from a work point of view #1 pet peeve is if I am getting ROYALLY FKD by FEES FROM HELL. I always leave clubs like that where they keep half or more of what you sell. Ok buhbye I don't have time for this. literally
from a customer point of view... I don't like clubs where every single girl is super tiny with not a whole lot of shape. I do think they can be attractive but I wanna see spectacular butts as a customer and skinny little butts is just not it sorry. I also don't like the alternative look in clubs w/ crazy hair, tattoos all over unless the girl is ridiculously perfect otherwise.
My biggest pet peeve is when a club is charging a cover, and there are only 1-2 dancers inside. I've even been charged a cover fee when there were 0 dancers. The dancers had not yet arrived. Nothing lamer than to pay $10 to sit in an empty club.
Clubs that push cigars/hookahs. If the smoke is too thick, I'll leave even if it means eating a cover charge. I enjoyed smoking, quit decades ago for my health, why would I want to breathe in someone else's smoke? Also, clubs that have an additional charge for a bracelet to allow you to get dances. Just charge a cover that includes the ability to get dances. Who goes to the club, refuses the upcharge bracelet and then gets treated like a pariah?
^ it wouldn’t be good for a dancer to be in an empty club she’s there to make money, it does benefit you though, lack of other targets for her she’s gonna try at least to make a few bucks, I don’t usually pay a cover but if they charged me a cover and there weren’t at least 5-6 girls I’d be pissed for sure.
@heaving - I don't mind an empty club either as long as there are a few girls. My best club experience ever was when I was the only customer in the club for three hours. I also dislike it when there's too much smoke and poor ventilation.
My biggest pet peeve is probably when the girls are just a bunch of ROBs. It really detracts from the experience when you have to keep fending them off, or have to screen carefully to find a girl that will give you a good experience. Once I have my guard up, it's hard to just relax and have a good time as I've become suspicious of each girl that comes up to me.
Any kind of hard sell is the most annoying thing and usually that comes from Champagne or overpriced drinks being pushed, usually be wait staff. I don’t have a problem saying no but just having to put up with it is annoying because it always comes when I’m just starting to enjoy a lady’s company. I’m looking to relax, not get jumped by an extra salesperson beyond the dancer herself. It’s a buzz kill.
The door vulture is also high on the list of annoyances.
Two things that jump out. The dancers are all in a cluster at the end of the bar. They are on there phones and talking among themselves. They pay no attention to me even when I walk up to them. 2nd thing is the door vultures usually the least desirable dancers accost you before you even get a drink and scope out the scene.
1. Men's room attendant. I have a hard enough time peeing in public without an official watcher. 2. Waitress sitting around gabbing while I've got no drink for a half an hour. 3. Getting cheated or shortchanged by dancer in any way. 4. Getting ignored by dancers chatting with each other. 5. Getting upselled. Usually if a dancer is always talking about going to the champagne room she is not putting any effort into the lap dance.
Everyone with their hand out for a tip (or tip jars everywhere), including valet, door person, coat check, bouncer who seats you, waitress, VIP bouncer, bathroom troll. Booth fees and VIP bracelet fees are annoying. Incessant shot girls. All that before you even get one dance.
Ok yeah this is a pretty good list of pet peeves. I guess there is also some overlap with you having the same pet peeves as customers and me having some of these pet peeves working there. I also hate when there is smoking inside the club, door vultures, and an over the top hustle atmosphere with everyone trying to get a slice of the pie incessantly...
Ok 1 more pet peeve from working at places... I guess when these clubs show their true colors and that they don't give a fuck about you whatsoever despite you paying a $125 cover (house fee) to come in vs these losers paying what like $6 or $10 idr? When situations come up most clubs I've been at seem to be like fuck the girl- the customer is always right which is not true.
I have a nitpicky list of several but I think a special overpriced dancer drink is at the top. The reason this is #1 is because for sure a club that does this is also doing my other peeves like a cover charge, bathroom troll, and every dancer is an aggressive hustler. Oh and I also don't like DJs that don't STFU.
Yes, the DJ should announce the dancers (names spoken clearly), announce specials, and say little else. Blah blah, does asking for tips increase the amount of tip money a dancer gets? I am much less likely to tip if a dancer asks for it.
> @DenimChicken, there are exceptionally good Cubans/Mexicans in my experience, but of course it's subjective.
That is honestly surprising to me since you are in Austin. It has been rare for me (hispanic btw), to have a good time with the Cubanas (also some Honduran, Colombian) there. They just come up and ask for money/dances instantly, offer no conversation and usually speak very little english. Combine this with an overly aggressive fake look (fake butt, breasts and botox)
@blah - the amount that clubs take from girls in most places is insane to me. I'm used to seeing house fees be so much more reasonable like in Austin, TX. I see the conversations here and have heard numbers from girls I know (You made $1500? the house takes $350 and then a few more tip outs...). It's pathetic. I feel like clubs that have to take so much from the girls are obviously failing as a business.
