i was not), name calling etc as opposed to responding to the content of my message. Obviously when i am not responded to in a legitimate way and even in one which is degrading as a human being, in turn you might not get a poltically correct response from me in turn. So to claim that i know it all, i feel that that would only be valid if you made that statement from an original poat as.opposed to me responding to name callling, having to prove my identity etc.

    Id like to know what claims/statements of mine have made me appeared that way if you so wish to further elaborate.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Fist off I didn’t call you names I made a comparison. Second of all you think that your opinion is all that important, it really isn’t.
    And your transition from naïf to nabob is all over the place. Ex: I’m a full time student I don’t have time for this, yet I’ll bet over the last few weeks you have commented constantly over 50 discussions and close to 500 comments, yet you are soooo busy.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Nicile, you keep saying Nicole out, then you keep talking? wtf?
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Nicile, you keep saying Nicole out, then you keep talking? wtf?
  • s88
    6 years ago
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Nicile, you keep saying Nicole out, then you keep talking? wtf?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    MackTruck makes three excellent points - a mic drop is the end of one’s speech. Nicole out is essentially a mic drop -
  • Yeah.travel timr is like 2 hrs every day for me..so i do it then and when im on lunch etc.for the most part i dont feel like i have timr to comment cuz i dont do that all day

    Dude . I never said nor implied you called me names, who i responded to specifically had nothing to do with what i said

    However, here you go, like the others i mentioned in my previous comment, making claims which have nothing to do with the content of my message. Im sorry that i spend 2 hrs getting to places on campus and back to my place in a bus/by walk. For thr most psry i feel busy..and if you perceive me feeling that way as me trying to assert myself above anyone, i mean im.not.sorry you cant get that and feel as if u know my schedule?

    And if that was not what you were trying to say by pointing out how ive been busy, then your comment was irrelevant.

    Ive also not responded to a lot of comments bc im busy and bc it takes too much energy to respond to them.sorry i had to remind u abt those.

  • FTS
    6 years ago
    Wait... Nicole isn’t a stripper? Then why the hell is she on this site? Is she a lesbian?
  • ^bc i. Go to.strip clubs dude
  • ......because i go to.strip clubs....
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "i am going straight into grad school ..so although work experience is desired, it isn't necessary nor would it diminish one's competitiveness given my conversations with students who have gone to the best schools as well as my own research"

    Lol OK. Good luck getting a high-paying, or even decent-paying job in a competitive, saturated field upon obtaining your grad degree with zero actual work experience in the field.

    I'm glad STRIPPING has helped me network and find great attorneys to build a professional relationship with so my résumé looks nice. You can put on your résumé, "I didn't work, but I spent a lot of time researching strip clubs." That'll look great, naive idiot with no skills.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    You’ve only been to a strip club 1 or 2 times. I don’t get why you’re here either.
  • Nina - you never fail to miss a fundamental premise which would completely invalidate what you said now do you? also, your comment indicates that you do not comprehensively understand how graduate and law school admissions works. so i hope you learn.

    the thing is ...yes grad and law markets are saturated..so your comment would only be applicable if i was talking about going into the market in general as opposed to a very specific kind of market, which you seem to have missed. while these markets are saturated, students from the top 14 or so ranked programs do not face the dismal job market prospects which the majority of students do, and you can check for yourself. the employment rate with a good salary for students coming out of these schools is very high, at least 93 % or so..check the stats if you don't know. also since you are interested in law, you obviously should now that coming from a top 14 is nowhere close to saying "i come from an average law school" .so for these schools, the statistics show you are incorrect. even just making it above the top half at these schools guarantees decent prospects. And it is this market that i am preparing to get into, as opposed to the general job market for this field.

    have fun stripping, im happy you are happy with that. i will have fun continuing to prepare myself for a career that will afford me stability , an internationally renowned legal network, as well as a purpose.

    ....so maybe in a few years after i graduate and hence when we would find out if i have gotten in or rejected into the schools that I want, . will your comment bear any relevance.. good riddance to you

    @zoe: girl ive been 3 times which is a decent number for someone who has had this account for two months and just started going... and i plan on going again after my summer course ends in about a week.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Oh shit, look at that whorephobia come out.

