
Comments by azrookie (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    HiLiter Scheduling
    ^^^Meat72... You're on to something. Lots of new marketing bundles are possible here. "Enjoy 5 VIP dances and get 50% off a steak and egg breakfast." My CF tells me the new cook @ the HL is pretty good. I have never dined there (or any other SC, for that matter).
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    7 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    HiLiter Scheduling
    You can now enjoy breakfast @ the HL! Not sure when this started or how many dancers will be there, but they open at 10 AM.
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    7 years ago
    Status of Stripping in Phoenix
    Since I started being a SC hobbyist, the North American economy has experienced five economic contractions (recessions). My casual emperics over time indicate that as the labor market deteriorates, the quality of dancers at clubs improves. If this thesis holds, the significant uptick in the business cycle in the past 15 months will not be good for dancer quality or quantity.
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    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Anyone short Tesla?
    I have never taken a position in Tesla because I prefer not to invest in companies that are a solely a "growth story." I realize it has caused me to miss more than a couple of truly breakout stocks. With Tesla, sales usually miss targets and the company burns through cash like a furnace. I wonder were/ what Musk and Tesla would be without the taxpayer subsidies that his companies have sucked from the public teat. The last estimate I saw was that Musk's three companies had amassed $4.9B in taxpayer subsidies/grants/handouts since inception. You can make a pretty good argument that without massive gov't. support, these companies probably don't exist. If my neighbor, the plastic surgeon, wants to own a Tesla (he does), I could care less. But do I have to be a part of the $7500 taxpayer rebate he will get when he buys the car?
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    7 years ago
    Latest Rules at Hi-Liter
    ^^^ @CP; you could have it right. The guys who own HL may have decided to morph their business model in response to the new law enforcement paradigm. While getting a relatively lame floor dance, my stripper touched her own boobs twice. She was quickly reprimanded by one of the bouncers (who I've seen 100x over the years). Definitely a mood killer.
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    7 years ago
    Latest Rules at Hi-Liter
    I can second the report from CP. I rolled in this afternoon just past noon. Several new faces. No ID scan and pretty crowded. Two of my ATF dancers were not working. A veteran dancer sat on my lap and struck up a conversation. She claims there was a liquor control board raid after the raid on the Wed before Thanksgiving. Her theory is that the ownership had been approved to take over Centerfolds and that the liquor board and police were hassling the ownership. She pointed out two of the owners who were sitting among the PLs. I got a few very tame dances from D** and called it a day. Very tense vibe in the room. Getting the rights to reopen the Centerfold venue may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory for the owners. My visits to HL will definitely be downsized.
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    7 years ago
    Sexual Harassment - Corporate History
    Like many posters, I was a young "hi po" management guy in what was (at that time) one of the largest and most profitable companies in the US/ world. The Supreme Court decision that scared the hell out of every company in America was the Meritor Savings v. Vinson case (June 1986). That decision was the first time the court recognized harassment claims could be ruled as violations to Title VII when companies allowed hostile or abusive work environments. Over the next few decades, I knew several guys whose careers were derailed or who were fired for things like telling risque jokes and being overheard by a female employee. I also witnessed plenty of situations where very senior mgmt guys remained serial harassers and HR shuffled them off to another division and protected them.
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    7 years ago
    Just don't go to a strip club with Louis C.K.
    ^^^ @PoolyD: I'm totally with you on this notion that it's OK, or for that matter, even enjoyable, for a man to ask a woman to watch him spank his carrot. Harvey Weinstein got his jollies (allegedly) doing this same thing. Must be a power trip.
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    7 years ago
    Scanning Driver’s License
    Fake IDs are simple to get. Ask any college kid you know how to get one. All of my college aged kids had one. $100 - $200 for 2, made in China, with your picture and name but phony address in another state. That way, you can't be accused of ID theft. Son told me he had his scanned a few times and did not get rejected. I doubt that the SC dbase is bounced off of the DMV or any other gov't dbase. It must be a "cover your ass" move. Particularly in the case of HL in Phoenix. Remember a few weeks ago they garnered some positive local press for their participation in the "bouncer training" class as a response to the Centerfolds situation.
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    7 years ago
    Hi Liter Phoenix Raid
    ^^^Corvus: Very plausible theory. I would also take odds that some of the dancers used the complaint process to get rid of some of the more liberal aka successful dancers (@Chrisjenk94). The shutdown of Centerfolds has brought in a large number of new dancers. Harder for some of the longer term HL dancers to make their numbers. Getting rid of the most popular girls would be to their benefit. Having said that, one of the dancers mentioned told me once that the bouncers know which girls generate the most bank for them (bouncers) and the club. So they have an incentive to give them some room to move.
