
Comments by CaptDan

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How A Girl "Ends Up" Doing Porn
    Oh yeah, that MFC girl who got in trouble when you could see a minor behind her on cam. She's the reason MFC girls can't go outside anymore and it annoys me, as one of my favorite girls used to do driving shows, where she'd set her laptop down in the passenger seat, point the camera at herself, drive somewhere secluded and then get off. The shows were great, but she'll get banned if she does it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    WWE Divas
    Becky Lynch, I think. And maybe that one girl in NXT, Bayley. Her face is goofy looking, but her tits look pretty enormous and her body is great.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    My CF just said something strange to me. Anyone care to interpret?
    Oh hell NO, @georgemicrodong. She lives in New Jersey, in Trenton. There is no way in fuck I'm going to Trenton to see her. So I don't have to worry about her tricking me into going to her place and robbing me or something. Hell, I'd be more worried about getting car jacked by random lowlifes on the way to her place, honestly. You couldn't pay me enough to go to Trenton. As for cop harassment, she won't say. The only thing I know is it was a traffic stop of some kind. Once again, she says she needs to go to Wildwood to see some relative later today and will call me after that. She also says she fell asleep as soon as she got home last night and it was her sister fucking with me over text message, not her. (I actually believe this because she never uses punctuation in her texts and whoever was texting me last night was using periods.) Either way, I think I'm giving up on this. I have enough stress in my life right now. If she actually calls, she calls. There's a new girl at the club who is a 9 or 9.5. I should just try to get with her, I think.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you consider braces to be in the same category as piercings?
    Two girls at my regular club have braces. (they both look to be 22-23.) I don't find them any less attractive because of that.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Stripper lines to get you into the VIP rooom
    Yeah, that line would make me turn her down. I don't want my sperm near anyone's egg.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Lap dance videos
    Looking isn't really very interesting. If she's good at it and you have thin enough pants on, it's gonna feel a hell of a lot like sex. Or does for me, anyway.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    My CF just said something strange to me. Anyone care to interpret?
    She hasn't ever really asked me for money, though. Well, not directly. She'll passively aggressively hint she needs money (and sometimes gets it from me), but has never just directly said, "Can I have money?" But I'm starting to wonder if she's messing with me. Last night, the cops were harassing her, tonight she sends me an imessage from her ipad saying she lost her phone and can't find it to talk to me. So, who the fuck knows? I think if she wanted something (like money), she'd have borrowed someone else's phone to talk. Who knows?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    My CF just said something strange to me. Anyone care to interpret?
    As for age difference, yeah. I'm 14 years older than she is. I seriously doubt she wants to date me. I've seen pictures of her exes, and they all look nothing like me at all. They all look like guido douches, really. I, on the other hand, am a fat comic book t shirt wearing nerd. (Though you'd be surprised at how much attention an X-Men or Avengers shirt gets. A different stripper there took her boot off once to show me an X-Men tattoo she had on her calf.) Anyway, the girl who I'm supposed to be calling soon is maybe a 6.5 or 7, which is right in the range of what I can normally get. Finally, as for if anything about her is "particularly hot", um, kind of. I think she's cute and she can use an aerial hoop, so that's pretty hot. (This is someone using an aerial hoop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ke9s3NU4W0 in case you've never seen it before. The girl in that video is a _lot_ better at it than my CF, though.) Appearance wise, though, she's maybe a bit above average. There's definitely girls at the club who are way hotter than she is. I think I hit all the major questions that were asked of me.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    You, My Dear, Are No Porn Star
    I had a stripper pull that line on me. She told me the name she used in porn, and sure enough, I googled and found she had done an episode of Bang Bus. I don't know if Bang Bus makes her a porn star, but she wasn't lying about doing porn, at least.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Boner killers
    This just happened to me tonight: Do not talk about ended relationships. I had a girl tell me tonight, during a LD, about her dead heroin addict boyfriend. I don't need to hear about that shit during a dance or at all, really. I don't mind if the girl says she has a boyfriend or husband, so long as I don't hear a lot about them. I usually assume they have a boyfriend unless they specifically state otherwise, honestly.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What ever happened to happy dancers?
    My club has this weird mix of happy dancers and ones who dump all their problems on you. Sadly, the ratio seems to be 1 happy dancer to 3 problem dumpers. I don't want to hear about how your ex abused you and refuses to be a part of your kid's life. Why do I know you have a kid? I don't want to know that. Generally, though, I can tell pretty quickly if they're a problem dumper and usually turn very cold to them until they start leaving me alone. It works fairly well. A few are persistent, but most go away. Then you have the fake problem dumper. there's this black girl who told me, "I haven't gotten dick yet this week. I hate it." Well... that's a problem, I guess... not sure what to think of that.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    So, I tried out one of those Liquid Lapdance things...
    Just to clarify: I didn't hate the Liquid Lapdance. It just didn't make me cum. The most intense moments were probably more intense than anything I'd ever done in a lap dance. Just to clarify, I've never LDKed during a dance, either with or without a LL. If I could keep my cock from roaming around and going wherever it wants, I'd probably think the LL is the greatest thing ever. It works well, just not perfectly. Still not sure when i'm gonna give it a third and final try. Possibly Thursday of this week.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    So, I tried out one of those Liquid Lapdance things...
