Comments by impala (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Strip Club Bucket List?
    Had one really hot barmaid that I wanted to fuck (ITC or OTC) for years. I know she would dance once in a great while when they were very short on dancers and only once got to see her dance (was the best dance I had ever seen, not so much exotic or dirty, more like the forbidden fruit), and was told that if you got her drunk after her shift you could get a lap dance or even more, but just never coould catch her at the right time. Tried for years. Then one day I decided today was the day, pocket full of money, had set good ground work, knew her schedual, and I was going to make it happen. When I got to the club found out she had quit a couple of nights before and had moved to Florida with a freind of hers. When traveling about 2 years later I ran into her (OK, I had been told that she was dancing and where, and since I was in the area working I figured why not, and no, I'm not a stalker), she was behind the bar tending, and was about 6 months pregnant (and NOT an attractive pregnant. Needless to say, it wasn't going to happen. That was about a decade ago, guess I won't get to take her off the bucket list.
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    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Is it really a bad idea to shit where you eat?
    In my experiance, it's never a good idea. Something almost always happens and it goes south really quick and really bad. Remember, you have to see these people almost every day for years. Had a coworker once think it was a good idea and started a "romance" with a girl in another department. Was all fun and games for a while, but like most relationships it cooled and died after a while, and he broke up with her. Every time they met in the hall it was awkward, and much like a couple that divorces, their friends at work took sides on who was right and wrong, and it made work difficult for everyone. Don't do it, if not for yourselves, t "Think of the children!"
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    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    My Forty year old Stripper.
    Same as PhantomGeek, some of the best strippers I have ever seen were late 30's very early 40's, but most older ones are well beyond their prime. Usually indicates that when they got into dancing they never had an exit strategy or were "forced" into it later in life by financial reasons.
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    10 years ago
    TER as Evidence
    I was much younger and even more stupider in those days. Learned valuable lessons about scams and cops, and that their both out to get you.
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    10 years ago
    TER as Evidence
    I use to use backpage quite a bit (with varied results) when I was on the road and found myself in areas that were "strip club poor". Had one say a similar thing that she "confirmed" clients with a webcam visit, and it cost only a dollar. It was a scam, never could connect with her on the webcam (she blamed it on my server or something), and then she severed any communication. About an hour later I was contacted by my credit card company that there had been several large purchased on my card (to about $3500 in total) and wanted to know if I had made them, which I hadent. After MANY more calls to my credit card I did get the charges removed, but it took months. A couple of days after it had happened I was contacted by LE investigating the charges and said they knew from the charges that I had been dealing with were a know identity theft ring that targeted johns and wanted me to admit to solicitation (which I refused to do), and they were very "thorough" in their investigation of me trying to find something in my past to charge me with solicitation (or at least to try to scare me into admitting it, I was told several times that if I admitted to it they would only charge me with a misdameter). They were not able to charge me with anything but it wasn't a fun better part of a year. IMO most escorts are not going to do anything that could form a paper trail, but LE loves paper trails. I personally think that they violated my constitutional 5th admendment rights, but my attorney told me to drop it, it wasn't a fight I wanted to fight. So if it seams like it may be bogus, it most likely is, and big brother is watching you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Seeing your favorite club in a death spiral
    I have seen the same problem near me also. It usually happens after a new club opens up in the area that is less restrictive on "extra curricular" activities. The new clubs are usually owned by someone that has larger clubs in more metro areas and use these clubs to farm new talent. Problem is is that as the smaller local clubs begin to suffer, any good dancers migrate to these new clubs just to survive, and you are either have to deal with substandard entertainment, clubs that shift to a raunchier (and not in a good way) atmosphere, or pay higher prices at the new larger clubs. One of my former favorite SC was a nice, hole in the wall go go bar where you could get a cheap beer, watch some girls dance, and if you were nice and lucky, get some action and no one really cared what happened in the back. Then a large chain put in a new club less than a mile down the road with big talent that they brought from NYC and Philly, "poached" all the good talent from all the clubs in the area, and at first turned a blind eye to the VIP rooms. I watched my club slowly die until the owner was forced to sell it to the the owners of the new club. Now both are really expensive (drinks and dances), service sucks, bartenders and bouncers are rude, and the private rooms are monitored very heavily. But, hey, they got what they wanted and now without any real competition, they can do whatever they want. Now, instead of stopping when I am in the area, I just drive on and visit other clubs. Sucks, and I miss that place, good times.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancer self concious of her body
    All the time. Usually it's "my boobs are too small" or "my butt is too big" or "I hate the way I look". IMO when you have insecure women together seeing each other being "desired" by other people, they feel that there must be some reason why they are not the center of attention and think that it must be some physical reason, and start finding every fualt they may or may not have.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I wonder if the SC game is going to change w/ all these “Independent Contractors
    From my experiance, the problem isn't with the system of stroppers being considered independent contractors, or strip clubs not wanting to pay the appropriate taxes, it with the stripper mentality itself. The fact that now they have to be responsible for proper taxes being paid, their own health care, etc is at issue. Most (but no all of coarse) of the girls are strippers because they make poor decisions and have a hard time being responsible adults.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Using A Dancer For A Wingman
    Personally, I think she was trying to poach some of the customers. I actually knew her in civilian life prior to being a dancer, and was pretty sure she did some escorting also. I never did have her (not saying I didn't want to), she was always just one of the group of people I use to hang out with and was more of a friend. She was bi and did actually prefer girls herself and was an awesome wingman at regular clubs and bars, and we regularly got women for each other. Tried a couple of times (after getting her drunk to loosen up her inhibition) to maybe get some 3sum action going but just never worked out. Oh, those were the days!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer: "I wanna do more but the club won't let me"
    Ask her if she dances anywhere else or try to set up some take out.
