
Women's March

They never tell you what you need to know.
I am surprised nobody has mentioned this yet but since we are all a bunch of male chauvinist pigs I should know better.

I can say I was extremely close to deleting my Facebook account this weekend. I never post anything but seeing people post photos and comments on both sides have me convinced at least 40% of my "Facebook friends" are clinically insane. I think the best has been one woman posting photos of her in a designer dress at one of the lesser known inaugural balls, then the next photo is one dragging her 3 young boys to a March holding up feminism posters.

I'm not condoning this statement, but sorry it made me laugh:



  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Yeah that fat women marching picture is funny. I saw it on facebook. Also funny are the ones protesting the protestors for suggesting that a vagina is necessary for a person to be a woman:

  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I've been off Facebook for 5 or 6 years.

    I could see that nothing good could come of it.

    I've actually have know of guy's getting busted by their significant others because of their photo being tagged.

    Better to keep a low profile, I say.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Whats to mention? The march was a show of unity and strength for women and men as well against the idiocy that is now in the WH. It really doesn't belong here on a titty bar site.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Trump is whining like a little bitch because the women's march was bigger than his inauguration. The women stood up to the pussy-grabber-in-chief, who does nothing but lie and suck Putin's dick. Many beautiful women were in the march, like Katy Perry and Scarlett Johansson.


  • mufdvr
    8 years ago
    the march confirms why I'm staying single, would rather bang a hot stripper than deal with these cry babies on a daily basis.
  • mufdvr
    8 years ago
    So sorry, I didn't realize you held your tittyFAG sign during the March
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    I'll be damned if I can figure out what women's rights they believe that Trump wishes to take away from them. The obvious exception is that Trump is pro-life and will no doubt choose pro-life Supreme Court Justices. But I know two pro-life women who marched in these protests and I cannot figure out what exactly they were protesting.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ^^ yes pro-life Supreme Court nominees is at issue. Also Medicaid cuts which will hit women more than men, health care cuts that affect contraception.

    You have to remember that women and men participated and, to a certain extent, the march just expressed a general revulsion toward Trump. Not just feminism. Everyone should celebrate the march -- probably the largest in US history -- as a celebration of first-amendment rights.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^Thats why you and others like you need to grab women by their pussies. I want to hold my fire until I see where this goes but I am less optimistic every time Trump opens his pie hole. He is the most thin skinned president I have seen in my lifetime and I have been alive for 13 so far. Maybe that's what happened he's the thirteenth president in my lifetime maybe the number really has some significance. I can't say he's the worst yet but he certainly has started out badly.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    My post was directed at Dugan you posted ahead of me.
  • azrookie
    8 years ago
    It was amazing to see how many women decided to participate in the marches on Sat. But the idea that there is a post election feminist solidarity in the country is a charade. 42% of women voted for Trump in Nov. Among white women, it was 53% Trump. It's easy to understand that women are repulsed by Trump's womanizing past (although Bill Clinton always gets a pass for his). But our culture, laws and societal norms have completely changed over the past 25 years. Gay people are not going back into the closet and same sex marriage has the blessing of the Supreme Court. Abortions may be limited to the first 20 weeks but there's no chance that Roe v Wade is going away.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I am very glad that we had that Women's March, and I support the Angela Davis called for, that every day of Trump's Presidency is a day of protest. And she was right to include art in music in the means of protest, as no one can stop us there.

  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    rickdugan -->"I'll be damned if I can figure out what women's rights they believe that Trump wishes to take away from them. ... I cannot figure out what exactly they were protesting."

    I think I know. It's the same confusion TiredTraveler had with "pussy grabbing" as the election played out. It's "rape culture."

    I know. You're rolling your eyes. But hear me out. I think I roll enough with both cultures to maybe explain it. Google the term "why do conservatives hate college professors". There are the two sides at war here.

    Seriously, it is about rape culture. The "grab 'em in the pussy thing." It started with 2nd wave feminism as a radical idea (very radical !!). This was the idea that "all penis in vagina sex was rape." Like I said, very radical. Now with 4th wave feminism, it's more mainstream but the talk is about rape. domestic violence against women, sexual assault, and locker room "rape culture" that men perpetuate. And "Grab 'em by the pussy" symbolizes that.

    If you want a quick refresher on the waves of feminism, so we can discuss, or if you are just curious, then read this article by a college professor Martha Rampton. She is a professor of History and Director for the Center of Gender Equity at Pacific University. It's a decent article on the subject. Concentrate on the 2nd and 4th waves of feminism, if you want to gain an understanding of what is happening. :)


    Four Waves of Feminism
    . by Martha Rampton, Sunday, October 25, 2015

  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    It's just too bad that all of those women didn't have jobs to go to.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @Dominic explaining finesse to a dinosaur is a waste of time, the problem with many of these old guys is they never put themselves in the shoes of another person the contemplate their navel because it sticks out past their dick. In other words they choose not to understand too bad for them.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    BTW understanding does not mean agree you don't have to see things the same way to get it.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Dominic, if I never see the expression "rape culture" again it will be too soon. I've read enough literature around it over time that I don't need another helping of that hyper-sensitive tripe. Yes what Trump said was stupid, but nobody other than whack jobs believes that he supports rape as an acceptable form of interaction between men and women.