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    7 years ago
    Songs about Pussy
    I Touch Myself by The Divinyls. https://youtu.be/wv-34w8kGPM
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Dick Dodger and Dick Clocker Dancer
    Getting dances from a dodger is more frustrating. The girls who know just how to do the minimus to keep you excited, particularly the last 15 seconds of a song can end up costing a lot of money for little value because I keep thinking she's going to pick up the game any time now. After 3 or 4 like that, I'll shut it down. If the clocker is too rough out of the shoot and isn't receptive to some input to dial it down, I'll stop the engagement quicker.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    US Open
    First time I've seen Ms Sonders. She is so over the top smoking hot. Leave it to Fox.
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    7 years ago
    Strange happenings at Hi-Liter in Phoenix
    I see two sources of headwinds for the HL. The neanderthal in town is the AG, Bill Montgomery. Bill is a true throwback, "law and order" type who still tries to overturn the medical MJ initiative passed by the voters every chance he gets. His office, and other LEAs, are lining up at the new public safety grant trough: human trafficking. This new initiative claims that sex trafficking is an epidemic in America and conveniently classifies anyone in the sex trade businesses (strippers included) to be an accomplice, or victim, or both. The other macro event that may not bode well for the HL is the changing character of the neighborhood. After decades of little change, there is a high level of RE development going on around the area. The strip mall just to the south has been totally redeveloped. Over time, I would expect these businesses to express to city hall that they would prefer a more conventional enterprise was located where the HL now stands. In Phoenix, RE investment and sales tax revenues reign supreme. Enjoy it while it lasts. Really appreciate the insight from @davephx.
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    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cycling kid gets distracted by stripper van and the inevitable happens soon afte
    That's awesome. Founder should send the kid a complimentary membership for life.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New ED treatment...
    @SJG: where did you get your MD? Spoken like a young man who has much to learn and experience.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lets name all of the things that we have read that men were caught fucking excep
    In college, I worked part time in one of the eating halls. One night the supervisor, Jim, a middle aged guy from Arkansas, was shooting the shit with a couple of us while cleaning/ closing shop. Somehow the subject turns to a discussion about getting laid. The supervisor asks, "have any of you ever fucked a watermelon? It's really good." I kept my distance from Jim for the rest of the semester.
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    8 years ago
    Cutting them off
    @bubba267... https://youtu.be/zMMjN_lC8a8
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    8 years ago
    Phx stripclub assault?
    The bouncer beat the firefighter, who had his arm in a brace, unconscious with his hands, called a Lyft car, and sent him to the hospital where he died from the injuries. 2nd degree murder. He is out on $250K bond. Quick web search indicates the Draper is/was an MMA fighter and instructor in town. And WTF was the manager thinking? The cops found the video from the club and it shows him turning off the cameras. TBD if he will do time. JS69: the nickname dates back to my teenage years.
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Women's March
    It was amazing to see how many women decided to participate in the marches on Sat. But the idea that there is a post election feminist solidarity in the country is a charade. 42% of women voted for Trump in Nov. Among white women, it was 53% Trump. It's easy to understand that women are repulsed by Trump's womanizing past (although Bill Clinton always gets a pass for his). But our culture, laws and societal norms have completely changed over the past 25 years. Gay people are not going back into the closet and same sex marriage has the blessing of the Supreme Court. Abortions may be limited to the first 20 weeks but there's no chance that Roe v Wade is going away.
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    8 years ago
    Phx stripclub assault?
    The AZ Republic will never be confused with a cutting edge news agency. I was also struck immediately by the lack of detail. Watching out for a fellow first responder. We'll see if more details come out or if it just gets swept under the rug.
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    8 years ago
    Interesting information from a dancer?
    Per dancers at my regular stop: $40 (I think) to get on the floor. Tip the DJ $20 or more (if it's busy, DJ won't call her up for a stage dance). 10% of floor dance revenue (honor system). $5 of the $25 charge for VIP dances. Tips for the bouncers/ door guys.
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    8 years ago
    No and No. This used to be known as "shrimping" where I grew up.
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    8 years ago
    Im moving to canada!
    A lot to like about Canada. But not their confiscatory tax structure. 55% marginal income tax rate, plus PST and GST on purchases. Long, long waits for elective surgery (socialized medicine). Think I'll pass.
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    8 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Rule changes at the Phoenix HiLiter
    Doubt that the Phoenix PD allow Sheriff Joe and MCSO in their jurisdiction. Most real cops think Joe is a bozo. New chief (female) just started. New broom sweeps clean. It will pass.