Comments by impala (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Ever seen a show with ping-pong balls?
    No, middle aged white chick that you could tell had ALOT of mileage. Best man set it up (cheap ass bastard that he was), and don't think he was really looking for quality. Afterwards told him that if he ever needed another stripper for a party to let me know.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strip Clubs Should be Treated Like Any Other Business
    The problem is here in the states, our society is based on a Judah-Christian standards that just don't tolerate even the thought of anything that doesn't fit in the parameters that a select few believe how society should be. These people many times are the ones that scream the loudest for the right of free speech or free expression, but only as long as it fits into their "proper" little world. Look other parts of the globe to find a different view on such establishments. In many areas outside the United States, strip clubs are not only socially accepted, but in many cases are even encouraged because they are a viable means of sustainable tax revenue. One only needs to go to Canada, Mexico, Europe, or south east Asia to see how society treats strip clubs and the activities involved, and for the most part local economies benefit from the taxes involved, the "tourist" trade, and other monitory incentives. These economies, for the most part, are not based on religion, but on the dollar (or peso, or euro, etc.). Even here in the states, there are certain areas that are more favorable to strip clubs that others and the economic benefits are evident. Unfortunately, there are many who feel that their beliefs out way the economic benefits and social morality of others, and therefore will do anything to discourage anything they don't want. Funny thing is, many of them still go secretly, just don't let the neighbors find out!
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Halloween At The Strip Club
    I have to agree with a previous post. Day shit on halloween is usually better, a lot of the dancers are out with their kids or at parties. Usually, though, most strip clubs I frequent have their halloween parties on a different day just to avoid this. If this is the case, strip club Halloween parties are the bomb!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Ever seen a show with ping-pong balls?
    Once at a bachelor party. She put about a half dozen ping pong balls up her snatch then shot them out, then a wine bottle almost all the way in, then a baseball bat in more than a foot. Later the best man took her in the bed room for some "private time", after wards he said that she was so loose (go surprise) that he could hardly feel anything.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Stripper Wish LIst
    bet the whole list is top notch stuff, isn't it
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    10 years ago
    My cable just went out this morning
    No cable? Time to head to the strip club!
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    10 years ago
    Regarding Bras And Panties
    Dude needs laid, bad!!!!!!!!!
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Dancer's annual income
    I use to date a dancer (actually started dating her before I knew she danced) that usually made a couple hundred bucks a night (on a good night) dancing at a small dive strip bar. It was right across the street from a factory and right after shift changes they made most of their money. They didn't really do private dances and made almost all their money off the stage. She usually only worked a few weekday nights, due to location weekends weren't really all that busy. Once in a while, though, her and a couple of dancers would dance a Saturday night at a regular strip club, and make more money in 4 hours there than they would working a month at the regular place. She was in college, though, and the first place worked out a lot better for her schedule, so she never changed places full time. A lot really depends on the place they dance, the clientele, and when they work.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Dancer's annual income
    The real question isn't how much they make, but how much they have when its all said and done. As we all know, some of these girls are really smart, and some are really dumb. Some save their money, invest properly, pay their bills, take care of their kids, don't waisted their money, work regularly, and have an exit strategy to quit dancing eventually (wether by choice or age). Others party hard, drink a lot, do drugs, buy expensive things they don't need (clothes, jewelry, tattoos, cars, etc.), support a dead beat boyfriend or husband, and only show up to work when they are broke. I have know and even dated several dancers, the smart ones only dance a few years and have a good nest egg when done. The dumb ones are still trying to dance well beyond when they should and don't have a pot to piss in.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    lap dances
    There was a club (actually just a bar with strippers) that I used to go to that wouldn't do anything in the VIP area because of the cameras but would sneak into the men's room and would do extras in there in the stalls.
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    10 years ago
    Pittsburgh Options
    Pittsburgh does suck! Palace in tn pines just outside Youngstown is great, or a drive up to Erie to Partners is worth it
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    10 years ago
    OT: Marital Status
    I used to frequent a local club quite regularly on my way home from work, cute girls and cheep beer. I wore a uniform for work (and no, I wasn't a cop) and would usually take off the shirt and wear a tshirt in instead. Most of the dancers usually talked to me, sometimes would ask be to buy a private dance, but not much else. One day I stopped by quick and didn't change shirts, they were all over me, a few even wanted me to meet up later (not for OTC action, to go clubbing). One dancer I knew was a lesbian and I was friends with didn't act differently so I asked her and she told me that a uniform meant a job and security, and that meant that if they could land me they could quit dancing.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    any champagne room trick?
    Just ask the dancer you want to have sex with (be discrete though). As said before, if all you get is "we can get more comfortable" or "we can see what happens", nothing going to happen. If you do get a yes, DO NOT PAY HER TILL SHE COMES THROUGH!!!!, or you won't get nothing. Also, best to get out of the city, try the smaller clubs in the burbs, or better yet a bar with strippers out in the country, your buck will usually go a lot further.
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    10 years ago
    Minimum Drink Replacement
    The thing is, it is a strip club. That minimum order of bacon will most likely cost you about $25
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are clean dancers really at a disadvantage or is it SS ?
    The girls not doing as well by not doing extras in an extras club should have nothing to complain about. The potential for income growth is available, they just don't want to have do what others are doing but get the same benifts for their lack of motivation. Sounds a lot like socialism to me.
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    10 years ago
    How long does it take for a dancer to remember you?
    Thing is when it comes down to it, they are in sales. The best sales people try to make a connection with their clients (past, present, and possible future), and repeat and/or future business relys on that.
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    10 years ago
    How long does it take for a dancer to remember you?
    Had some remember me after only seeing me once and a couple of years have elapsed, had others I have seen almost every night for a month and had no idea who I was
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Have you experienced this ?
    Better thing to do is just avoid this club and tell everyone I can about this so that they can also. Funny thing is I was a another area club this evening and was talking with someone else there that I know frequents the place and he has heard the same. Seams to be that that dancer and bouncer are boyfriend/girlfriend and that they run many scams, both in and out of the club. Also, was told that the owner watches the tapes of everyone in the VIPS area, if the girls give a BJ he gets $25 and if they fu** someone he get $50, so he unofficially encourages extras. Also, he has been known to use the tapes to blackmail people if he can find out who you are. This guy is "in the know" and I believe what he says. Just another reason to avoid this place. Did go down the road to Tattletales in Nanticoke this evening, and will post either later tonight or tomorrow, was a good time.
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    10 years ago
    North Dakota
    Best Songs for Strippers?
    Voodoo by Godsmack and Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Have you experienced this ?
    Jettison, first time my buddy had been there and was first time I had seen this dancer so she may have thought that we weren't regulars and probably wouldn't be returning anyways. I think the bigger story is how much a SC can change over the years with ownership or management changes. Like I said before, this place used to be great, people drinking and having a good time, girls dancing naked, and they made good money not having to scam or hustle people. Now is just the opposite, and it shows. I hope ownership reads this and try's to bring back the way things were a decade ago, but I dought they will change a thing.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Have you experienced this ?
    Just thought everyone should be aware. Use to love this place a decade ago, was a blast. But, alas, times change. Anyone want to know more just IM me.
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    10 years ago
    Take it off
    Experimental, but it does
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    From the real world to the strip club
    Greg, if she did or has dance, now she is working main stream odd are is she will never tell
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Take it off
    Dolfan, I agree completely with your comment. If she suggests it again, just say at this point you would feel more secure in the "relationship" with it on.