I know I might come off as cheap by saying this, but sometimes it gets to me when girls ask me for a tip after I get a few VIPs. For instance, a girl takes me in the VIP room and I get 3 dances. We have agreed on $20 a song. But after the dances she says "it'll be 60 plus a tip", or worse, takes the 60 then says "no tip?". I guess spending $60 on them isn't enough for them? To me that's being a bit greedy.
I'm with Jack. If they ask for a tip, they don't get one from me. If they do somehow succeed, it's the last time they see me paying them. They could have made a regular out of me, but not if they ask for tips.
Surprisingly in my 5 years of clubbing I've only had one dancer ask for a tip after lapdances. I gave that girl a tip because I was going to give her a tip even if she didn't ask (her dances were that damn good). I think now if a girl asked me for a tip, I would give her a tip and never get dances from her again.
The only time I was asked for a tip was once when I was in VIP and had agreed on a price for BBBJ and CFS. After entering her she said you can take the condom off if you tip me. I agreed in about 3 mega seconds.
Just say "no sorry I never tip, I like to get as many dances for my money as I can". It varies based on culture and type of transaction whether the often annoying practice of haggling takes place. Whey you buy lap dances, you should be prepared for some possible haggling. Rightly or wrongly, the stripper thinks she will make more money doing what she's doing, so don't take it personally. You subtract the aggravation of the haggling from her "score", the one you use in picking who you want to say yes to when they ask for you for a dance.
Truth: I have a square button that reads "Why Should I Give You a Tip When You Have Done Nothing for It?" I wear it inside my jacket lapel and flash it when necessary, by asking he dancer, "Can you read this?"
Part of the aggravation of a dancer asking for a tip, is she's changing rules of the game after the game has started. She's usually asking for a tip *after* an agreed-to price has been stated or paid. However, if beforehand, she says, "I'll do X, Y, and Z for $X, plus a tip, that's not the same thing. Then she's leaving the discretionary amount to the customer.
I’m with Club_Goer 100%. Demanding a tip after a dance flies in the face of what a tip actually is. I’m not without some sympathy for the dancer, though. Before my last private dance—which cost $60—I saw the DJ give the dancer $20, meaning that she got to keep only one-third of the price of the dance. She never so much as hinted at a tip, but I did give her $20 once we were inside, and she was incredibly grateful. But it was my call.
Some clubs will take as much as 30% of what the dancer gets in the VIP. The only way they can get close to the full $20-25 they earned is to try and get a tip. That's not my problem.
I am not a fan of them asking for tips. I always try to avoid those dancers in the future. I will tip for extras not agreed to before the dance, but generally that's it.
Like ranukam I have also only run into one dancer who asked for a tip after the dances (never had one ask for a tip beforehand). I politely declined her request. Her dances were definitely not tip-worthy and like others have stated I will never tip anyone that asks. I imagine that it the dancers that give lousy dances that are mainly the ones doing the asking since they would never get a tip any other way.
Tipping in general has gotten out of hand. The original acronym TIP stood for "To Insure Promptness" which meant that service beyond the standard was delivered, is what tipping should be all about. Even in restaurants, I have had bad service, yet the waitress still expects a tip. Some might argue that the cost of your food would be higher if employers paid waitresses better and that tips are what keep food prices low in restaurants, but I still feel we have lost the original idea of why someone deserves a tip. Strippers make pretty good money and most are private contractors in the clubs I frequent, so I only tip if the service is above and beyond what is expected.
last commentIf she demanded a tip, that would lead to no tip and no future dances.
Club_Goer knows the rule that strippers need to respect the game.
Estafador hits them with hitting the bricks!
You're a NY Brother for real.