
Comments by IHearVoices (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip club vacation
    Never traveled solely for the purpose of SCing, but I certainly factor SCing into the equation when I travel. If I'm going somewhere unfamiliar, I'll check the scene (for instance, I'm going to central PA Saturday) and plan accordingly. Most of my travels, though; are to places I know very well. The closest I've come to traveling just for the sake of SCs is the Cocoa...well, IR...trips I used to take. It's a half hour out of the way wherever I'm traveling and there's no other reason for me to stop in Cocoa.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you won a big Powerball jackpot.
    Like gammanu said, take the lump sum. I can't believe how many people don't get that. Answering the main question of the post, I'd go to a few spots and blow some cash but that'd be about it. I'd probably invite a few friends along (TUSCLers and others). I'd probably buy a house in the NE section of Atlanta and spend a lot of time there, though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How many of the "Top 100" Clubs have you been to and agree with the rating
    Hmm...I've gone to Tootsies, E11 (same visit as Papi, although I may try it again at some point), Baby Dolls, Follies, Scarlett's, and IR. Tootsies deserves its ranking. Can't say on E11. Baby Dolls...I can probably name 12 clubs I'd rather go to. It's not bad, though: I'd say top 35. Follies, as many will tell you, should be right behind the TJ clubs. Scarlett's is about right, and IR is about to fall off the list anyway thanks to the new owner. I don't know what kind of algorithms Founder uses, but the general advice I've learned is to see which clubs have the largest number of recent reviews in a certain area. I check the top 100 occasionally to see where clubs I've visited rank, but that's really about it now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Not your type
    Yeah, results are mixed like some folks above have said. Got a dance from a girl Saturday that wasn't worth the time it takes to type this, but got one Tuesday that was pretty good.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are you ?
    A, but not completely because of TUSCL. It helped that I had more money to spend. TUSCL showed me how to better spend that money, though. I wouldn't have known about Follies or IR (when it was good) or the Pasco clubs without y'all.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Dealing With Dancers That Overcount
    Once at everyone's favorite club I got two lousy dances from a girl and she asked for $40. We argued for about 2 minutes, I told her she could go get a manager. She let it go. I paid the $20 and left her standing there. (She actually asked me for dances later. My cousin - who doesn't even live in Atlanta - texted me a few minutes earlier saying he was in the club and I was about to look for him. I told her that and she didn't believe me.) Once at Playhouse a girl tried to say we got 8 songs and we only got 4. I got up with her still on my lap and we walked over to the DJ booth. DJ said '4'. I gave her the money and looked for a different girl. Short version: when I really take it there, I win most of the time. Most guys will. Just have to match their will. Once at a hood spot in Miami a girl asked me to get her a drink and then said we did 3 songs when we did two. She said one song played twice in a row. I was incensed. We argued for so long I thought staff was going to come over. I eventually gave her $30 and walked out. Outside of a quick in-and-out (five minutes, didn't spend a dime), haven't been back since. If a girl really gets under my skin about a song count, her getting anymore cash from me isn't even an option. I've never even gone back to a club (at least not yet) where I've gotten into it with a ROB and "lost". Even when I "win", I make mental notes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    In the end, the board decided to require that the club close at 9 p.m. on Monday
    So much for going there in about five weeks. Sounds like it's going to be completely different...and by 'different', I mean "like every other small non-descript club in Tampa". The action will just move somewhere else, though...and I have a feeling I know where.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Club Music
    Really doesn't matter. I can't imagine getting a LD to country, but I've heard things that were more unusual. Right before the holidays, I found myself in Atlanta. The DJ at everyone's favorite spot was playing Christmas songs - especially that Sunday before Christmas - and people were getting LDs. The dancer I was talking to and I chatted about it and agreed it was a bit out there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What are you looking for in a strip club viait?