    Meanwhile, these same whack jobs are perfectly fine with Hillary's very real support of a husband who sexually abused countless girls. Just Google all the shit this guy did while he was the governor of Arkansas - it was truly amazing. In fact, she was an active member of the cleanup team and ruined many women's lives. My how short memories are.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah - I don't remember such marches when Clinton was prez - this current march seems mostly leftist anti-Trumpsters still unable to accept the election results.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Hey Dugan that's about as hypersensitive as a head smack you are an idiot if you don't understand. You stupid fucks keep going back to Bill Clinton nobody is condoning his behavior but it was 17 years ago let's talk about today's problems your boy lies constantly how are we supposed to take that. Every day a new issue can't even get a grip on the truth for a single news cycle and he already has a new alternative fact
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Papi we are not all of us are leftists plus they not only didn't march against Clinton they didn't march against Bush 1 or 2 they didn't march against Reagan don't start that shit because that is revisionist history and you know it.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Twenty, many of the things dredged up about Trump was pretty aged as well. That pussy comment was over 11 years ago and the comments about renting to blacks went all the way back to the 70s. Yet people are marching on that nonsense. I guess it was ok for Bill grab their pussies and then for Hillary to publicly humiliate them if they had the gall to complain about it. That shows the intellect and education of the average marcher - too emotional and stupid to understand their own absurd hypocrisy.

    But ok, let's talk about today. Today he is killing bad trade deals, getting ready to repeal an utterly monstrous and unsupportable health care act and is scaring companies into bringing good paying blue collar jobs back to the States. I'd call all of that a great start.

    I won't repeat the goofy and emotional - almost womanly - "if you don't understand then you are an idiot" insult because you likely won't understand no matter how clearly I type it You're just too emotional. But yet I try...
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    I give the women's marches a cautious thumbs up. If anyone remembers their history, Nazi Germany relegated women to "Kirche, Kinder, Kuchen" (in English: church, children, cooking). I think women saying in effect, Screw that we want our bodies and our lives is a positive thing, as this sets back the schedule where the Fascists can try to burn the Reichstag, burn the libraries, round up unwanted minorities and dissidents etc etc. In my mind this is a wonderful start for the first 100 days: 100 days of Resistance that is!
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    So Mr. Dugan, Dude, what is a freeze on the EPA along with a news blackout all about. Maybe with your superior intellect, you can tell me what I don't understand, looks to me like he is taking pages from Putin's playbook. You really need a smack in the head, you're thinking is all fuzzy maybe a smack upside will clear shit out again.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    BTW The shit about Trump may be old but he is relevant now, Bill Clinton is no longer relevant and Hillary lost so she is irrelevant too. Lets keep the conversation in the here and now.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Not sure what you are saying txtitty not what I believe, what I see with my own two eyes.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^^Didn't say that either, actually you are clever more often than not, and sometimes downright funny.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Not surprised how symPATHETIC RickyBoy is to Trump consider how similar the personality damage they both have is.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    They did have some good commentary on it on Fox. Man if they had got that riled up and marched like that before the election they might not have lost!
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Trump seems to be getting a lot of airplay - Frontline on PBS has already done a couple of documentaries, they're doing another one now Tu 1/24 10 pm Eastern
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I think we can recenter the debate. I think even I was wrong. It's not about rape culture. I talked with a bunch of normal women and got some ideas. None of them marched. All of them that that radical feminists give women a bad name. None thought my rape culture remark was entirely it either. Actually most were as puzzled as rickdugan.

    I did get some common answers (from everyday women):
    + control over our reproductive systems
    + access to birth control, (subsidized for some)
    + equal pay (long with various Marxist/leftist/redistribution ideas)
    + jealousy over attractiveness (catty, both sides)


    Also here is the official paper with the office "why we march" paper. You can read it. It sounds like a P.C. inclusiveness of lefist, liberal, Bernie Sanders stuff. Some are Marxist ideas. It does read like a protest of the left. So maybe you guys are right. I stand corrected, rickdugan.

    4 Page PDF file "Guiding Vision"


  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    tl ; dr "sour grapes" by some liberals. (In case you don't care to read the 4 page PDF).


    --> "free society from the institution of awarding power, agency, and resources disproportionately to masculinity to the exclusion of others"

    ^^^ one line that stood out to me. A lot of it just reads 'Marxist' and nurture instead of nature. Am I wrong?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Shadowcat wrote, "It's just too bad that all of those women didn't have jobs to go to."

    Walking off of jobs, or refusing them outright, is one of the most basic means of protest available. So I commend any who did such.

    TwentyFive wrote, "@Dominic explaining finesse to a dinosaur is a waste of time, the problem with many of these old guys is they never put themselves in the shoes of another person the contemplate their navel because it sticks out past their dick. In other words they choose not to understand too bad for them. "

    Yes indeed this is the situation we have. And this is why it is all the more important that those who are marginalized protest, and do so vigorously and in ways which are disruptive. We must resist. Otherwise we will come to a world controlled by eugenics and social Darwinism.

    RickDugan wrote, "Dominic, if I never see the expression "rape culture" again it will be too soon. "

    Hey, rape and the risk of rape, or of sexual harassment, are very real for women. They constantly have to adjust their motions because of such potential.

    Papi wrote, "mostly leftist anti-Trumpsters still unable to accept the election results. "

    No Papi, anti-Trumpsters who do not accept Trump, no matter the election result.

    And yes HGR, 100 days of resistance, 4 full years of resistance.

    And Dominic, what are you talking about "normal women", have you been listening to Steve Bannon? Rape is a very real risk. What gives women a good name is that some are willing to stand up for themselves.

    And you are wrong in saying that it is nurture instead of nature, and that this is what Marxism amounts to.

    It is the Right which has created the bogus science of Social Darwinism and claims that their views represent nature, and therefore somehow are especially privileged.

    Their views simply represent a government which allows exploitation of workers and the poor, and of women, children, and minorities, and then justifies it.

    Primitive societies are inclusive and collaborative, otherwise they could not function. It is our society which has created this idea that some people are legitimate and some are not. And you see this continually in the arguments of the Right, that they are correct and that those who oppose them are somehow unfit to live.


    Stones, Barcelona, 1990


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