    What are your networking connections? Do you already know people via your family and thus don’t care?

    @Nina: I am very curious how exactly you network with your customers. I like to give customers the impression I’m a drug loving party girl. But I do have future vanilla career aspirations in an industry a lot of customers are already in and wondering if it would be worth it to be more honest about that.
  • It had nothing to do with whorephobia. Refer back to OP.thanks.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Nicole1994, you really don't know shit. I'm already a paralegal and looks like I will be graduating law school before you as you haven't even gotten accepted into any, let alone a T14. My legal knowledge and experience far surpasses yours. You don't even know what planet you're on. Your naivete is embarrassing and you will be laughed out of job interviews.

    Nicespice - I have a lawyer who worked for my former club's agent who has already offered me a job upon graduating from law school and passion the bar. It helped that my agent put in a good word for me, that I was serious about it and not some cokehead in a fairytale land like Nicole1994 is. He used to come to the club just to meet with the agent and have dinner, we chatted a few times and he ended up offering me an internship and then the job as I stated. I ended up interning with someone else though.

    You'll find a lot of clients with money who are in lucrative fields and high positions will provide good networking opportunities, even if it's not a job, something to get your foot in the door of whatever you are going into. This usually requires them to "know you," ie spend time with them at the club and talk about your aspirations and experiences to them in length so that they know you're not bullshitting, ya know? There are some powerful club patrons that do have the ability to help you with your career if there is mutual trust. Especially if they know the manager, agent, (etc) so you can verify their credentials. I am planning on starting real estate soon as a side hustle, so I have sales experience to put on my résumé and in case I end up living somewhere where real property law is lucrative, and I've networked with a couple people who are in the real estate field as well. I'm not saying I'll end up working for them or with them, but it's always good to have an expert to help you through a field you're just getting started in.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I did refer to the OP :)

    “ is the fact that my body would be a commodity to someone whom I would prefer not to have my body sold to”

    I suppose I have to thank the many wonderful customers who give me my body back after I keep selling it. I get to enjoy my vacation in the beautiful outdoors instead shoved in the back of some closet.

    But seriously though. Dancing is not “giving your body” nor is full service sex work. It is at most giving your time and your emotional labor. The customers (as a whole) are not nearly as misogynistic as you think. I mean no more than the general population.

    I think the patriarchy might be subconsciously affecting you more than you think.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Passing* the bar lol.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I'm impressed!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    That is very interesting. I’ve always felt compelled to bullshit my background when talking with customers. I figure it’s best just to keep them from knowing personal information that could out me down the line. But you have given me a lot to think about.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    And Nicole1994 - your statistics are bullshit. The number of "employed upon graduation" for T14 schools is between about 70-92%, depending on which T14 school. And that doesn't even gaurantee BigLaw or the field you anticipated. Your incoherent circle-talkimg will not help you in interviews, especially with no job experience. Even from a T14 school, you will be competing for the "good" jobs with people who already have 2-3 years of legal job experience. Talk to your school counselor / academic advisor instead of "your friends" and your bullshit research. You said you were using THIS website to research the strip club industry and misogyny, so we already know you know next to nothing about conducted sound research.
  • No only 50% have experience at best.mand more so again experience is less importantcas i can gain that once in law school with law review and good grades..and no ur stats are dead wrong.its 93% above.anf good for u big law isnt my goal.even if it was. You are wrong again bc big law is not hard to get for the top ten.below top ten just stay in the top 40% and fi you dont get bug law, youre almost guarnteed making 70k which will increse with experience. Yo

