
Tracking your phone

I just heard on the news of yet another way to track your phone and thereby you.
They now have developed a way to track exactly where you are by the power signature of your phone even when your GPS feature is turned off. I feel about this just like I feel about back box tracking in cars. There is a push to have black boxes(already in many cars to one extent or another) so the cops can plug in to prove you have ever been over the speed limit etc. Car manufacturers want them to " monitor " potential operation problems. Not to sound paranoid but do I really want some faceless government official knowing when I stop at a club or a cop knowing I stopped at the liquor store or the gun shop and using that information to crucify me. Information is power and the government already has to much power.


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    The privacy battle lost. Can't win when the government, corporations and progressive are against you.

    And it will get worse from here. Soon we'll have chips floating inside our bodies to monitor out health and whereabouts 24/7.

    Just get used to it.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    When I bought my new Mustang 2 months ago my insurance company offered me a discount on my premium if I got one of those black boxes installed in my new car. I declined the offer.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Big brother will ONLY watch more, never less!
  • Holdem2
    10 years ago
    Dougster, why get used to it? Why not fight it? I don't want a chip in my body. Obamacare is a step down that road. That guy is all for stepping on your rights and for thinking government knows more than you do.

    Anyone who thinks bigger government is smarter and more efficient either has his head up his ass, has never worked for the government, or both.

    I vote for any party that gives citizens more freedoms and is fiscally responsible.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @Holdem: I can't see Obamacare as a privacy issue because insurance companies are even worse than the government, but I suppose haters will hate regardless of the facts.

    I also worry about lack of privacy in the 21st century. But if you want the benefits of modern technology, intrusion in your privacy is unavoidable unless people make it quite clear what they're not willing to put up with. We do have some laws in place not but obviously it's a constant battle.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Ooohhh I want a chip in my body - a potato chip!!! Yum yum!
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Does anyone else remember "The President's Analyst", a 1967 spy spoof with James Coburn? In the end, it turns out that the villain behind it all is TPC, the Phone Company. It wants to implant a neurally connected phone chip in every person's brain. In 1967, this film was one of the funniest I had ever seen. Today, it seems kind of prescient .....
  • Experimental
    10 years ago
    Governments and politicians want to control people. You guys are pretty naive if you think conservative politicians don't want to control you any more than liberal ones. This is all about control and power and it doesn't matter what ideology it is, you can't have power without control.
  • impala
    10 years ago
    In 1987 Secratary of State James McNamara said that it is the governments "best interests" to know where and when all persons in the continental United States are to protect American citizens from outside forces. It was believed at the time that he was speaking about Soviet spies and other foreign forces that had the intent to do harm, but he also urged legislation to put into place a means of tracking each and every individual that could possibly be an enemy of the state, past, present, and future. So, in other words, the government wants to know where you are just in case they decide that they no longer agree with your behavior, your lifestyle, your political beliefs, etc, etc, etc. if you have a smart phone, the GPS is always active, even if you turn it off (the say it is for 911 calls), if you use a credit card they know where you use it, if you are seen on a security cam they can trace you with facial recognition software, if your car has a GPS you are being tracked. Remember, the government "encourages" industry to use these and other tracking item, and actually penalizes companies that don't (by now awarding contracts). Remember, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, AND HE KNOWS BEST. NOW, ITS TIME FOR YOUR 8am CALASTETICS.
  • dtek
    10 years ago
    Married guys with a smart phone might want to turn off tracking on their phone: http://lifehacker.com/psa-your-phone-log…

    If you have GPS in your car, it's probably also recording where you've been. Most will allow you to delete the tracking information.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Most things have unintended consequences – technology is great but it seems we take a hit on the privacy front.

    And it’s no only the phone’s GPS; although GPS is way more exact as to one’s location; one’s cell ph is constantly communicating with the nearest cell ph tower (even when not in use) and thus they can track one’s movements that way.

    Even if one’s cell ph is turned off; it can still be turned on remotely w/o the user even knowing it – AFAIK taking out the battery is the only way to truly disconnect one’s cell ph and that may perhaps even have a workaround.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    If The Wire taught me anything, if you have something to hide from government agencies, don't use a smart phone.

    Otherwise, worry more about corporations. They actually have the resources and incentive to use this information and technology.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    You guys have nothing on us when it comes to being under surveillance, more cameras per head of population than any developed country apparently.
  • warhawks
    10 years ago

    My (now ex) wife used to track my phone. Thereby my whereabouts.

    I had to power it off completely to make sure it couldn't be tracked. It's a brave new world we live in today.

    Sometimes I wonder/think about just going off the grid and disappearing so no one can find you.
    It seems like people would have better things to do than constantly be wanting to know what someone else is doing, where they are, etc. Because I could care less what someone else is doing. I can keep myself entertained without being all up in someone else's business. lol.

    But thats just me.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago

    "In the future, Americans will submit, succumb and surrender in order to survive". - Henry Kissinger 1972

    this bitch is in a tailspin headed toward a socialist psychotic dystopian prison state and you'd better consider dusting off the AK's before it’s too late.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    I wonder if Big Brother can tell me where I left the remote?
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ^^^your phone is a remote, just download the app
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    "But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    How important is a wireless phone in your life?

    Not life and death for you to use a wireless device?..........pitch it.........tracking problem solved.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Snowden's revelations were the last, best chance, but in the end almost nobody cared. So the war is lost and we have to get used to it. On the positive side there will be alot of benefits from the new technologies to come. One will be crime reduction, which should mean reduction in the police and correctional officers helping balance the budge.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @Dougster: "One will be crime reduction,"

    I disagree. First off, increased surveillance will increase the number of people caught for existing crimes. If there does come a reduction in crime because of this, lawmakers never seem to have trouble making more things illegal. They do it now, with*out* the surveillance, imagine what they'll do when they can watch everybody. They'll see things that will trigger their "we must protect somebody by forbidding that" reflex.

    "which should mean reduction in the police and correctional officers helping balance the budge."

    You're joking right? Police and correctional organizations are profitable businesses these days. There's no way politicians are going to willingly reduce one of their best revenue generators, and that's assuming the police unions would permit it!

    The only way to counter the uptick in surveillance by government is to engage in your own "sousviellance", a word that was coined, I believe, by David Brin, the SF author. "Watch the watchers". Record the police and other government officials in the performance of their duties.

  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I don't have gps in my car nor a cell phone. I think I need a hot girl like in the old tv show Chuck to get friendly with me. Actually there is a hot dancer in one club talking to me on occassion. She looks so hot, almost out of place.

    On another site, I saw a former director of the CIA posting on the same thread as me. We must be interested in the same stuff.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I'll let the government track my phone if they provide a good new phone and pay for the monthly charges. I can compromise. I might rather have a hot girl get friendly with me. aka tv show Chuck.
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