Cutting them off

avatar for WTFlock
The sense of entitlement with these girls is amazing. They are so used to being worshiped and always getting their way. Some of them can't handle being told no or getting rejected. I had an ongoing OTC with a hottie, but she kept screwing things up. Despite lots of warnings, she finally effed up one too many times and I ended it. The girl lost her shit and was relentless pushing for another shot. She should have thought about that all along, while she continued fucking up a good thing.

I would love for a psychologist to examine her and give a diagnosis. I think she would be diagnosed as either a malignant narcissist or a narcissistic sociopath. Perhaps the craziest woman of I've ever known or slept with anyway.


last comment
avatar for wallanon
8 years ago
If that's the craziest woman you've ever known you're doing pretty well so far.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
You're preaching to the choir - OTC and drama go together like mustard and ketchup.

I've always been of the mindset that many dancers that do OTC is b/c their situation is f'ed up that they gotta reside to OTCing - i.e. the ones that got their shit together can often make due w/ what they make in the club and probably often choose to not have to get involved w/ custies OTC.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Many of these chicks need to be trained for lack of a better word - seems too many of us cut these chicks too much slack and and at some level reward their craziness/bad-behavior by keeping on spending good $$$ on them - if one sets the bar of what's expected some will get inline so they can continue getting paid but too many times many of us don't stand firm and cut them off when they act inappropriately - we give them too much slack and too much power as if we didn't have any leverage whatsoever - "he who holds the gold makes the rules"
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
Alot of these strippers live moment to moment. They can't see tomorrow, much less next week or next month. You can see it in how they grossly mismanage their money. They assume that tomorrow will take care of itself and there's always gonna be another PL coming along to make sure she gets what she wants.
avatar for gawker
8 years ago
Even my longstanding ATF who is currently not doing any major drugs got me but good last night. I picked her up at her sober house and she said she just needed one quick stop before going to the hotel. She needed some new stripper outfits and we went to a private home where a seamstress lives. Her basement is filled with shoes, g-strings and handmade outfits. She had me sit and watch as she stripped backed and tried on several while this older couple in suburbia voiced their thoughts on what looked best. Finally to our hotel back in the city and a really wonderful couple of hours. Then to Olive Garden and she asked if I'd mind if she spent the night in such a nice hotel.
No problem says this PL. I left her about 9:00 and I got a call from her at 3:00 am, yelling and crying that she was at an address and needed an Uber to the hotel. I checked the address on Google maps and it's the ER of a major hospital. Apparently the hotel was in walking distance of her favorite stud fuck buddy. He came over with a fifth of Fireball and she drank all of it and passed out. He called 911, gave the room number and left. The cops and management had to bust the lock (guess who's card that went on?) and she got taken by ambulance to the ER.
Then she had to go back to the hotel to get her belongings.
She promised a freebie for the aggravation. She's fucking nuts.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
You're a PL (Pathetic Loser) it's okay - we all are. You have to remember even though you're a PL (if a hot stripper is involved) there's even a bigger PL than you waiting for her attention and probably willing to deal with more drama than you are. Therefore these strippers will continue to act the way they do.
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Tell her to pull my finger. I eat Ezekiel bread
avatar for WTFlock
8 years ago
Holy shit Gawker! After reading that, I'll never leave one of them alone in my hotel room ever again. Crazy. That would have been a perfect day for you if she didn't fuck up the rest of the night. Unbelievable.
avatar for WTFlock
8 years ago
Her fuck buddy sounds like a real gentleman too. Calling 911 and then leaving her passed out alone in the room. Who are these people?!? They need to have a reality show that follows around real life strippers in their private lives. Sounds more entertaining than anything that's on tv today. Might need to be on HBO and not network tv though.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
The funny thing is, it isn't always us they do this to. It is an entire lifestyle thing of impulsiveness and poor judgement ... and, at the risk of sounding as if I'm going soft, making decisions that seem bizarre to us but are in many cases covering a long history of emotional pain and trauma.

Anyway, I tend to get close to my ATFs and her friends often, connecting with them through social media and the like. There were several who would get occasional angry notes from a friend or family member on their facebooks, for flaking on something or other. One of my ATFs lost her BFF during the time I knew her -- BFF finally had it getting stood up, when ATF flaked on an event that was very important to BFF. And, in typical stripper fashion just didn't see it -- "all these years of friendship thrown away because I missed one thing." (no, you've no-call no-text missed things for years).

