What ever happened to happy dancers?
I have been playing with dancers off and on since 1990. Dancers used to be upbeat, friendly , sexy, ditsy and fun. I loved Dancers Under the Influence! ( DUI) Now I go to a club and its drama city, girls not friendly, no small talk , no smiles on stage and off stage it is all " My babies daddy will not pay child suppoet" " my car needs work", " My land lord is mean. " Ect. Girls I don't go to clubs for drama! Smile!, Be friendly! act like you want to be there! If I do not know your real name and you do not know my last name then I do not to hear about yout outside the club life! A dancer that flirts with me is more likely to get my money!
Tell me your name is Aurora, you're the love child of second generation hippies who met during a spectacular northern lights show, you grew up in a wild, wonderful place I've never visited, and being naked around old perverts makes you happy and horny. I'll buy those dances all night long, baby. That is UBER better than "I'm Jane, my kid's dad ran off with my little sister, and I need a new muffler for my 1982 Dodge Dart. Without a diploma it was either this or hooking. So, want to buy a dance?"
There are plenty of lame dancers that wont dance for some groups that they dislike for whatever reason- fat guys, old guys, black guys, women, etc. You name the group and there will be someone who wont dance for them. But rest assured that for every stupid dancer who discriminates there are plenty more that would be more than happy to dance for you.
If management treats the dancers like crap; that is already setting a bad environment/vibe for the club that will trickle down to the custies.
I often get a feeling in some clubs that most of the dancers look like they hate being there and in other clubs where dancers are having a good time and smiling even if they are just hanging w/ you and not making $$$.
If the club music is super loud, you won't hear a word anyone says unless they shout it in your ear. If I suddenly lost a few pounds or gained, dancers don't care.
I don't want to hear about how your ex abused you and refuses to be a part of your kid's life. Why do I know you have a kid? I don't want to know that.
Generally, though, I can tell pretty quickly if they're a problem dumper and usually turn very cold to them until they start leaving me alone. It works fairly well. A few are persistent, but most go away.
Then you have the fake problem dumper. there's this black girl who told me, "I haven't gotten dick yet this week. I hate it." Well... that's a problem, I guess... not sure what to think of that.
LOL – sounds like this could have made a good Seinfeld episode
This is a smart dancer. She may never get a dance from me (I bet she will though), but she is ATF material if circumstances change. She is definitely contrary to the trend that girls are more pushy these days, and if she has a bunch of non-starters who nevertheless like her (like me), she WILL get business down the line. More dancers should be like her.