I hate uneven enforcement of the rules. I’m okay with high mileage (within reason) and low mileage as well in clubs.
But I hate being put in situations where higher mileage is standard enough that you irritate customers by being lower mileage BUT the lower mileage was the rules you were given. I don’t like pulling sneaky shit and if I feel I have to then I tend to not stick around too much. And it really sucks when you’re being reprimanded for stuff when the other favored dancer gets away with even more than you’re doing.
Most of the above, plus the music is WAY TOO DAMN LOUD. Yes, I am old. But if you want me to hear a single word you're saying, get them to turn down the volume. Also I wish the private dance area was better lit so I could enjoy some visual stimulation.
Forgot about stage smoke machines and DJs who won't stfu but are so cool they slur all their words and can't be understood. Also bad or non-existent stage lighting.
IME most of the Cubans have migrated away from Austin. There used to be way more of them in like 2017 or so and I think starting from some point in 2018 or whatever they started dwindling away? There were some some at Perfect 10 on Bratton last springtime but I think according to a review they have left (or got fired from there?) as well.
They might be at XTC or Divas but I haven’t been at either of those to know.
My assumption is that the Cubans that have remained in Austin are more “Americanized”. Still plenty of them in other cities like San Antonio and Dallas.
@nice - I don't live in Texas anymore but when I visit I think I agree - I see less than I used to. Obviously know what you are getting into. A lot are in Dallas so you may be on to something.
@heaving - very possible with that theory. I have no racist thoughts on people from these countries, I just feel like their aggressive approach to me - possibly because I'm brown - is a massive annoyance! I have no issue if they are trying to work and hustle - but even then, instantly asking for dances is never that great of a strategy.
#1 Music so loud that one cannot talk to a dancer on the floor #2 Spot/strobe lights in my eyes #3 Places that charge me extra for a side of tap water to go with my expensive alcohol
When the club has all three, it's my definition of strip club Hell.
The loud music also sucks because I feel like it might be damaging my hearing. I hear of strippers on sw wearing ear plugs but have only seen 1 girl do that irl.
My only pet peeves are loud music (I like to talk, not scream), obnoxious customers (i hate assholes), and room lighting that is so dark that I can’t see that hot, luscious AA BOOTY and BOOBS!
Some excellent comments above. I hate it when a dancer plops herself down at my table, uninvited, and barely says a word. When this has happened, I'd try to carry on a conversation, getting only short responses while gazing elsewhere. On some occasions, they actually take out their phones. That's not why I go to clubs, and do not expect a private dance under those circumstances.
Stripper friends. This is a recent issue for me, because it's been so long since I've been a regular and I'm friendlier now. A Current Favorite dancer has a best friend who is also a stripper. The friend will not leave us alone. The CF actually asked the friend to leave the other day (in a subtlly clever way) so maybe it's working itself out. If not, I may just have to take club out if the rotation for a while.
At 1 local club, flashing lights, too loud, so don't go there much. At my main club, so-so seats. Rarely, I've found the restroom too far from its last cleaning.
Too loud, too smoky, bad restroom, flashing lights, patrons v dancers v staff balance out of whack. ROB-friendly clubs/management. Valet only. Persistent low mileage.
Oh I forgot one. I don't like clubs with too much structure or too many rules. I mean I think there should be some sort of rules and baseline standards, but I don't like things like going on stage for cattle call at certain times, not being allowed to upcharge and/or ask for tips, not being allowed to use phone on floor, not being allowed to sit alone or hide in dressing room if all these customers are not for me at the moment or it's fucking dead in the club... clubs with all sorts of penalties/fines over bullshit, clubs with rules enforcing some kinda gown or coverup like fuck off please you're still a whore house or some ghetto club w/ ghetto customers even with pretty dresses mkay.
At one club I used to go to regularly, they would dance on stage and then immediately go to the dressing room, not to come out until it was their turn to go on stage again.
I can deal with pretty much anything at a club, but hate hidden fees or inconsistent pricing. Not telling me my room also requires two drinks at $40. Not telling me the waitress expects a $20 tip. Dancers who charge more than the standard rate. Dancers who won’t say what they will provide but want to know how much I’ll pay up front or want to be paid up front. Just tell me the prices so I can make a business decision about what I want.
I hate it when management just fucks the girls over. Like dejavu clubs do. I hate drink minimums. Not a fan of skinny white girls and Russians. But the worst thing are the clubs that ask if you took a cab or uber then charge you a higher cover so that you basically pay the clubs kickback to the driver.
