
Comments by Subraman (page 100)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever notice mileage increase when a dancer is pissed at her S/O?
    It's hard to tell with just a random stripper, but I definitely have had an ATF where she used me for revenge whenever she was angry at her SO. Nice position to be in!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why does an Ethiopian stripper give the best blowjobs?
    I thought the snowflakes were advised to retreat to a safe space? Sheesh.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    “I thought I danced for you before!”
    Dammit, you've used up tuscl's lol quota for the entire day!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    FKK Motorcity Goes Out of Business
    lol... one post, one catch. Good job jack :)
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    6 years ago
    SA. No shows?
    Chubbies need love too, man
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA. No shows?
    I think the ship has sailed as far as keeping the escorts and johns (with typical escort/john business models) off SA. It's flooded with them, hand-wringing won't do anything. And frankly, if the escorts and johns find each other, that's great, no skin off my nose; leaves the SBs for me. The only place I might moralize is the johns who, instead of sticking with the obvious escorts, make false promises to SBs about wanting an actual arrangement, and then pump&dump'ing her. Hurtful to the girls, and then gets them all irritated on top of that. As long as you're up front -- looking for immediate intimacy, plus not promises as far as an arrangement -- I think it's back down to two people picking what's right for them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Yup she’s mad
    Thanks a2! Glad it helped
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    -->"Apollo if i use it Recent time ive droppped it and been using curve cologne" Welcome to the world of middle school and high school colognes, juice! :) I'm messing with you, but these scents, like Fierce, etc., tend to be all over middle school. Although strippers do sometimes love these colognes I think of as starter colognes. When my daughter was in 8th grade, she told me something along the lines of "Axe is how you tell who the douchebags are" lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Yup she’s mad
    This may well be "you gotta do what you gotta" do, Muddy. We'd be irresponsible if we didn't give you any insight from our own experiences. But I remember back earlier in my PL career, when I developed inappropriate fascinations also; I would not have been dissuaded by more experienced people, either. I will say that I don't think this is the result of being "hardcore cold blooded"; in fact, I've written many times about how close I get to my CFs, how much I genuinely like them, etc. But I don't view bailing out from a stripper who is not providing you the service you want as cold-blooded, it's the recognition, through hard experience, that the only thing further engagement gets me is further irritation and poor experience. Of course, you ARE letting out further details, including some foreshadowing that on your very first time seeing her after months, you might have gotten drunk and acted horribly. Given that, she's bailing out from a customer who is ignoring her limits. That's not hardcore cold blooded either, it's smart protecting her limits, and keeping herself from getting angry with a bad customer and having that anger leak over into good customers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA. No shows?
    -->"At this point I don't even think about heading out the door until she confirms via text that she's on her way. " I have the same policy. Unless you savor being stood up, this is the way to go.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    3131->"You guys give this dancer too much credit. Shes not calculating shit. Shes just an emotional girl, lashing out in the only way her immature brain works. " You're absolutely right, it could be that. The thing is, we can't quite tell that from the story.. It is absolutely the case that she might have been having a bad night, or just irritated, or anything else, and that's how her brain works. But you are tragically underestimating them if you don't think they can be calculating and very efficiently manipulative, even if it's unconscious competence rather than following some machiavellian plan. And, in fact, it could very well be a bit of both at play. -->"Next visit, she might have changed her tune. Or maybe not." Absolutely agree. That happens for sure. Although having had my fill of moody and inconsistent strippers, where you never know how'll she'll treat you, I might well be annoyed enough to bail; maybe one more chance at most. -->" I commonly am absent for weeks or months at a time from my few standby clubs. I've always been welcomed back with enthusiasm by my favs." Yep, that's the weirdest hting about this story. So far, no other PLs have reported ever getting this treatment
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Afternoon Shifts
    Early. Beat the crowd, get her before she's gotten any cocks (except maybe her BF's), enjoy getting her drunk yourself. No brainer man!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Déjà Vu says it will no longer feature Cardi B songs in wake of scandal
    If SCs were going to take an ethical stand on something, I'd prefer it be on not cutting off the songs when they offer a 2-for-1. But sure, I'm okay with never hearing a Cardi B song ever again, and her bad behavior is relevant to my interests.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Have you ever felt sorry for a stripper not making money?
    I empathize with people in general, but it doesn't really rise to a level above that. I agree strongly with Nidan -- you don't know if she's just having a bad day, or even just a rough couple of hours, so it makes no sense at all to get all upset about what you IMAGINE is going on. Some of the most gorgeous, desirable strippers I've ever met, have sometimes gone through periods where everyone said no; that lasts an hour, and then they're back to making bank. On top of all that, I'm pretty focused on my own fun, although I do try to keep up enough situational awareness to know what else is going on in the club. So, in the end, this doesn't rise much above "well bummer that chick can't get a dance. Okay, time to order my shots" for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?
