There are at least two kinds of strippers. One that doesn't go on stage at all for whatever reason. Sometimes these girls are very good looking so it's not necessarily because they don't want PLs to see that they're "dogs". Then there are girls that do eventually go on stage, but don't take a single thing off. This as at clubs where some of the girls take everything off, but it is largely up to the girl.
Now i'm surmising that the majority of these girls in the second camp aren't all that nice looking in the body, and i actually did take one of these girls for a dance and almost immediately regretted it once the clothes came off. And yet occasionally, there will be a hot girl that just doesn't take anything off. But in general, i don't tend to do dances with a dancer without seeing her on stage first and usually at least topless, especially since fake tits are usually a deal breaker. What gives? GPS or something? Probably or something...
Sometimes they just legitimately forget. Sometimes they feel like guys in the room aren't tipping enough. Sometimes they only strip if someone tips really big. Sometimes they are about to clock out.
I was at a club a few months ago and their was a girl in the club basically wear iij ng a bikini bottom and an oversized t-shirt like a girl would sleep in. I was there for a coiple of hours and saw basically every other girl get on stage. I asked the dancer sitting with me what the deal was because this girl knew all the dancers and who i assumed were regulars. The dancer tells me, "Oh her, she's basically just a prostitute."
Some won't strip unless there are big tips are being on the stage. They feel they are too good to pop the top for just a couple singles. Alot of dancers who had kids don't want to take off their bra because then you see their tits drop like torpedoes. They also want to keep their stretch marks hidden. I've also met some younger stripper who were not yet self confident naked, and hoped being hit and young would score easy money without getting naked.
I suppose a lot depends on the club. At Follies there is no money incentive to go on stage. Hardly anybody tips because the table dances are so cheap ($10). My guess is that only about 1/3 of the dancers go on stage and those that do are doing so just to show off their wares. I don't think any of the Cubans ever get on stage. I must drive the DJ nuts at times trying to find a dander to go on stage.
I once saw the DJ at the Columbia Platinum Plus suffer a melt down because he couldn't get any one to go on stage and the owner had a policy of never having an empty stage. One of the TV monitors in the managers office was always focused on the stage.
I would assume on avg most dancers would prefer to not go on stage and be on the floor trying to sell dances or VIP (kinda a matter of economics).
In most South FL clubs AFAIK dancers don't have a choice whether to go on stage or not - AFAIK it's not a voluntary thing and the ones that do no go on stage usually will pay a fine to stay off stage so most go on.
Off the top of my PL-head there's two types of dancers I've noticed that do not go on stage:
1) older dancers that are kinda self-conscious and they get by w/ their experience hustling on the floor - these dancers may opt to pay a fine to stay off stage, or the manager/owner may may make an exception for her perhaps b/c she's been at the club a long time and been a good employee (or maybe the manager/owner just wants to cut her a break)
2) top money-makers - it's a lo$ing proposition for them to waste their time on stage - they either make so much $$$ in the club that they don't mind paying a fine to stay off stage, or they get special treatment from ownership/management b/c they produce a lot of $$$ for the club
w.r.t. dancers that *do* go on stage but don't take anything off - again in most South FL clubs the dancer is required to be full-nude by the last song - so if she has a 3-song set then it's clothed, topless, nude; 2-song-set (topless, full-nude); one-song-set (full-nude).
w.r.t. dancers that are allowed to do as they please on stage, I assume:
+ some may be somewhat shy about having all eyes on them
+ many don't wanna be on there to begin with
+ some are self-conscious about their bods or part of their bods
+ some are just lazy
As in any job, one should always try to to do their best no-matter what part of the job that-is even if it's something you don't like - I've def written-off dancers I was o/w interested in b/c of their poor stage presence.
@ theDirkDiggler. I agree with you, it does seem a bit weird. I suppose they have a similar mindset to some guys on here that don't buy dances and/or post reviews?
My ATF once told me that to work at her club every dancer needed to work 3 shifts. Some dancers would come in on their “day off”, never go on stage and just meet regulars in VIP. I assumed that this was in order to have sex, but while that was normally the case there some who were using the VIP rooms to have a drink, sit with a beautiful naked woman and enjoy her company. As far as not stripping, I’ve never encountered this. I’ve seen some who are not getting tips neglect to take her panties or thong off, but all of the clubs I go to are total nude and the club will take care of those who don’t fulfill their obligation.
Some clubs allow a stripper to pay to stay off the stage. One of my ATFs routinely did that. She wasn't a great dancer, but she was both incredibly beautiful and incredibly charming. It made sense to her (and to me) that dancing on stage was not her route to glory, staying on the floor and selling her best asset (herself) face-to-face was.
My observations seem to be similar to Papi's in that at clubs that require girls to go on stage and get naked on them (only two such clubs around these parts, maybe only one now, sadly), there really is no such issue. I think a girl either has to pay a fine to be skipped from the stage, getting dances/VIPs or sometimes she just has inside "perks" with management/DJs. As for places where the girls can largely do whatever they want, some of it does seem confidence related or just laziness or too good to take anything off for free. And there are some girls that don't seem to take off much or anything really even when there are plenty of tippers or a full stage. I just felt that all those stage PLs were wasting their money.
As for stage being a waste of money, at most clubs where girls can go nude, they can make around 50-100 per set (2-4 songs) on busier nights. Sometimes significantly more, sometimes quite a bit less. Topless only or less stages seem to be quite dead even on weekend nights. But anyway, I think they keep all of their stage tips and for the limited amount of "work" that they do on stage, it seems to be more than what they would keep from doing one or two lap dances. On top of that, they can get a better idea of which PLs want to get dances from them and an easier way to sell/offer dances. But i can see how a girl with a regular/whale might not want to go on stage.
