Outside of stripping

What's the most common thing strippers tell you they are doing outside the club?
The most common thing for me is nothing. They are not in school, and they don't have another job. They have to pay rent, and stripping is how they do it.
The second most common thing I hear is beauty school.
The most common thing for me is nothing. They are not in school, and they don't have another job. They have to pay rent, and stripping is how they do it.
The second most common thing I hear is beauty school.
Other answers include yoga instructor, personal trainer, working in retail, and office jobs. Strangely I don't think I've ever had a dancer say she that her ITC job was in sales.
Hair, nails, make-up...
Apparently they lie just as much to each other as they do to customers.
I've had a few tell me they do
Real Estate on the side. Or that they are in sales.
Yeah... I suppose every girl in the club is in "Sales." Ha.
Fitness industry seems common for other gigs.
A lot are probably moms when not at the club.
Pre med? Sure. But not medical school.
I doubt many that are regular dancers are doing anything else on the side; if that was the case they probably would not be dancing – plus stripping can be pretty taxing I imagine and b/w the odd schedule; drinking; and possible drug use; they probably cannot handle doing other stuff on the side.
In school for graphics design, or to be a psychologist or a marriage councilor. Or wants to go to school to be a kindergarten teacher. Or works as an aerobics and physical education teacher. Works in a lingerie store at the nearby shopping mall, verified. Works cutting hair at the same mall, verified. Wants to be a newspaper journalist. Left to work in a ticket booth at the Shoreline Amphitheater. Used to work as a history teacher, before coming to California. Human Resources Director for computer gaming company. Manager of Accounts Payable for high tech startup. Bank Loan Officer. Laid off Office Manager. Used to work in Corporate America. Still works in Corporate America. Going to trade school and now field installer for Comcast Cable. Wants to learn about computers but now dances and does OTC. Dances and also dances in S.F. Dances and also does Bachelor Parties, which is mostly a code for OTC. Goes to school at UC Santa Cruz. Was acting in local theater production. Goes to junior college and has some paintings on display in Pete's Coffee Shop.
Comes from Kentucky and has danced all over the country. Currently in relationship, "I can do more when I am not in relationship. Right now it's like, 'that's reserved'".
Born in Cancun Mexico, but lived and danced in Florida. Has run off from husband. Now living in hotel and has 1-800 number with phone operator. ( this one was a super hot latina!)
Dances and passes out business cards for the Bachelor Party ( mostly Escort ) service she works with.
Going to school to learn about computers ( beloved Latina escort preparing for retirement ).
Worked for one of the last remaining fruit packing companies in San Jose ( beloved Latina escort accepting retirement ).
Wants to get Real Estate License ( stupid head up her ass lesbian dancer ).
Planning on going to Medical School ( Afro American dancer who does not want to do anything illegal like OTC ).
Wants to go to LA to get into mainstream entertainment industry.
I don't think I've ever had a girl in detroit say they are in school. Seems to me a lot of waitresses at strop clubs are the ones in school. I tend to believe most of them because they seem fairly intelligent.
One of the barmaids at my favorite club has worked on my bike. She is a partner in a motorcycle repair shop.
I’ve met a few “army brats” whose parent was in the armed forces and thus they moved around a lot and many of these dancers have been very free spirits.
The most I met in Key West said they were from the Okinawa. I kind of questioned that since it is so small and so far away from the mainland. I figured since our military is prevalent in Okinawa, they just said they were from there. One was such a hottie, but knew it and was a poor dancer and not really enjoyable to be around. Plus I had my fave, Donna, at that club.
I still see Donna around, but about doubled or more in weight. Is really surprising since she was meticulous about working out back in the days. At 39 her body was as tight as a drum...Bob