    It's pretty common that regulars get up-leveled service. But I've never heard of a stripper revoking your YMMV card for taking a break. Instead, it's always just like you imagined it, happy reunion, etc. You're insane for "desperately wanting back in", man, this is not the way to a fantastic PL experience. Not that I think it's the key factor here, but when you took your break, ever text her to let her know?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    That IS next-level counter-trolling; you're so in the troll's head he can't keep you blocked because he has to know what you're saying. Well done.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA. No shows?
    Yeah, as far as big ($100+) payments for a M&G, it is absolutely the case that that's enough for girls who are not serious about being in an arrangement, to use it as a side hustle. I've been talking about SA with strippers for a few years now, and several who I've gotten close with claim that's what they do... though I'm sure if they met a unicorn, they'd consider engaging. I doubt Lone Wolf's $50 is enough to attract that kind of girl though. I do wonder, though, that the fact that he's offering even that token amount is enough to convince the girls he's serious -- the SBs go through as much bullshit and flaking as SDs do, so they're as wary as we are
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What rights do bouncer's have to fuck a PL up?
    It depends whether the drunk PL made the bouncer feel bad about himself
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA. No shows?
    Younger women and women new to SA flake more often, and I patronize both groups
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA. No shows?
    -->"Are talking about the initial M&G? I've never been ghosted. The reason is I promise monitary gift usually 50 or 75 for showing up." Yah, initial M&G. I find if I can get her to show up to that, it's pretty smooth sailing... she'll continue to show up if the M&G goes well and we agree on allowance numbers. I can imagine a gift making a big difference. At this point I'm not interested in doing so, even if it gets more girls to M&Gs... I'm happy with my current SA and OTC options, but maybe more importantly, it just rubs me the wrong way to pay for a meet and greet. Maybe I need to work on that with my therapist :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    First time arranging OTC. How much?
    Rick, I don't doubt that a savvy negotiator can get quoted $1000, and then cooly negotiate her down to $300. But I know my limitations -- I can't bring myself to counter and stick with $300 with a girl who just quoted me $1k; further, I'm just happier being in action rather than reaction mode. I think that for someone who has no idea what he's doing -- like OP -- he'll be more like me and is better off never hearing a $1k quote
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA. No shows?
    Waaaay dick move. And if you're lucky enough to find two girls on SA who will actually show up, you don't want to fuck up your chances with the later one, since you might not get along with the first. The universal experience on SA is an incredibly high flake rate. It's worse than strippers, IME. That said, most SBs will simply ghost during messaging leading up to the first meeting. But you might be having a great conversation, and then they'll ghost the day-of, or even just go silent a couple of hours before the date, and that's that. My best guess is that, especially the younger ones who are already conflicted, they get scared and disappear
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Smoke em if you got them
    Dancers Suing Their Club
    On the one hand, it's definitely true that dancers are often treated atrocious, from sexual harassment to all kinds of schemes to illegally take their wages in some way or other. On the other hand, I have never -- never, not once -- seen one of these lawsuits where the dancers who stayed didn't get fucked pretty good due to new rules put in place. In 100% of cases, if they lose the lawsuit, the club just changes the structure of the contract to continue getting the exact same amount; active strippers can either live with their lower income, or try to regain their previous incomes by charging more (which isn't feasible in many markets) or doing extras. In any case, these always end up in worse working conditions for the active strippers and customers. The retired strippers do get a payout. In at least one case, a stripper had told me "Cinnamon is going to screw the club when she retires, it's part of her exit strategy", and indeed, that's what she did. Removing issues of fairness, etc., the bottom line is, active strippers and their customers always end up with a worse experience after the lawsuit; the club shoots to keep their income the same. This is true of every single one of the handful of lawsuits I've seen her, and seems to be true of every one I've read about.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    First time arranging OTC. How much?
    -->" I have only attempted OTC one time with a girl and she came back with some $300 for lunch shit. I am used to escort mongering for $200+ a pop" It sounds like you're in "the definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect a different outcome" territory. In the case above, you'd asked her to quote a price? To re-re-re-repeat: name your price, don't negotiate for time (just however long it takes for dinner/drinks/sex, the girls may surprise you with how long they stay). One of the main advantages of strippers vs escorts is that you get a far hotter girl, for a far far lower rate (when measured as total price for the amount of time). The fact that you're getting the opposite means your process is broken.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    Funny that Icey has completely dropped the horrible pimp persona, nothing left of it except posting pictures of unattractive ghetto girls and some really weak attempts to pretend to be a guy... and then right back to straight up obvious female again. Weird wacky stuff