
OT: Marital Status

Just ran across this tidbit: “America's young adults aren't rushing to tie the knot, and findings from a new Pew Research Center report suggest that couples are not getting married because 78% of single women want a partner with a "steady job."


Now we all know that the stereotype on StripperWeb is that all TUSCL members are either a) creepy old married guys cheating on the wives, or b) creepy young socially awkward unmarried guys, working sketchy minimum wage jobs and living in their Mom’s basement. But with all the young studs on here making $350k/yr, and renting $4,000/mo apartments, we know the latter stereotype is incorrect.

Still.....there does seem to be a demographic divide among TUSCL members. The more, ahem, mature (age 50+) members seem mostly to be married or divorced (by no fault of their own, of course). The younger guys on here seem to be mostly unmarried (totally by choice, of course).



  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    My 37 yo son says that he isn't getting married unless the condom breaks. He has a good paying steady job and just took delivery on a 2015 limited editions Subaru WRX STI. Why would he want to fuck it up with a wife?
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago

    1. Proves that women look at marriage primarily from an economic and security standpoint. In other words, all women are basically the same. They view us as walking wallets. Of course all men are the same. We view them as walking tits and pussy. Nothing necessarily wrong, just how things are.

    2. If this is true then I'm more attractive to women than ever because I'm steadily employed and have more money than I've ever had in my life. Line up bitches.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I never considered mankind to be monogamous, and for most of our history we weren't. I blame the Christians for an unnatural doctrine that's been enforced at the point of a sword.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    That's funny Rockstar, when I started clubbing, I noticed my main competition were married men.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "78% of single women want a partner with a "steady job."

    The other 22% are strippers
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Neither my son or daughter seem to have any inclination towards marriage, Son 36, daughter 35 shortly. The SO and I were good role models. Now there is one friend my son has had for years. Would love to see them marry.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Forget all of that stuff we used to hear on Oprah and similar shows. Intellect, humor, compassion, undertanding and partnership are all secondary qualities in a husband. Cash is king.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think the loss of steady jobs which pay a living wage is a big reason for less marriage, and less women even wanting to be married, and more women wanting to make some serious money.

    We talked before about how much dances should cost. For women, it is not just a supply and demand thing, or wages versus years of education. Rather, it is what are they giving up to do sex work?

    As it is going, more and more women are following the sex work route.

    I have read numbers as high as 40% for the number of children born to women who are not married and never had any realistic chance of being married to the child's father.

    As I see it, marriage should be outlawed. It violates the 13th and 14th Amendments.

    Most of my adult life was lost in a horrible marriage.

    My parents had me, just to try and give themselves an adult identity, and to win approval from their own parents. This is wrong!


    Dressing Room
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    I do think that a high portion of SC patrons are creepy.

  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I'm 38 and I've never been married. I'm not against the idea or institution at all. My folks are going on 41 years of marriage. They're both disabled. They're health woes began in 2009. They've helped one another out like you couldn't believe. Not to sound cheesy, but if I could find a woman like my moms, I'd be a lucky man. Now, of I find women like my sisters, I'm in for some trouble.
  • impala
    10 years ago
    I used to frequent a local club quite regularly on my way home from work, cute girls and cheep beer. I wore a uniform for work (and no, I wasn't a cop) and would usually take off the shirt and wear a tshirt in instead. Most of the dancers usually talked to me, sometimes would ask be to buy a private dance, but not much else. One day I stopped by quick and didn't change shirts, they were all over me, a few even wanted me to meet up later (not for OTC action, to go clubbing). One dancer I knew was a lesbian and I was friends with didn't act differently so I asked her and she told me that a uniform meant a job and security, and that meant that if they could land me they could quit dancing.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    A couple of the local farm wives have made it their mission to find a wife for me. At any of the local functions that I may attend - fundraisers, church suppers, sports day, etc. - I am always introduced to some pathetic, lonely lady of the 50ish persuasion.

