New York
Comments by sc_guy
discussion comment
5 years ago

>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Some excellent comments above. I hate it when a dancer plops herself down at my table, uninvited, and barely says a word. When this has happened, I'd try to carry on a conversation, getting only short responses while gazing elsewhere. On some occasions, they actually take out their phones. That's not why I go to clubs, and do not expect a private dance under those circumstances.
discussion comment
5 years ago

I know one dancer at a small nude club who never went on stage--not once. She made her money in private dances and didn't believe in giving anything away for free, including the view.
discussion comment
10 years ago

New York
Yeah, the place was Valkyrie--an odd little club--until sometime this past fall. As you suggest, it makes no sense to include reviews of previous clubs that were at the same location. Thanks for the follow-up. That's very cool of you. I owe you one.
discussion comment
10 years ago

New York
Thanks, Club_Goer. I was just giving it a shot. But I will message some of the recent reviewers. Good idea.
discussion comment
10 years ago

layin low but staying high
In my experience, it takes several trips to a club to figure out which afternoons are worth a visit. Once I learned the dancers' schedules, I knew which days were worth a visit and which days were a waste of time. At my favorite daytime club, that means Tuesdays,Thursdays, and, believe it or not, Sundays are the days to go.
discussion comment
11 years ago

I hate going cold turkey after the weekend. There's a club in town that opens at noon on Sunday. It's pretty low-key with few customers and only three dancers, but two of the girls are gorgeous and one happens to be my current favorite. It's a nice way to ease out of the weekend.
discussion comment
11 years ago

I'm OK with the trash talk up to a point. But it's a bit much when I buy a dancer a drink and all she does for 20 minutes is bitch about other dancers or the club.
A variation on the theme is trash-talking other clubs. It seems a lot of dancers consider any club they're not working at to be trashy.
discussion comment
11 years ago

North Carolina
Just last night I was with a dancer who had leather-like straps circling her legs from the tops of her thighs to her shoes. It almost looked like she was wearing stockings, but what you mostly saw were bare legs--and she has awesome legs! It was a great effect, and I hope she's wearing them the next time I'm in.
discussion comment
11 years ago

You raise some good points, Calculus. One thing I'd like to add is that it's good to move beyond the obvious questions, such as "How long have you been dancing," and "How did you get started?" The questions are OK, but you're more likely to make an impression if you make things interesting for her.
There is, of course, a flip side. Some dancers just can't carry on a conversation, for whatever reason. I found that girls who are unable or unwilling to show interest in a customer don't give worthwhile private dances--they're much too mechanical. We're all aware that there's a financial transaction involved, and that's fine. But if there's no connection at the table, there won't be one in the private room.
discussion comment
11 years ago

New York
Thanks to everyone for the feedback and insight. You've all been very helpful.
discussion comment
11 years ago

New York
Glad to see that, lopaw. I haven't been a TUSCL member for all that long, so I'm still learning my way. But I've seen some comments that make me uncomfortable. In some cases, I think guys are just making things up. In others, they're just not using their heads.
discussion comment
11 years ago

New York
Thanks for the insight, Alpine. I appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. Your comments about the Alpine really resonated, especially your comment about ROBs. I went there last month and I'm about to post a review.
discussion comment
11 years ago

New York
Thanks, Herb. I'll definitely keep Paradise Found. The reviews have been OK, but the private dance prices seem a little high for Syracuse. One reviewer mentioned $150 for 15 minutes. I understand a guy could get a one-song dance for $25, but if I want 15 minutes, why not go to Lookers, where it's $80? And I was really impressed with the dancers at Lookers, during my one visit a few months back. At the same time, Paradise Found does look interesting.
discussion comment
11 years ago

I was talking with a hot-looking dancer at my favorite club a little while back. We couldn't figure out why she wasn't doing well in tips that day, while this other dancer seemed to be raking it in. In all honesty, the other dancer looked frumpy and dressed frumpy--not exactly what you're looking for when you go to a strip club. I know there's a guy for every type, but this just defied the odds. All I could think was that she's very generous in the private dance booths.
discussion comment
11 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
My guess is Abe Vigoda. He's been hanging tough for a long time.
discussion comment
11 years ago

Hi Cece--
You've definitely gotten some good feedback already, but I’d like to add my own two cents.
A dancer and I last week were discussing lapdances when she told me that for a certain amount of money she’d get a condom from her locker for a full service dance. I admit the idea was exciting, but I passed; it’s just not what I’m looking for. A dancer who allows more isn't necessarily better. Some dancers are very mechanical in private, which can be off-putting. I like it when she gets close all over, teases, takes it slow, talks to me, and lets her hands run along my legs. And, yes, I enjoy a good lap grind as much as the next guy.
Not all dancers are every guy’s type, and not all approaches are what every guy is looking for. But from my perspective, if you make him feel wanted, allow a little touching, and are honest and consistent about your rules, you’ll attract a loyal following.
discussion comment
11 years ago

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I have two thoughts. First, I’d like to be able to customize my home screen. For example, it would be nice to have the clubs from a specific city show up when I log on. Second, how about the ability to request opinions on a club? If I ‘m traveling to a city where the club reviews haven’t been updated in a while, there’s bound to be someone from the area who can fill me in on the club(s) worth going to.
discussion comment
11 years ago

the speed force!
OK,I posted my comment above in the wrong thread. But you get the point...
discussion comment
11 years ago

the speed force!
I have two thoughts. First, I’d like to be able to customize my home screen. For example, it would be nice to have the clubs from a specific city show up when I log on. Second, how about the ability to request opinions on a club? If I ‘m traveling to a city where the club reviews haven’t been updated in a while, there’s bound to be someone from the area who can fill me in on the club(s) worth going to.
discussion comment
11 years ago

I like daytime for a few reasons. The atmosphere is more relaxed, making it easier to get a seat and to spend time with the dancers. Also, there usually isn't a cover charge during the day, making it reasonable to stop in if you only have an hour or so. And if my regular club is any indication, the quality of the dancers isn't any worse during the day.
discussion comment
11 years ago

New York
Agreed. It's part of the scene, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
discussion comment
11 years ago

I’m with Club_Goer 100%. Demanding a tip after a dance flies in the face of what a tip actually is. I’m not without some sympathy for the dancer, though. Before my last private dance—which cost $60—I saw the DJ give the dancer $20, meaning that she got to keep only one-third of the price of the dance. She never so much as hinted at a tip, but I did give her $20 once we were inside, and she was incredibly grateful. But it was my call.
discussion comment
11 years ago

Politics at its best. Come to think of it, we can do worse than voting for her!
discussion comment
11 years ago

As ilbbaicnl pointed out earlier, people can’t always give the details. I had an excellent private dance one time in which the limits kept shifting—in my favor—as we went along. While there was no penetration, it was clearly beyond club policy, and then some. Afterwards, the dancer did ask me not to tell anyone, and to this day, I don’t even mention what state it took place in. If a dancer is good to me, why would I do something that could get her in trouble? Plus, it would certainly end my relationship with her if the information could be traced back to me.
At the same time, it is clear that a lot of guys are full of BS on this forum and elsewhere. I tend to be wary of people who give too many specifics, which can read like a Penthouse Forum.