    ^ What flagooner said.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    1. What is the WORST pick up line that you hear? This could be an opener that girls often use or the worst you've ever heard in general. Like futuretrackstar (and maybe a few others said), the whole "what's your name, where are you from, what do you do" bit...especially since 90% of the time I've already decided whether to get a dance before she opens her mouth. I would so much prefer the "wanna dance" to all that. I spend my first few minutes scoping the club and deciding who I want dances from. It's almost impossible for a girl to ask her way into a dance, but she can certainly ask her way out of one. Side note: if I say no, a girl needs to accept it and move on. "But it'll be fun"...just stop. Please. Quick story: Saturday I turned a girl down and she left it at that. I actually sought her out later because I felt bad (and the girl I really had my eye on was in VIP). Four dances later, we were both happy. 2. Do you have your "spot" in the club? Like, your go to seating area and why did you pick it? Exact opposite. I walk around all the time. I don't want to miss anyone, and I just feel like a sitting duck if I stay in one spot. 3. What makes you want to be a regular (*cough*PL*cough*) for a girl? Conversation? Tits? Handy Js in the VIP? Good dances. That's all, that's it. First bad experience - or even a dropoff - from a girl, I will not go back to her. Ever. Most of the time I won't even go back to the club. 4. What gets your cock hard, classy or trashy? Stripper chic or a girl who looks like a high class escort for DC professionals? Or maybe you like the girls who OBVIOUSLY are dancer newbies, like street clothes on stage. Trashy, or at least showy. If she has on a one-piece - or even worse, a dress or gown - she can hang it up. 5. Does intellectual conversation turn you on or do you want the fuckin bimbo. Even if she's smart, would you rather her play dumb? An actual convo would be cool. Doesn't even have to be intellectual: could be about sports or whatever. I'm not sure how things would get to that point given what I said above, but who knows. 6. Ever jizzed on a girl during a dance while she was not expecting it. Was it lulsworthy or were you so embarrassed that you just didn't even want to tell her. Nope. If she's not expecting it, she's not for me. Not even saying I want to, but I need a girl who's about that action. Most girls I find seem to shoot right past "expectation" and have that on "goal" status. 7. You guys smell the shoes, right? I mean..c'mon. Stripper feet can be FUNKYY and I find it hard to believe most guys don't notice. What? Shoes?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Laughable approaches
    I have to admit I'd want to see if she was actually willing to go through with it. If so, I'd probably partake just to have the story to tell.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Los Angeles Chargers
    I think I saw that the Chargers' stadium will only seat 27,000 people. My college's stadium seats more than that, and I went to an FCS school. I wonder why the Chargers weren't interested in Las Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dance marathon
    She was the only girl worth spending anything on and the music was really good at that point. I didn't feel like going anywhere and she felt good. Of course I never saw her again. I doubt I'd do it again, but she could get a half hour of dances from me if she knocked on my door right now.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dance marathon
    Nonstop, I got dances from a girl from close to two hours at Mint Lounge. Probably 50+ songs since the DJ was one of the types that loved to show off his DJing abilities (whether he had said abilities is another matter).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Advice for how to get what you want out of your strip club experience
    What dancer in an empty club wrote this?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is it always about......
    I'm not one to go all the way, but I like to get as close as I can. Most of the time, that's a goal much easier accomplished at a place where going all the way is the norm. If I knew of a girl or a place where I could get as close as I want, it wouldn't matter whether extras were available. Not to mention, this ain't exactly Planter's...nuts are expensive.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    The Reluctant Dancer
    I have a strong preference of being approached, to the point that I'm willing to miss out. My trips to Follies over the weekend taught me that I need to get out of that, or at least be more flexible. I missed out on the two I wanted most because I didn't go after them. Worst that could've happened is that I'd have been out 40 bucks (I always give girls two dances unless they're just terrible) and maybe had a ROB argument...which I had anyway with a different girl. Looking at my wallet when I left Sunday, I realized I should've taken the chance. Somewhat related: there was a girl Sunday who I had an eye on. Walked up to her, initiated conversation and everything. Stood there trying to talk to her for four songs. Eventually I was about to give up when she said "I need to look for some dances"...rather than point out her alarming idiocy, I just said she didn't have to look far. Three dances later, we were both pretty cool with each other. Sometimes they're just that dense.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "I Have To Stop"...What?
    Oh no, never that: I'll be happy to see her again, whenever that happens. Kind-of want to go back, just because my night was incomplete due to the other situation...but I have that trip to Atlanta.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "I Have To Stop"...What?
    I never thought about Aunt Flo, but that's certainly plausible. Just weird, that's all. Papi: yup, that's the one.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "I Have To Stop"...What?
    Good point...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    Porn playing in the VIP
    I've seen softcore in the higher-priced LD rooms at Scarlett's, but that's it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    To the illiterate moron: I never said you said anything about race, in a negative way or otherwise. Good luck getting me to apologize for something I never said. Also, this will be my last 'public' comment on the matter: my response to your forthcoming inane comment will come via PM (or you can PM me), as I'm sure people are tired of this thread-jacking back-and-forth. If you choose not to answer for whatever reason, then I know you're doing this all for show and not because you feel like you have a real point. You can screenshot the PMs for all I care. I just have no more interest in wasting everyone else's time. To everyone else, I apologize for the part I've already played in this. To the one who can't tell one end from the other because they both produce the same thing: let's see what you do without an audience. By the way, this was typed on a cell phone.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    The majority of the comments up to that point did have that in common, so I wouldn't say that was too far of a reach.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    Let me help you out with this: I never said that anyone had problems with black people. I said that I guess Estafador's problem was equal to that of the others. I didn't say a word about the size of either problem. Your assumption that Estafador has a problem with old men led you to believe that I was saying that the old men had a problem with black people. I don't know anyone on this board well enough to say that anyone has a problem with anyone (outside Papi, whom I've met and know to not have problems with anyone). As such, I wouldn't know Estafador to have an issue with old men. I didn't take his comment as sounding angry. I actually thought it was sarcastic/amusing...'extensive field research' on strippers? How can you take that as being sufficiently angry and serious to call someone out on?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    The irony of the last part of that comment, coming from someone who apparently can't spell "anyone"...