Comments by impala (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pittsburgh Clubs. Ugh
    Pittsburg clubs suck! I live in PA and use to think that the Pburg clubs have to be good, that was until I actually experienced them and almost always have been disappointed. And, if you are willing to take a short drive (to Erie, Wheeling WV, or Youngstown OH) you can get so much more bang for your buck. But, Pburg being what it is and having a semi captive audience, what do you really expect.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Female custies allowed in club but not allowed to get dances ?
    Lapdanceking, problem with that is the dancers (who are employed there, paid house fees, tip the bouncers and bar tenders, show up for shifts, and depend on this for their livelihood) don't want to and shouldn't have to compete with anyone just off the street. Also, if a female customer gives a dance to a male customer (who happens to be an undercover cop) and she decides to give him a BJ, the club will loose their lisence.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Female custies allowed in club but not allowed to get dances ?
    Friend of mine is a bouncer at a SC and they wouldn't allow unaccompanied women in the club and women in the club were not allowed to go back to the private dance area either. The unaccompanied women weren't allowed in because they had had issues with working girls going in and "poaching" (his words, not mine) customers to meet at the hotel across the street. As far as women going back to the VIP, he said that they use to but sometimes you would get a wife or girlfriend want to go back with their man and the stripper for a private dance and too much was going on that they couldn't control and was also sometimes causing problems, so the club just decided to ban non dancers (women) from the back. That is back before the days of the club having cameras everywhere, but the rule still stands (although I am told now very loosely enforced).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    You, A Stripper, and Pregnancy
    Had one (stripper) accuse me a few years ago of getting her pregnant, funny thing is is that I have had a vasectomy about a decade earlier. She tried to get me to give her a bunch of cash to "keep things quiet". She tried to tell me that I was the only one she had done in months (yeah, right). After I convinced her that I couldn't be the daddy (plus, she had "forgotten" I wrapped it, she was all bent out of shape because she didn't know who papa was (not my problem). Saw her several times around several different clubs over the year or so, and she never showed a pregnancy (I don't know if she took care of it or was hustling me), but had heard from another dancer that she had hustled other guys (mostly married men) and had been kicked out of most of the decent clubs in the area over it. Hadn't seen her in a while but was told that she was dancing in another state where nobody knows who she is and is supposably doing the same thing.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    cameras in vip room
    So in some clubs you cannot have any real fun, in others to make sure the owner gets their. It.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Candidates Trying to Turn Out the Vote of Those Who Live in Parents’ Baseme
    Remember, our founding fathers originally wanted to required you to be a landholder to be able to vote. It was because if you owned land you were usually educated and could make a well reasoned decision.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Should I Write A Review That Actually Happened In A Club Known To Have Nothing S
    Yes, please with location, names, cost, etc. that's what this site is all about!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Is there a greater concentration of hot chicks than in large colleges/universiti
    Use to do some contract work at Penn State, and loved being there early Saturday mornings watching all the coeds doing their walk-of-shame first thing in the morning.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    CNN Stripper Show
    It's all about misinformation from mainstream media trying to shape how Americans think and behave. If the average guy who doesn't go to or rarely goes thinks that anything that goes on is well out of what he can afford, he isn't going to go. If a guy's wife or girlfriend thinks that he is going to blow $500 to a grand just for some fun, there is going to be a fight and less people going. It also makes it look like club owners are rolling in cash (and many are), being a glorified pimp. On the reverse, if desperate women think that by turning to stripping they are going to make thousands and thousands of dollars a night for doing nothing more are going to turn to it, only to find out you low paying and hard a job it can really be, making them more likely to turn to the government for help with thief bills, or worse, street prostitution. It all makes for good stories for them to broadcast, making successful American men look like sex hungry aggressors and women all look like victims in a white male controlled world. We all know that in all facts there are truths and lies, black and white and grey areas, and always much more to the stories than is usually told. Stories like this, though, paint a very dark picture of things, the have and the have nots, the "entitled" and the imposed by so society "slave", and their goal is to break down the walls of capitalism to impose a utopian socialistic society. Their story isn't really about strip clubs or their patrons, but to change the way we live our lives to how they want us to live them! O.K., now that I have went on my rant, any comments (positive or negative) are welcome.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Age to Stop
    I was at a club a couple of weeks ago and saw a guy at least 80 getting lap dances, and even took a couple (at the same time) back to the VIP, they must have been back there at least an hour. Girls came out looking spent, he came out ginning from ear to ear. Bartender said he was a regular and that he take a V when he gets there. He tops really well but makes the girls really earn their money. That's what I want to be when I get old.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Gifts from a dancer
    I agree with rockstar. I give all my customers gifts at Christmas time, and the better the customer the better the gifts. Since I think I have put several through college or their kids through preschool, I should be getting some pretty cool shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What Does It Mean When A Fave Dancer Reveals Everything Including Her Skeleton I
    She sees you as a possible way out, she is trying to make you feel bad for her that she needs to hustle to survive and want you to "take care of her" so she doesn't have to do that. Thing is, most likely she is hustling you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Friends asking me to strip
    Go for it, but you must report back to us afyerwards
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancer has no expectation of me buying dances
    Go and see what happens
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Friends asking me to strip
    If you want to do it, go for it. Hey, you never know what may happen. If she's hot, even the better. Thing is, it's just stripping.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What time do you strippers wake up?
