
tigerauburnNorth Carolina
I am curious if you guys have had any luck in getting some lfk,dfk action in strip clubs. I would pay double for a make out session with a stripper than have her dance or grind on me. In my experience, only one girl has kissed me out of may be like 50 girls that I have danced with. The girl was the one who initiated it. I have tried going for it a couple of times but get the head turn. I know it depends on the club/stripper but was interested in your experiences and if there are any pointers :-)
last commentit may happen...
Shave, wear cologne, take a shower, brush your teeth, wash your hair, trim your nose hairs.
At least in the Detroit clubs I frequent and the girls I go to the VIP with, DFK isn't the exception it's the rule (out of a couple dozen or so dancers, only like 3 or so weren't having it). It's to the point that if the girl doesn't offer that up, I'm not usually interested in much more. I find the girl usually offers it up themselves and early on in the dance before extras get started. Some have even initiated on the floor, but those are usually GFE providing ladies. If not the dancer doesn't initiate, sometimes I'll do some light neck kissing and the they eventually get the hint.
Mind you I always go early afternoon shift before the girls have had a chance to do any damage in the VIP with another guy (at least that's what I tell myself). If I went later during a shift, I would probably pass on the kissing, know.
I've never had much luck having strippers kiss me. Several who have given me great blowjobs have said kissing is "too intimate". My CF is a true newbie and every time we've done VIP she's initiated kissing. My most recent visit included a BBBJCIM and after she swallowed the evidence and cleaned me up she came in for a lip lock and I turned my head. After a few sips of her drink we really went at a hot & heavy make out session. She was hoping I'd get an erection again. I explained the physiology of men in their 70's.
man, I really need to move north :0)
About half of the dancers I frequently get dances with enjoy kissing. It is slowly becoming a pre-requisite of mine. My CF at one club does light kissing. My #1 and #3 girls at another club do full blown make out sessions when I get dances with them, but my understanding is they do that with all their customers. Both self initiate. My #2 at this same club will do light kissing with me and says I am one of only a few guys she kisses, plus it took us many dance sessions to build up to that level of truss. However, the #1 and #2 girls now also kiss my on the lips opening in the general club area after our dances right before I leave. I don't ever see any girls do that with any other guys.
^..."kiss me on the lips openly in the general club area"...
It’s rare to get a dancer who is comfortable with DFK. My old atf was a great kisser and her DFK was amazing.
I know SJG has experience with DFK out in the front room. At least that’s what he says...
When I do a VIP at my favorite club, I insist on a GFE and that includes kissing. Without it is usually a deal breaker.
Front room or semi private LD area kissing is unheard of in my region. One stripper told me "If one customer sees me do it, they all will demand it". "there are cameras" is reason number 2. In any case, "make-it-rain" guys dont kiss. Strippers know that. Kissing for me only happens at underground SCs which either hire seasoned escorts who dont pole dance, or virgin strippers who dont know any better and think they have to do it will all guys till they work one night at a public SC and learn NOBODY kisses.
Currently there is only one stripper in my circle that kisses, but there's something about her kisses that don't quite satisfy. Not quite sure what it is, but she doesn't really taste like anything and is very wet. I seriously miss two strippers from my past I always made out with during LDs.
Strippers kiss me all the time. I'm very lovable.
in my experience, it’s very unusual, therefore I remember very well the few times it happened
two girls initiated it and one of them was very passionate with her kissing and also gave me a fantastic dance.
the only other time was with my CF in the no cameras room in which I initiated and she reluctantly did some LFK with me. But i could tell she was just doing it to satisfy me and wasn’t really into it :-(
You might want to PM SJG for advice.
On second thought...
tigerauburn - If you club in Raleigh that's part of your problem. On dayshift, just check out some Fayetteville reviews and drive there. The hour drive is worth it. If you must club in Raleigh, check your messages.
Flagoneer - that’s an excellent idea! There is a wealth of front room DFK knowledge from SJG. I’m sure he will be happy to share it with anyone who asks.
Yes, but somewhat rarely. Almost always after I've become a regular or at least familiar with a dancer.
Tips? Warrior15's basic hygiene tips are about as good as it gets. Because it's such a case-by-case basis sort of thing.
ITC- no, I have too good of an idea where her mouth has been.
OTC- absolutely. No kissing is almost a deal breaker.
What would happen if you initiated the kissing without permission? I have been wanting to do this with my ATF. She recently has been bringing her head and lips in close to mine. Touching noses. Blowing in my ear and moaning. She didn't do this for the first 2 months of dances but now she does.
