Going alone - alcohol or no alcohol?

I live in San Diego and just barely started going to strip clubs. Only been once but it was cool and I wanna go again. I went with my friend the first time to Cheetah's (an all-nude, no alcohol club). He's not able to go later tonight but I'd still like to go. So I really have 2 questions: I'm a 23 year old and would it seem weird or out of place for me to go to a strip club alone? The first time I went most of the younger guys were in groups and there were a few older guys alone. That was on a Sunday night and I'm sure Saturday nights are way busier I don't wanna be that guy that people laugh at and call a loser. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into it but whatever. Also, there are 3 clubs close to me - Cheetah's, Pure Platinum, and Exposé. Only PP serves alcohol. So if I do go solo would it be best to go to a club with alcohol or should I stay somewhat sober while I'm there? I figure while I'm there I can at least have something to do besides being the conspicuous lone guy who isn't drunk. Anyway, figured I'd hear some advice from some vets who know better than I do. Thanks.
last commentStick to Cheetahs. Most of the girls are very friendly. You can also leave the club and go to The Bullpen next door (same owner). It's a pretty good sports bar with good food. And more hot chicks.
" would it seem weird or out of place for me to go to a strip club alone?"
No Sir.
" I don't wanna be that guy that people laugh at and call a loser"
Don't pay attention to what other people think of you. YOUR own opinion of yourself is the MOST important.
Don't use alcohol unless you wish to RISK a DUI & the consequences of it.
As an older dude who goes to strip clubs alone, I can tell you that I mentally laugh at the packs of young guys at the club who have no idea what they're doing there!
Yeah it's probably best for me to stay sober. I already drank quite a bit at home so I guess there's no need for any more. I really liked Cheetah's and got a great lapdance from a girl I saw last time so I guess that'll be my pic for the night. And grand - what exactly do you mean by guys who have no idea what they're doing there? I'm a newbie so is there anything specific I should know/do?
If you do go alone you should not be alone for long with all the strippers willing to join you. Now you can spend your time having fun with the dancing girls and not have to worry about your buddies and what they are doing.
It is always smart to not drink too much when you are by yourself. Don't be an idiot. Enjoy the girls, have fun and watch your back.
Beware of miscounted dances. Don't use a credit card. Don't use the ATM in aclub - they usually charge a VERY high Fee. Don't act like a teenager at the tip rail. DON't expect something for nothing. Pay well if you go into a VIP. Etc.
You'll get more attention from the strippers if you go alone. Have fun!
BTW it's always cool to see a young guy post on here.
I used the ATM my first time there...$6 fee :/ I'll make sure to bring enough cash this time. And thanks ranukam! Thanks everyone for all the help and tips.
Also, I always heard that San Diego and CA have a reputation for being pretty strict with the no-touching rule. And Cheetah's seems to be a "classier" place than other clubs. The girl I was with the first time didn't seem to care for any of those rules at all. A lot of mutual touching was going on. Should I assume this is a normal thing or was she just an anomaly? I don't wanna spend $100 for a girl who won't give me the same experience.
Some people might laugh or make comments but A. you don't know them so who gives a fuck? B. It's unlikely they're going to be so obvious about it you'll know.
When you go with other guys you are limited in what you do by their opinions and their wants and wishes. Alone you are free to explore whoever and whatever you wish. If you go to VIP with a dancer have a very frank discussion with her prior to going. How long; how much; and what's going to happen? How far will she go? How far do you want her to go. Many posters here are fully satisfied to just enjoy the company of a nude beautiful woman. Others want and expect a handjob. Many want a BJ. Covered or bareback? Some are looking for full sex. Negotiate. Some of my faves don't offer extras. Others will provide whatever I can afford.
As a solitary patron, dancers will approach you asking for dances. Don't be afraid to say no, thanks. Be respectful. Keep in your mind that their job is to extract as much money from your wallet as is possible
Going to a SC alone is the best way, IMHO. Look - I'm a girl and I go alone all the time. I get plenty of stares but do I care? Hell no! I'm there to see and interact with the dancers...I don't give a rat's ass what any of the other customers think. But for what its worth the majority of any interaction I have had with other customers has been pleasant. Rarely has there ever been any problems.
San Diego is well known to be low mileage. Here in LA & in San Fran its a whole different story.
While I have made a handful of visits to strip clubs with somebody (mostly one of 3 different friends), essentially, I have been going alone to strip clubs since I was 21 or so. I have never felt weird or out of place at any of them. Some of them may even appreciate the fact someone their own age is going there for the entertainment.
It's possible your friends may make you feel weird since you go to strip clubs alone (one of my old college buddies I still interact with via Facebook still thinks it's weird, but then again, he never went to one, AFAIK), but it may be possible they aren't worth keeping as friends.
As others have said, going alone is the way to go, because when you go with a group, the collective mind takes over and you worry too much what your friends think.
Thanks again for all the tips, guys (and gal). I decided not to go tonight but that was because I didn't feel too good from all the drinking I did earlier. My head is still throbbing. Anyway, I feel a bit more relieved about going alone in the future. Although I think I'd still prefer going on a not-so-busy day. Better chances to get the girl I want.
Dude if you're in San Diego already, just go to TJ and your money will go SO much further.
Going alone is fine. I do it all the time. The girls may even give you more attention because they don't have to worry about singling you out from a group. That's what my CF told me, anyway, about why she doesn't talk to many guys. (I happened to be alone the first time she ever saw me, and that's apparently why she just sat down next to me and started talking to me.)
As for alcohol, well, that's up to you. I usually order a beer and nurse it for 90 minutes when I'm alone. Then again, I also tend to smoke up in the parking lot before going in so I'm already messed up. I don't need alcohol at that point.
My advice
cash only
have a beer or 2
don't be scared to go to a sc alone.
have some $ stashed in u need it for gass to get home.
Well have fun & its great to see young people here on this site
If my alcohol could pay the cover fee.
I think you did a great job on your first review. A lot of veterans on here have never written a review as good as that. Keep up the good work!
Dont drink its bad for your livers
if you live in san diego you should try going to tijuana clubs.
I'm not really cool with going to TJ alone. That's something I'd rather do with friends. Also, don't you need a passport to return? I may be a citizen but I'm Mexican so I don't wanna risk any problems on my way back to SD lol.