    .sucks an undergrad had to school you..haha.
  • Nina..i went to an ivy and am a sophmore in a top undegrad school right now, one of which is ranked top 14 for law, lmao keep being a paralegal i think ill be good obtaining a top education while studying to ace lsat . Furthermore, stop.trying to sound impressive, as of courde im at least a yr away from applying. Let alone getting into top 14 cuz im a sophmore in college. Every soph prepping to get into top 14(which isnt my goal, but rather to make thr most of undergrad whoch by doijg so im on track for t14 lol) is focused on research lsat internships classes . By assuming that i need to prioritize "networki mg" instead of this, youre assuming that the activities i just stated dont equate for my network. Well pd courde to get a stripping tjob they dont hunny, but for top law just have top grades lsat good recs and meaningful wprk and youre in. I dont need to speak to counselors. I have called admissions officers of all top law schools and they dont require work experience lol which is obvious if you know how the admissions works. Clearly you dont, given by the fact that u think employment for t14 starts at 50 or even a shocking 70% lol.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    You haven't schooled me, you have talked in circles yet again. And are you really trying to tell me that less than half of all people in this climate and economy graduating law school and getting jobs have had NO prior legal job experience? You are on Neptune. The majority of people who get good-paying legal jobs upon graduation have had some sort of legal experience as a paralegal/legal assistant, law clerk, etc. Probably closer to 75% if we count legal internships. You literally have no clue. The only thing you could "school" someone on is how good you can snort lines of coke. The only dedicated law students who will graduate law school with NO legal experience are the ones who can't keep up with their studies and/or the lazy ones.

    And lmao I wish I would graduate from the top percentile in a T14 school and only be making 70K (sarcasm). I can make that working two nights a week stripping, and make over 100K stripping 3-4 nights per week. I'll be making a lot more than a little 70K upon graduation. Then again, I will have plenty of legal experience as I am already a paralegal right now while you're just some bum cokehead troll who fantasizes about being a stripper and probably just fantasizes about ever getting admitted to a decent law school, let alone graduating and becoming a lawyer.
  • Your comment is bssed on the assumption thay i said i would get a job with no experience. As a lawyer youd also have to.read.guess you cant do.that cuz i said experience wouldny be a problem once im the top 14, bc youd use the first to.yrs getting experience...go back to school. Lol
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Not to sound misogynist but all that's missing from this catfight is some mud and string bikinis.
  • Also good for you, i stated making a minimum of 70 k to show how far stretched your claims were . Graduate at a decent slot in your class and u make minimum 70 k , let alone having difficulty finding a job as a t14 per ur claim. The difference is that youll have to work a little harder for getting 70 k while t14 student will get 70 k by nature of being in t14 or even top 10.

    -i didnt say that i would get a legal job without experience.that experience i would get when in a top 14, and to get into a top 14 does not require work experience if you have good enough grades, etc and decent (not substantial work expereince/internship experience )which can also be obtained through extra curroxulars per the testimonly of admissions counselors .

    Again, go.back to.school and learn how to read, as well as bout law school admissions.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Nicole1994 you're talking in circles and changing your story. You already said "at least" 93% of people from T14 law schools have a job upon graduation even with no job experience, don't backpedal now because I proved you wrong.

    And you're a sophomore in undergrad? Yeah you really know where your life is going. Why don't you get a job, bum. And once you take the LSAT, we can compare scores. Mine will make you choke.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    No wonder she's so sophomoric... she's a sophomore...
  • Dear Nina Bambina,

    Yes, i stated the 93% stat. however, i never said nor implied that the stat included students without expereince, as i assumed you were at least minimally educated in law school admissions to understand that a statistic refelective of its sample population(law school.students) cannot logically consist of a chracteristic unreflective of that population(zero work experience).

    Moreover, the only reason you assumed when i meant that a t14 student could become a lawyer was bc right b4 i provided that 93% stat, i talked.about how i did need not a job in undergrad to get into top14 which i dont per the testimony of admissions officers from.various top schools which you shouldnt need to obtain if you know admossions game well. Although, u can ask the admissions officers this question lol..everything they told me when i asked them for confirmation purposes exactly matched with what i knew and predicted about the admissions game. Anyway, it is not my fault that you conflated undergrad and law school together by assuming that by "no work experience" i meant that i would not get a job in law school instead of what i really meant which was undergrad. If youre serious about a good legal career, i.shouldnt have had to clarify that for you because then you would know that getting into a top law school and getting a law job from a top law school are 2 fundamentally different games, let alone sharing the same requirements.