As I’ve posted before, on an OTC date where we’ve both showered and mouthwashed, it’s a virtual requirement, especially since one of my requirements for OTC is girls with good oral hygiene and who make the appearance of low volume convincing.
And with few exceptions, ITC, where I have no clue how many dicks have been in her mouth that night, no fucking way.
For the most part it doesn't seem to be very common, especially with the hotter dancers (and b/c you find her hot doesn't necessarily mean "she's one of the hotter dancers").
If ur a good spending regular then it may up your chances a bit but even then it's not guaranteed. Seems it may be easier in some clubs but those seem to be the exception to the rule.
Some quick pecks on the lips is a bit more common than DFK.
One of mine likes to get super close but then not kiss at the last second, so last time I just called her bluff and went for it. Immediately said I was sorry, but I just couldn't resist. She said it was ok and next thing I knew, we were LFK for the rest of the night.
I don’t think in general kissing is common at all, but it is a lot more common in the extras clubs.
i like kisses butt if the chemistry flows it’s awesome.
Where are these clubs in the Northeast, any help?
^ Playhouse Lounge Burlington, NJ - some of the high-mileage CT clubs - message "orangepicture" for details.
I specifically turn my head if they try to kiss me.... I know I'm weird but I'm paying them to suck my dick not be my girlfriend. I don't want to even pretend they are there for anything other than the money. I have a girl I see OTC, I walk in to her condo, ask how she is doing while I get undressed, she sucks my cock, I lay down on her bed and she rides for a while, then I bend her over a chair and get it doggie style, she has big tits and I can watch them in the mirror from here, then she climbs back up on the bed and I finish in missionary..... we talk a few minutes while I am getting dressed and I leave.... sometimes I do hug her on the way out the door
^ you romantic animal you
I had so much gfe with that fucking bitch from flashers that I don't want to ever experience that shit again.
I used to really enjoy the romance.... now really they are just a fucking cum dumpster for me.... I'm not mean, I just don't give a shit if they enjoy it and I don't want a girlfriend or gfe.... I explained that to the OTC girl and she loves it. Makes her job easier
The other day she asked me what I liked about her... I said, big tits, tight pussy, good cock sucker, great ass fuck, and you are convenient to my office.... if you move I'll find somebody else. She laughed and said she wasn't moving, she liked the paycheck.. . See that's what else I like, she did not even pretend that I needed her more than she needed me, she did not say that she would not move because she would miss my dick... she was honest, which is a rarity in this world
As is often the counsel on this board, if you want it just ask and take it from there.
My experience is it's not real common in the club. This one dancer I like, she's 19, she started it and it's great (though I wouldn't do it an extras club where girls are sucking wank all night), and is a reason I'm a repeat customer of hers and now it's the custom with her. A few other girls I like do the peck kiss thing and that's alright but not nearly as great as the experience with that 19 year old.
With Escorts kissing is standard, as it also is in AAMPs. But in AMPs it is not standard at all.
Intersting, when I first joint TUSCL I also spent a long time using Google Advanced Search on the Pink Site, Stripper Web. Of course I found much heated discussion, girls very angry because some strippers were doing it, in the dance booths, in the front room. And I have been there for girls doing it from the stage.
But then I continued looking, and on Stripper Web they also talk about escorting, and then they all do it. They consider it standard.
In AMPs, it is far more common in San Francisco because they do a higher percentage of FS. They have far less fear of LE. So in dress and demeanor they are in effect promoting FS. They also get younger girls for such shops. One of the effects of this is that they are far more accustomed to DFKing, as guys respond to their looks, demeanor, and manner of dress.
I feel that we can make US strip clubs go the front room DFK way, as that will make the back room experiences mind blowing.
Get your makeout session going in the front room. Don't have a discussion about it with her, and don't listen to what she promises to do in the back room. But do feed her money.
Often though this needs to go beyond money, the girl has got to be able to come to like you, and she has to see that the reason you want to kiss her is that you like her, AND THAT YOU PLAN TO BE SEEING HER OUTSIDE REGULARLY.
And so if she goes this far with you. Try to take her home with you after, and continue to see her regularly.
Best if you pick the girl and approach her yourself. Select the girl you would like to be waking up with in the mornings.
Thanks for all the responses guys, I am definitely going to be asking the next time. Will see how it goes and keep you posted.
I don't believe I would be kissing anybody at follies.... no telling who just painted her tonsils....
Another thing to think about.... the majority of the hands you shake have held a dick that day
Best not to ask a girl about kissing. Just treat her like you just met her at a college party, be yourself tell her about yourself, feed her money so she will back off on trying to sell dances, then just kiss her.
Assume that you will be waking up with her the next morning.