    My oath! What do my neighbours think of me if they think that these loser ladies are perfect for me?
  • pensionking
    10 years ago
    Sadly, after many years, I've concluded that JS69 and SuperDude are exactly correct. True love is the 1%. 99% of all human interaction is merely commerce -- the exchange of cash or equity for goods or services. Looking back on it, in my 20's, when I bought a brand new car and upgraded my wardrobe (after a promotion), I instantly enjoyed many more women interested in me. At the time, I didn't know why -- I just accepted it. Now, I realize -- girls desire dreamy-eyed handsome. muscular boys. When they grow up, women want walking wallets. Thank goodness, because most of us don't get better looking as we age, but we can get wealthier (thus more attractive). (Ref., see Hugh Hefner, et al)
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    So do the 46% of guys that think it's very important for their spouse to have a steady job view women as "walking wallets"? I don't have a lot of interest in marriage but if I ever get serious you bet your ass she'll have a full time job.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    I'm 32 just finidshed my masters and got a sweet great paying job not 350k but nothing to snreeze at. I dont see myself getting married for a few years but i also club less and less as well. Strippers can be fun but i dont want to date them, but at same time its easier just get a pretty stripper and get off. I dont see myself lasting much more than a year going to strip clubs, the luster is wearing off on me. Really the no strings attached is the only upside to it. Just my opinion.

    I realize we all club for different reasons, but personally for me, its no strippers when im in a relationship.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Steve-girl, you've got it all wrong. Income (and I see you still don't understand the difference between income and salary) and how much you pay for rent don't determine if you are a STUD or a RICH STUD or not. What it really is is whether or not you can figure out in a mere ten years how to pay hookers for sex. Did you learn nothing from RickyBoy?
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Lol Motor.

    I've always had the thought of settling down and getting married when I turn 30. I'm four years away from that, we'll see if it happens then.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Congrats on your recent graduation and new job “ime”
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Man, there's some real cynicism even this thread. LOL!
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    A great philosopher once said "Love is caring more for somebody else's happiness than your own"

    Unfortunately, most people are not wired that way. Most people are, unfortunately, totally self-centered. And too self-centered to realize it.

    So to me, that 78% statistic is excellent news. I honestly feel that the vast majority of people have absolutely no business getting married. For men it's pretty much insane to even consider it. And for women, they've got at least a 50% chance or future heartbreak when they end up getting divorced.

    And I think the situation is getting worse. The culture nowadays is promoting self-centered narcissism and self promotion, money grubbing, instant gratification, and cash at all costs. So the average person is becoming less and less proficient at the skills needed for marriage.

    Thankfully, there are still people like Slick's parents on this earth, and that's wonderful to hear. And guys like Tommy Lasorda I just found out have been married over 60 years. You don't that without being a very special person.

    The reason why most guys go to strip clubs is because they can't get what they need from real women. Plain and simple. So they have to pay. Women, once they've gotten their hooks into their security, let themselves go and don't care for their husbands. Men are often too clueless about how to care for a woman.

    There's a 50/50 chance any marriage will end in divorce. Why the fuck would anyone gamble something so important on such shitty odds? Especially men, who take it up the ass in divorce. Doesn't make sense.

    You guys who aren't married: Don't even think about it. Unless you really find someone like Slick's Mom. And just make DAMN sure you're as good as Slick's Dad.

    And don't say I didn't warn you.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Holy shit, Jerikson went all SJG on us :p
    Gotta admit that since women were allowed into the work place after WWII you'd think that making their own money would lessen the need to have a rich man. And quite honestly I've met my fair share of women that have a complete bum waiting for them at home (so I sorta call bullshit on the income thing). And that study could be based on class and racial expectations, if you're white or asian they want you to have a job and be middle class, Blacks and Latinos (I'm in this category) just need not to be drug addicts or criminals and marginally employed. The marriage thing is happening because women, who bitched about equality, are looking to marry a man who is better off than them...go fckn figure.
    That and we are as a whole, a lot more immature as a society than we ever been. It's like the fall of the Roman Empire, and any great empire, the struggle to achieve to be great, become great, then start living that life of ease and debauchery, fall.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Thanks Papi
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    @farmerart: It's probably not that they think these women would be perfect for you, but that you would be perfect for them!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    For 30 years my wife and I were very happy. Then we met.
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