I hit the wrong button and this review got published. Let’s just say my mistake was a distant third or fourth place for mistakes. I’ll let the review and comments speak for itself about things to not like.…
^ yeah I am not into clubs that make you wear pasties. or this bullshit about "legal thongs" that have to be a certain width. is it a strip club or what??
I don't go to clubs to watch a stage show - so I avoid clubs with a cover charge.
Clubs that portray their offerings as high class are useless to me. I don't want a full steak house menu when I'm trolling for whores.
The relentless dollar parade. I'm going to a club to relax and enjoy some filth. I dont want dancers trying to get every single I've got in my pocket.
Sports bar strip clubs. I am either trolling for Skanks or I'm watching the game - I don't multi task - and I'm fine with missing a game when theres pussy in my face.
last commentAlso, clubs that have an additional charge for a bracelet to allow you to get dances. Just charge a cover that includes the ability to get dances. Who goes to the club, refuses the upcharge bracelet and then gets treated like a pariah?
I don’t usually pay a cover but if they charged me a cover and there weren’t at least 5-6 girls I’d be pissed for sure.
My biggest pet peeve is probably when the girls are just a bunch of ROBs. It really detracts from the experience when you have to keep fending them off, or have to screen carefully to find a girl that will give you a good experience. Once I have my guard up, it's hard to just relax and have a good time as I've become suspicious of each girl that comes up to me.
The door vulture is also high on the list of annoyances.
2nd thing is the door vultures usually the least desirable dancers accost you before you even get a drink and scope out the scene.
Blah blah, does asking for tips increase the amount of tip money a dancer gets? I am much less likely to tip if a dancer asks for it.
That is honestly surprising to me since you are in Austin. It has been rare for me (hispanic btw), to have a good time with the Cubanas (also some Honduran, Colombian) there. They just come up and ask for money/dances instantly, offer no conversation and usually speak very little english. Combine this with an overly aggressive fake look (fake butt, breasts and botox)
@blah - the amount that clubs take from girls in most places is insane to me. I'm used to seeing house fees be so much more reasonable like in Austin, TX. I see the conversations here and have heard numbers from girls I know (You made $1500? the house takes $350 and then a few more tip outs...). It's pathetic. I feel like clubs that have to take so much from the girls are obviously failing as a business.
But I hate being put in situations where higher mileage is standard enough that you irritate customers by being lower mileage BUT the lower mileage was the rules you were given. I don’t like pulling sneaky shit and if I feel I have to then I tend to not stick around too much. And it really sucks when you’re being reprimanded for stuff when the other favored dancer gets away with even more than you’re doing.
They might be at XTC or Divas but I haven’t been at either of those to know.
My assumption is that the Cubans that have remained in Austin are more “Americanized”. Still plenty of them in other cities like San Antonio and Dallas.
@heaving - very possible with that theory. I have no racist thoughts on people from these countries, I just feel like their aggressive approach to me - possibly because I'm brown - is a massive annoyance! I have no issue if they are trying to work and hustle - but even then, instantly asking for dances is never that great of a strategy.
#2 Spot/strobe lights in my eyes
#3 Places that charge me extra for a side of tap water to go with my expensive alcohol
When the club has all three, it's my definition of strip club Hell.
Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do (2019, quite interesting)…
Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine…
Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.……
At my main club, so-so seats. Rarely, I've found the restroom too far from its last cleaning.
There's probably more rules that I think are fucking retarded- I just can't think of them this second.
I'm actually sorta laughing as I type these out/or read responses @ heaving
Dancers who's first words upon approaching are "wanna dance?"
^ yeah I am not into clubs that make you wear pasties. or this bullshit about "legal thongs" that have to be a certain width. is it a strip club or what??
Anything over a 10$ dance seems Absurd to me.
Bad parking or mandatory parking fees when the lot is half empty.
Dancers partying instead of working.
Air Dance policy
Strippers that can’t dance or dance off beat .. it’s just annoying.
Dancers that look like children with no curves or body of a woman..
Squeamish dancers . If hard penises and wet spots , LDKs gross you out. Then you shouldn’t be a dancer.
I don't go to clubs to watch a stage show - so I avoid clubs with a cover charge.
Clubs that portray their offerings as high class are useless to me. I don't want a full steak house menu when I'm trolling for whores.
The relentless dollar parade. I'm going to a club to relax and enjoy some filth. I dont want dancers trying to get every single I've got in my pocket.
Sports bar strip clubs. I am either trolling for Skanks or I'm watching the game - I don't multi task - and I'm fine with missing a game when theres pussy in my face.