Take it off

Was having an OTC session with my current favorite. Very GFE. It was going longer than usual and were both sweaty. She leans in and wispers in my ear "you can go bareback if you want". I acted as if I did not hear what she said. I do enjoy this girl very much. Every session has been very passionate. Either this girl is really enjoying herself or she is that good of an actress. Once were finished, we clean up and go get a cold drink. Standing there in the kitchen I asked if she really told me I could go bareback and sure enough thats exactly what she said. I asked her why she said that and she responded with "I want to make sure you are enjoying me." O_o Not a chance in hell im going in uncovered. I can understand where a younger person in the thros of passion would foget to put one on but to have one on and then take it off, WHY?
If you're looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there's glitter on the floor.
And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.
--- She could have actually wanted the feeling of skin on skin
--- She may have wanted to get pregnant
--- She may have caught something and was going to share it with all the "dirty bastards" that are doing her
--- She was upping the service level available, this was your free sample on this service (the hook) so that your next visit together you would be willing to pay extra for that ( IMO this is what she was after).
Anyways, don't do it, you don't know how many other customers she provides that level of service to. Better to be safe that to "get a gift that keeps on giving"!
Have fun and ride hard
I'm curious though, did you explain your decision to her? Like I said, I've been in a few similar situations and have made the mistake of telling them why I'm still putting it on. Its lead to some girls taking offense: "do you think I'm dirty?" or "do you think I'm trying to trap you with a baby?" kind of thing.
My assumption in a P4P situation is that she is doing it for the $$$ and not for the sensation but it could be both.
I also assume that more often than not it is the dude that “can’t keep it in his pants” and is the one driving harder for the sex and that the female is more capable of holding back and saying no, for the most part.
Perhaps it could be the “it’s your baby give me child support” angle but I just don’t know – it just baffles me why a chick would just go bareback especially w.r.t. a P4P situation.
It's all a big crapshoot. I'm not recommending profligate bareback sex, but I've thought it through and it's my best option for totally enjoying sex. My doctor is ready to shoot me and I may regret it someday, but right now, I'm loving it. Since parting ways with my ATF I've had bareback sex with two other dancers ( both 25 ) and neither has even brought it up.
I am coming around to your position. I am of similar age to you and I just had a stark encounter with my own mortality. On one of our Hawaiian vacations together I had a moment of bareback 'slippage' with Toronto sweetie. It was fabulous, of course, but I worried for months after about picking up a nasty from her. 6 months of testing alleviated the mental stress of STD worrying. That stress is nothing compared to the recent stress that I have experienced.
If I ever find a replacement for Toronto sweetie I will give bareback much serious consideration.
A few weeks later, my doctor gave me a shot in the butt and a couple of good pills. Luckily, additional testing showed no more gifts from her.
Yeah. Never again.
Then she pulled the rubber out of her purse.
WTF is that?
Oh man, that was a bummer. I can't back out from that position so on I went to do it.