
Comments by IHearVoices (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    To twentyfive - I'd venture to guess that Estafador has no more of a problem with old men than the old men do with black people.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    I would spend like crazy, but I have that trip to Dallas in April and so far there are 5-6 SCs in that rotation. Also have a few things coming up over the next few months so I should try to save...although that may not work out well...and I have carved out a decent amount for this trip.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Mileage Composition Question
    I'll say this: as much as I love a good grind, I've been conditioned (corrupted?) into cutting a girl off after two songs if there's nothing else to accompany it. Stick shifting seems to be girls' normal course of action to get to song three. It's not even so much that I would mind "just grinding", but I tend to go to clubs with more dancers on shift and know I can take my chances on finding someone who will do what another dancer won't.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Follies Atl day shift
    Now that the OP brought up the subject, there has been a trend that I've noticed during my day shift visits to the mecca...one that I wouldn't mind staying away from.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    My times were equally excellent, regardless of day. Follies is different like that, apparently. I wouldn't be caught dead at Tootsies during the week unless it was my birthday or something: same goes for pretty much anywhere else unless I'm only there during the week. That "every day is a great day" is part of what makes Follies special...and then there's the truism that I pointed out to a friend of mine earlier this week: it's not the club, it's the girl (although I did throw Follies in as an exception to that). I'll just plan my Follies trips around the rest of my schedule, and maybe open my wallet a little bit more than I currently expect to with an extra trip if necessary.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    Yeah, the $25 spots I go to at least play decent length songs. I can't think of one that's a real problem in that area...well, Playhouse had that one stretch where the DJ wanted to be a DJ but I just didn't get dances until that stopped (which it did after about half an hour). Cheaper spots, though? Ugh. I'd rather they just charge double the price and play the whole song rather than half a song for whatever price.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    I may have to do an SC crawl next time I'm down there: maybe in that Hollywood/Hallandale area and one in South Dade (but I never feel like driving way down there, and then there's that blasted tip walk at a few of those spots). Want to try out the Trap too, just because.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    It was as full as I'd ever seen it during 194: that was the only time I ever saw the sports bar full (I had to stand to watch it). Didn't pay extra, though. A lot of people left right after the fight, but a fair few of them stayed. I've only gone to Cheetah once - thankfully, before the raid and all. I think I saw reviews saying it got tame after that...which is bad with the options that are less than 10 minutes away.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    That's what's so great about Tootsies. I watched UFC 194 there and it was great. It was on just about every TV in the club (the sports area and the main area). I mainly watched in the sports area, but I can focus on sports if that's what I really want to watch. The girls will be there later. I think Follies has 3 TVs: one at each end of the U-shaped walkway by the bar and one in that small area right up front to the right as you walk in.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    They probably do: like Tootsies, but earlier since the club closes earlier. I will say the one time I was there during mid-shift, I remember the club being pretty quiet between 7 and 9...but that was not only a Sunday, it was the night before Memorial Day. Trying to piece together my visits, it seems like the most action is available between 4 and 7.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Thank You TUSCL / Follies Question
    I've been on Monday (although that was Memorial Day, so it really doesn't count), Friday, and two Sunday afternoons. They seemed equally entertaining. Got there early the last couple times. I remember streams of girls coming in between 1:30 and 2 and then again between 3:30 and 4. The Friday visit was in November: it got packed really early, which I think had a lot to do with the fact that it was raining (a lot of people looked like day laborers). It does seem like a different place by 4, I'll say that. The nice, quiet place (comparatively speaking) is pretty much gone by then. Only thing is, if I go Friday I'm not leaving to head into rush hour traffic. If I don't leave by 3:30, I'm staying until 6:30...which I've done before. Seems like Saturday is a really good day, which might work if they're showing the fight. I could just arrive in the afternoon and marathon it out.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    Bitch Better Have My Money
    Dancers like it, for obvious reasons. I've always wondered why I haven't heard it more at SCs.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    how much to tip dancer "for her time"?
    Zero. I have plenty of people I can call if I want to talk.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Alternate Personalities Inside/Outside the Club
    Same person, just different name. For some reason, dancers didn't hear me well when I told them my name so I switched to Brian (which has no relevance to me whatsoever).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Proximity to your Favorite Club Affecting Visitation Frequency
    For me there's no club worth going to within three hours, so I just wait until I travel to those places and then survey the scene. The only time distance would prohibit me would be if 1) the club just wasn't worth it on its own or 2) if the weather was bad. There are some places I'd drive to in a rainstorm - especially my opportunities are limited - but most places aren't up there like that. Thankfully there's at least one place above the bar in every city I travel to. I will say this is the one great thing about Vixens: it's the closest club to my parents' house that I would bother going to. If it were slightly better I'd end my nights there...but due to certain demos it's hard to get the best service.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    2:00 AMers
    Tallahassee recently - and finally, if you ask younger people or those of us who've been here long enough to be 'younger people' - passed an ordinance to let places stay open until 4. The old time was 2:30, but the clubs used to always end things at 2. Smaller club owners are happy, but the clubs who used special licenses to stay open later and the big boys are not. Should make for interesting times once the weather warms back up.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Ever regret not spending more money?
    I've had my times in general, but I usually wise up within a day or two...or whenever I get back into town and put the money back into my account.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Melania - Two thumbs up
    I'm taking the incumbent first, Jackie O second. No one else even need apply.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    High mileage Atlanta clubs
    The night visit I had at Follies contained pretty good mileage. It's not the same as it is during the day, but there are worse - a lot worse - in Atlanta. Now that I think about it, the night shift mileage I got at Follies was better than any other ATL place I've visited.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Tigress Woods
    All the times I've seen her, not once has the thought of her looking like Tiger crossed my mind. Plenty of other thoughts have.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How often do you go to the club?
    I live in a place without SCs, so I only go when I travel. When I travel, I make up for lost time. I probably hit an average of one SC a night when I'm out of town.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How often do you bust a nut on a club visit?
    It was 'never' until less than a year ago in a VIP in the Tampa area. Since then: twice at that club, twice at a South Florida place, and once at the ATL mecca. All were of the LDK variety except the one in GA, which was a HJ. No sort of real markup past the dance prices, although I tipped extra. It's not anything I really look for, but if a dancer is willing and the price is right, why not.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Which would you chose?
    Number one, no question.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    How much to charge for talking (From StripperWeb)
    That's the thing that still gets me, this "pay me for my time" bit. Why would I pay for fake convo that Stevie Wonder can see is a setup for dances? "You know the dances aren't really into you during the dances either"...yeah, but you can't fake friction.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Different tastes in women
    Kim, pretty big gap, Paula, much bigger gap (in comparison), Kate. Maybe three years ago I thought Kate was way up there among white women. Now, eh. I'd certainly take her - and she can do better than that whining fool she's with now - but she's definitely below the other two.