    It all depends on their schedules away from the club. If they have kids and work late, a lot of them don't even go to bed until they get the kids off to school. Then they sleep while the kids are at school while it is quiet. If they are college students they are usually around at a decent time but are busy. And as said before, for many stripping is a second job. If possible ask them what is the best time to text or call them.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Lending Your Phone To Your Fave Dancer Is A No-No
    Made that mistake once myself, she only made 2 calls. For months afterwards, day and night, was getting calls guys looking for an escort. Longer it went worse it got. Googled my number and saw it was listed under an escort review sight. Finally had to change my number. Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Friends asking me to strip
    You male of female?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Not Another 'Dancer Name' Thread!!!
    Felony, ecstasy, passion
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Can't figure out this dancer
    Or tells that her car just broke down or she can't make rent or has a fine she needs to pay
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    10 years ago
    Can't figure out this dancer
    Football guy, good luck to you with her, and I hope that you have fun. I know I sound cynical but I really do enjoy the strip clubs. Let us know how you make out.
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    10 years ago
    Can't figure out this dancer
    Club, I whole heartedly agree. Enjoy the good times while they last. It's just my experience (and I've been doing this now for about a half a century) that most strippers know how to give us the fantasy that we are looking for, that is how they make their money. When we go to strip clubs, different guys are looking for different things. Some are just going looking for sex, some are looking for companionship, some are looking for a girlfriend for the evening, even though we know when we walk out that door the "relationship" is over, at least for now (and yes, some text with us, or talk to us on face book, etc.). But that is what they do, they give us the fantasy that we are missing in our day to day lives, and that is the service that they provide. Isn't that why we go to strip clubs, to think (at least for a few hours) that a hot 23 year old is interested in me?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Can't figure out this dancer
    Sounds like to me that she doesn't remember what she does with who. It may be that she just see so many people that it is hard for her to keep it strait. It may be that she does what she wants to when she wants to to make herself feel good, or normal, or wanted, or something. The fact that she buys her own drinks isn't necessary meaning that she isn't in it for the money. Some dancers do this to make you think that money doesn't matter to them, and will get you to ask for more in the back and recover their costs their (I know, she is going above and beyond now, we will get back to this). Also, some don't let customers buy them drinks so that they are not committed to sitting with customers just in case someone else comes in that they may want to spend some time with (either a regular customer, a bigger spender, a friend, or just to be able to go to someone else in case nothing is happening with you at that time). As far as her not asking for extra money for doing extras, some dancers just do that (they are rare, but they do exist, and they usually don't hang around too long). She may just like the thrill of getting away with something in the club. She may need it for her own twisted self worth. From my experience, though, ones that do that initially either are looking for a sugar daddy, a boyfriend (and that usually is again for someone to take care of them so they car either leave dancing or even halo with her expenses), or she is looking for clients for the next step (wether it be in the club FS extras or OTC service). I have even known a few dancers that were also escorts that used strip clubs to help build or maintain their client lists. That all being said, you may have one of the rare ones that just likes to fool around in the VIP, but I seriously doubt it. To end, have fun, be careful, and keep us all informed.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Strip Clubs Should be Treated Like Any Other Business
    I agree, but you have to admit, even the clubs that obey the laws and have strict rules that are enforced, local perception (especially in Bible Belt areas) is that it is a "den of iniquity" and needs to be eliminated from the face of the earth. All it does is send tax dollars to other communities.