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    10 years ago
    What do you do with the items clubs give away as promotions
    Use to give them to my nephew, made him one of the most popular kids in school. My sister got a little pissed about it though, especially when the school called her about it (she didn't know he had them or was wearing them to school).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Using A Dancer For A Wingman
    Did once, was a lot of fun till she was recognized by one of the patrons as a dancer from another club, then kinda got ugly when the dancers thought she was there to try to get a job there (and therefore be competition) and the manager thought she was there to "poach" customers to go back to the club she worked at. Since I was somewhat of a regular we were politely asked to leave and the manager told me NOT to bring her back or I would not be welcome (he was kinda a dick). It's OK though, there was a flood about 3 months later and they were wrecked and never reopened. Funny thing is is that a lot of the girls that were there went to the club where I brought the dancer from.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Outside of stripping
    Best one I ever heard was a girl going to school to become a high school guidance counselor. I guess you need to know what life choices to avoid to steer kids in the right direction.
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    2 things you never want to here from a stripper
    Thanks for the big tip, oh, by the way, there is a camera over your shoulder.
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    10 years ago
    Outside of stripping
    Hey, sales is sales, doesn't matter wether is a house, a car, jewelry, or a lap dance, sales is sales.
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    10 years ago
    Outside of stripping
    I hear a lot of nursing school and beauty school. Once in a while retail sales person (ie: Kmart or WalMart) or restaurant waitress. Did know one that was actually a paralegal and was doing this while finishing up her degree for law, but she was the exception (by the way, she is a really good lawyer now and I have used her for such several times, I get a good discount for legal services because I know her past and keep my mouth shut).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Anyone been to Tiffanys Doll Cabaret in New Cumberland, WV lately
    Nah, just got a job out there for a couple of days
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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    2 things you never want to here from a stripper
    When your in me I feel nothing!
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    10 years ago
    Does clothing help with mileage?
    Ease of access doesn't always help, but by wearing clothing that restrict access (ie. Tight jeans for example) where you cannot get it out or back in easily sometimes will make them think twice as that they don't want to get caught with "your pants down". But as always, YMMV and your wallet is usually the determining factor.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Does Listermint really work?
    Seriously, Tea Tree Oil. You can get it at any pharmacy, including WalMart. Little expensive (about $6 an ounce) but works great. Just massage into your hair, let set for about 10 minutes then shampoo. Usually one treatment is all you need. I have also used it for flees on my dog, and works wonders. Also good for acne, dry skin, burns, cuts, crabs, jock itch. Have also been told (although haven't had this problem) helps with herpes symptoms.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Tracking your phone
    In 1987 Secratary of State James McNamara said that it is the governments "best interests" to know where and when all persons in the continental United States are to protect American citizens from outside forces. It was believed at the time that he was speaking about Soviet spies and other foreign forces that had the intent to do harm, but he also urged legislation to put into place a means of tracking each and every individual that could possibly be an enemy of the state, past, present, and future. So, in other words, the government wants to know where you are just in case they decide that they no longer agree with your behavior, your lifestyle, your political beliefs, etc, etc, etc. if you have a smart phone, the GPS is always active, even if you turn it off (the say it is for 911 calls), if you use a credit card they know where you use it, if you are seen on a security cam they can trace you with facial recognition software, if your car has a GPS you are being tracked. Remember, the government "encourages" industry to use these and other tracking item, and actually penalizes companies that don't (by now awarding contracts). Remember, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, AND HE KNOWS BEST. NOW, ITS TIME FOR YOUR 8am CALASTETICS.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    2 things you never want to here from a stripper
    Its OK if you don't have a condom, I think everything has cleared up!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fake or real tits and why?
    Just remember there is life after dancing, so whichever way you decide make sure you are prepared to live with the rest of your life. As for me, I like natural, even if they are small. Something in me when I see a dancer with fake tits says that she is just out for money (the dancer seems more like working a "hustle"), but if they are real it is almost like you are an amateur and are there to party, hang out, and have a good time (at least to me).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is there some sort of statewide no touching law in Wisconsin?
    Most states officially have no touching "laws", but it is generally up to localities to interprite and enforce. I'm from PA, and officially you cannot touch a dancer, but generally it is very loosely enforced as long as you behave yourself and do it with some discretion, especially in the public areas. As long as the LCB or police don't deem the club a "nosiness" bar, they pretty much let the minor stuff slide as they are generally looking for a big bust vs. dealing with minor infractions. I'm not saying that they always let the minor stuff slide, but most just don't want to deal with the hassle and paperwork for a minor fine.