Maybe take solace in the fact that many of these girls live their lives from crisis to crisis, and the behavior you see is not necessarily limited to just you, everyone in their life is probably getting a dose, and likely nothing you can do to fix it... although I HAVE had some luck when I spell out to a stripper, in crystal clear terms, my expectations for at least texting me when she's going to be late or have to cancel -- I've had good luck making it clear that I promise not to get pissed if she texts in advance, whereas I have a strict two-strikes-you're-out policy on no-call no-text events
avatar for WTFlock
8 years ago
Wise comments Subraman. I think you are absolutely right. These girls are flaky, erratic, and irresponsible in all areas of their life. Their behavior isn't limited to us and their friends and family members have to deal with their flakiness too. It's tough not to take things personally, but the reality is that they treat everyone this way. I agree that the no call no text no show events are the worst of all. I just can't wrap my head around that one. Drugs, I guess, explains a lot of their unpredictable behavior.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I agree with cflock...or rather WTFlock.
avatar for bubba267
8 years ago
@papi....."he who holds the gold makes the rules" is often offset by "she who has the pussy makes the rules ". Especially when we use our little head...... :)))
avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
I took a girl to a nice hotel. I told her if she wanted to stay there over night she had to put the room in her name and I would pay for it (cash to her). She said she did not want to put the room in her name. After we had a our fun I suggested we go to dinner. As we departed I left the key in the room and made sure she took all her stuff. End of getting into the room. After dinner I had to head to the airport for a late flight. Not what she wanted but I would never leave a dancer in a hotel room under my name and card!
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Hustling OTC is just like hustling dances. They have to please the customer because there are plenty of other suppliers.
avatar for houjack
8 years ago
Ugh, tell me about it. My fave was always flaking, and getting her to text ahead of time if she'd flake was no go. Sometimes a week without hearing from her. I finally had enough and told her I was done. I think she moved on in under 10 seconds.

These girls have a constant stream of new PLs coming into the club incredibly willing to put up with their shit. So I understand it, but it's still infuriating, lol.
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
The shit we PLs put up with for pussy is amazing. But pussy is good.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"Not what she wanted but I would never leave a dancer in a hotel room under my name and card!"

Good call :) Leaving a stripper, or escort, or whoever, in the hotel room that your name is on and you are liable for, is akin to ... well, I dunno, maybe handing the stripper your wallet and telling her to take the money out for the dances and then not checking your wallet to see how much she took until you get home. I'm nearly always sympathetic to the customer, but this is such a common sense thing that I can't even get any sympathy... maybe it's a "Sex Industry Darwinism" at work. I understand gawker, he's insane and needs fodder to fuel his stories for tuscl :) But anyone else, it's definitely sex-world darwinism at work. I've had fun reading escort boards, reading the many many stories of guys who have done this -- once.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Never trust hookers. They are dangerous creatures (not all of them though, but enough are). Be careful and mindful, like subraman suggests.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Love gawkers stories - what a pussy that stripper is - passing out on a 5th of Fireball? Juice drinks that while he's on his lunch break at work!
avatar for Bavarian
8 years ago
Thanks Gawker for your stories.

Good pussy overrides gold. It is not a commodity

avatar for gawker
8 years ago
What Cflock said is so true. I picked my ATF up after a 5 day drug detox and took her to an NA meeting once. On the way to her sober house she called a guy who'd been out of rehab for a week and I heard her conversation: not sure how I'm gunna be tonight. Will you take me to an NA meeting at the VA Hospital and then we'll go shoot pool. Sure. See you at 7:00. She relapsed that night with him.
A month later she got out of detox again and this same guy picked her up. He asked her to go into Walmart & shoplift some shit which he'd return for $ to get high. She said no so he pulled to the curb and kicked her and her luggage out of his car, leaving her broke with a discharged phone 30 miles from her house.
Two weeks later she was riding with me, saw him and asked me to stop to see her "friend". I refused, saying she ought to never speak to the POS again after what he did. She said, " oh, he called and apologized. We're friends again.
Normal thought processes, emotions, expectations of others, and response to stimuli are not to be expected after years of drug use, physical abuse, and any number of other demoralizing and demeaning acts and actions.
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