In a couple of the clubs I have favorites in, it's a pastie town and the girls don't want to bother. If they keep their tops on there's no issue if someone does a surprise inspection. Nothing like watching strippers trying to tell the dancer on stage over booming music that the cops or whoever has shown up and too much of her ass is showing. Nips out is even more obvious. Pastie stickers are no big deal, but some of the pastie compounds disintegrate into little bits that get everywhere during a dance. The only thing worse than pastie shavings is glitter.
It seems odd to me - when a dancers shift has begun and she doesn’t dance or show anything on stage.
I’ve seen it a few times, and in several cases the dancers were Russian (or had accents from Eastern Europe). It was odd - as a group of dancers seemed to sit and chat amongst themselves. It gave the impression of unapproachability, and no customers approached the group.
I’m sure there are other reasons for this behavior. But, from a customer perspective, it does not help to sell dances.
If a dancer is simply a whore, she will probably have her own regulars, and may not need to dance.
Many years ago I was in Dallas at the club that had two sides - one die was topless and the other was nude with sortnof a courtyard between.
I came across a really beautiful brunette with luscious titties and an ass to die for just chillin between giving lap dances at the high back chairs. I waited for her to on stage only to learn from a waitress that she didn’t go on stage because the last time she did she fell off the damn stage. The waitress said that management had suspended her for a week for being too drunk and that they were only letting her work the floor for another week to prove she could handle her liquor. I had seen stage sets net dancers $50+ for a three dance set. Yes I got a couple dances from her - yes she was liquored up pretty well and most importantly she gave a very hands on the tallywacker dance.
I know one dancer at a small nude club who never went on stage--not once. She made her money in private dances and didn't believe in giving anything away for free, including the view.
I once had a CF ask me to take her to VIP - no charge for her - she just wanted out of the stage rotation. I did pay the club fee for an hour ($190) and the dancer had several motives: first, what she told me -to get out of the stage rotation; second; to get away from the “house mother” with whom she’d been fighting; and third - she had been living with the DJ and they had recently broken up. She chose the one VIP room that the DJ’s stand allows some line of sight into the room. She was the aggressor and she had my pants on the floor in 5 minutes and she fucked and sucked me for the whole hour, knowing the man who had just dumped her was getting peeks and glimpses of her bollicky bareass while sucking dick and getting fucked. It really was one of the best, if not the best, hour I ever spent in VIP because as far as I knew she was just getting out of the rotation.
last comment*hoped being hot and young
Damn autocorrect.
I once saw the DJ at the Columbia Platinum Plus suffer a melt down because he couldn't get any one to go on stage and the owner had a policy of never having an empty stage. One of the TV monitors in the managers office was always focused on the stage.
In most South FL clubs AFAIK dancers don't have a choice whether to go on stage or not - AFAIK it's not a voluntary thing and the ones that do no go on stage usually will pay a fine to stay off stage so most go on.
Off the top of my PL-head there's two types of dancers I've noticed that do not go on stage:
1) older dancers that are kinda self-conscious and they get by w/ their experience hustling on the floor - these dancers may opt to pay a fine to stay off stage, or the manager/owner may may make an exception for her perhaps b/c she's been at the club a long time and been a good employee (or maybe the manager/owner just wants to cut her a break)
2) top money-makers - it's a lo$ing proposition for them to waste their time on stage - they either make so much $$$ in the club that they don't mind paying a fine to stay off stage, or they get special treatment from ownership/management b/c they produce a lot of $$$ for the club
w.r.t. dancers that are allowed to do as they please on stage, I assume:
+ some may be somewhat shy about having all eyes on them
+ many don't wanna be on there to begin with
+ some are self-conscious about their bods or part of their bods
+ some are just lazy
As in any job, one should always try to to do their best no-matter what part of the job that-is even if it's something you don't like - I've def written-off dancers I was o/w interested in b/c of their poor stage presence.
Goat food...
As far as not stripping, I’ve never encountered this. I’ve seen some who are not getting tips neglect to take her panties or thong off, but all of the clubs I go to are total nude and the club will take care of those who don’t fulfill their obligation.
w.r.t. the dancers who don't strip on stage I assume they are either lazy or stoned or drunk, all reasons to avoid VIP dances with them.
As for stage being a waste of money, at most clubs where girls can go nude, they can make around 50-100 per set (2-4 songs) on busier nights. Sometimes significantly more, sometimes quite a bit less. Topless only or less stages seem to be quite dead even on weekend nights. But anyway, I think they keep all of their stage tips and for the limited amount of "work" that they do on stage, it seems to be more than what they would keep from doing one or two lap dances. On top of that, they can get a better idea of which PLs want to get dances from them and an easier way to sell/offer dances. But i can see how a girl with a regular/whale might not want to go on stage.
I’ve seen it a few times, and in several cases the dancers were Russian (or had accents from Eastern Europe). It was odd - as a group of dancers seemed to sit and chat amongst themselves. It gave the impression of unapproachability, and no customers approached the group.
I’m sure there are other reasons for this behavior. But, from a customer perspective, it does not help to sell dances.
If a dancer is simply a whore, she will probably have her own regulars, and may not need to dance.
I came across a really beautiful brunette with luscious titties and an ass to die for just chillin between giving lap dances at the high back chairs. I waited for her to on stage only to learn from a waitress that she didn’t go on stage because the last time she did she fell off the damn stage. The waitress said that management had suspended her for a week for being too drunk and that they were only letting her work the floor for another week to prove she could handle her liquor. I had seen stage sets net dancers $50+ for a three dance set.
Yes I got a couple dances from her - yes she was liquored up pretty well and most importantly she gave a very hands on the tallywacker dance.
It really was one of the best, if not the best, hour I ever spent in VIP because as far as I knew she was just getting out of the rotation.