    Also if youre serious about making it u should know that undergrad is better spent prscticing for a top lsat.score than getting a job unless one needs the money, since work experience in undergrad can be substituted for something less demanding to get into a top law school and can be something gained in a top law school before becoming a lawyer once a person actually gets in .

    Given the fact that you conflate "me changing what i said " with you putting words in my mouth by assuming what i said rather than me even implying such an assumption , let alone typing it out , if your lsat score makes me choke as much as your stupidity and compromised reading comprenhension , now that would only be to your advantage wouldn't it?:)

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "yes grad and law markets are saturated..so your comment would only be applicable if i was talking about going into the market in general as opposed to a very specific kind of market, which you seem to have missed. while these markets are saturated, students from the top 14 or so ranked programs do not face the dismal job market prospects which the majority of students do, and you can check for yourself. the employment rate with a good salary for students coming out of these schools is very high, at least 93 % or so..check the stats if you don't know."

    ^^^Your EXACT words.
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    You're a virgin who has never seen a penis in real life, yet you're an expert on the sex industry and the people in it. With those bullshitting skills you've already acquired, you'll probably make a really great attorney.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    No. She will not even be able to pass the bar, she will be too coke out on day of the exam she'll just be talking to herself instead of taking the exam, or she will realize she applied in an entirely different jurisdiction.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Anybody see that Croatia vs Russia game? That was exciting! Holy crap - that was a game!
  • nina.. ..i took what u just now said into consideration in my previous comment. Please refer back to it for further clarification.thanks.

    @cash nba finals is more interesting.

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Nicole1994 - I already quoted you verbatim to prove you're a lying troll who beckpedals when called on your bullshit. No need to read more of your nonsense yet again "for further clarification," when you said what you said and were wrong. You are a jobless bum, cokey.
  • No im just tired from the simplifying it the most it can be simplified. You quoted me verabtim, but i said refer to x comment precisely bc that comment explained what contributed to you misunderstanding the very words u just copied and pasted. Consequently you have only further soldified your tendency to misconstrue as you copied and pasted something literally right after i explained what u copied and pasted. Like of course id be tired lol esp bc im abt to.get into something else right now.

    Like i said, if ur lsat score will make me choke as much as the extent of your reading inabilities & your current preference for making unsubstantiated assumptions , that would not to.be to my detriment, but would rather be to your benefit.

    But i do not mind resolving this post in a few days once summer school.is over!
  • @cash obvi youre the only sane one around here. Just compare how.your respond compared to how others do..your comments show that not only are you objective and dont resort to making many assumptions, but that your emotions dont skew the content or ur msg and nor do.you respond to the content of a message with logical fallacies such as by name calling.hence you are not only sane but mature.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO at the same time Cashman is being sane and mature he's thinking of naughty things that he would do to a nasty Nicole on her first night stripping. @Cashman amirite?
  • I meant to say he is relatively mature.idk abt objectively mature.
  • I also forgot to add that i cant strip bc idk how to shake my butt except in only in one way lol soooooo i thought i could learn but nahh dont think i could
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I decided to use my regular and my work phone at the same time, that way I can be logged into my person account here (this one), and the Nicole1994 account at the same time. How are you guys liking my trolling so far today?
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago

    Sorry, it's hard switching back and forth between my person account and Nicole1994's incoherent style. Even while using two phones, I sometimes forget to get into character for the Nicole1994 account.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LOL Nina is high again. Time to join her.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I gotta admit it was getting real boring arguing with myself yesterday.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ So Nicole is the id side of you Nina ;)
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    Nicole1994 - this account is almost certainly a troll, while harmless it can be pretty annoying

    MackTruck - although this account is likely a troll they seem to are fairly harmless

    ToyChaser - this account posts tend to be extremely sadistic and misogynist and should not always be taken seriously, it is also worth noting that most tuscl members find the stated opinions of this troll highly offensive
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