    In terms of the butter and fat comment, I have no idea. Near the end of the dance (after talking about my smell the entire dance) she says, "I'm going to roll on you so I smell like you all night!" and then, "I'm definitely going to have to change my panties after this." I have no idea. This girl is weird. She also said she wished her dogs smelled like me. I don't know. As for lube, it came in an unmarked container, but it's kinda thick and not real nice. A thin lube, like gun oil, felt much better. If I could keep my cock in one place, I think I'd have like my experience much more.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Saving Singles
    Sometimes I save my $1s for a few days before I got to a club, but usually I just break $20s at a club. If I'm in the mood to throw money at the girls while they're dancing (which is rare for me), I'll go to the bank and get a lot of singles so I don't have to break $160 worth of twenties at the club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Well, I found out how to tell a stripper really isn't into you...
    "Strange. What do the guys she hangs out with look like?" She usually doesn't. I think I've seen her sitting and talking to someone once, and that only lasted about 5 minutes. Even if she doesn't like doing it, you'd think she would for enough money.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cash and IRS
    "Once i cashed in a check for over 10G (which lasted me a few years of scing) and they took a bunch of documentation." Having worked at a bank for 5 years, I can assure you this is normal. They're required by law to do investigations on all deposits of 10k or bigger. They were just doing due diligence.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Going alone - alcohol or no alcohol?
    Going alone is fine. I do it all the time. The girls may even give you more attention because they don't have to worry about singling you out from a group. That's what my CF told me, anyway, about why she doesn't talk to many guys. (I happened to be alone the first time she ever saw me, and that's apparently why she just sat down next to me and started talking to me.) As for alcohol, well, that's up to you. I usually order a beer and nurse it for 90 minutes when I'm alone. Then again, I also tend to smoke up in the parking lot before going in so I'm already messed up. I don't need alcohol at that point.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Is today rent day?
    I know my ATF needs to earn $260 today to pay all her bills. (Yes, I'm giving her a big chunk of that when I see her today. This week is bonus week at work, so I have a good bit of extra money.) So yes, I think a lot of them will probably need to earn a lot today.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tired of easy extras?
    Considering I've never gotten extras of any kind in a strip club, I have no problems with easy ones. It should also be noted I've never attempted to get extras, either. Though one girl at my regular place has been wanting to see if she can make me cum by grinding me in a dance. I'm not sure if that counts as an extra or not, but she said she's going to try when I go to the club later today.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    have you ever dated a black girl ?
    I dated a black girl. She gave me no head at all. Boooo!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the harem..lodi nj
    I definitely wouldn't go by the website. The website for my regular place has pictures of 12 girls on it, all white. I've seen 3 of them in the club, never seen the others. They also have a bunch of black and latino dancers. If you want to work there, go for it. Ignore what you see on the website.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    shot girls
    There's really only one club around here that has a shot girl. I just avoid that particular club, usually. If I am there, though, I generally figure I should be expecting to be separated from my money, and I tend to buy the shot.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What the hell to make of tonight? [long-ish]
    This is true. Interestingly enough, she just recently (as in yesterday) said she thinks I'm spending too much in the club and should stop. I say to her, "You realize you just cost yourself about $80 from me every time I go in, right?" (I usually tip her anywhere between $20 and $50 when she sits with me, plus tips after she's on stage, money from lap dances, etc.) Her response was, "You can't afford it." Then 5 minutes later she asked me to visit her apartment next time I have a day off. I am so goddamn confused. (Interestingly enough, I tried to tip a totally different girl $20 that same night for spending about 15 minutes with me, and she refused to accept it saying she hadn't done enough to earn it. That girl gave me her phone number right after she turned the tip down. What the fuck kind of alternate dimension bizarro strip club have I found?)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What the hell to make of tonight? [long-ish]
    I don't know if anyone cares, but just as an update: I went back to see the girl yesterday. She was talking about how she had hardly any money and went auditioning at a club in Philly, but got there too late and missed the auditions. I was half expecting her to hit me up for some cash then, but she didn't. Today, however, I'm texting with her. I mention I'm going back to the club tonight around 7pm to see this other girl I like. She texts back that she got an "emergency" shift tonight (yesterday she told me she wasn't working today) because she's moving soon and has to make a down payment tomorrow on her new place. Then she tells me she lives in Trenton. For those who don't know New Jersey, Trenton is a hell hole. It's always been bad, but it's gotten a _lot_ worse in the past 5-6 years. It's not too much better than Detroit at this point. Does she really live in Trenton? I don't know. Her cell phone is the right area code for Trenton, so maybe. So yeah, I'm thinking a hit up for money is coming tonight. I usually give her $20 for spending time with me (as she normally spends about two hours with me), so we'll see if she asks for something beyond that. But yes, considering I got nothing but sob stories out of her yesterday, I feel like you're all correct and she's setting me up for a "loan."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What the hell to make of tonight? [long-ish]
    "Now you have a story to tell your kids about how you met their mother." Not unless I have a friend named Barney. lol