I assume a bouncer should only use enough force to control a custy, but IDK how much force he's allowed if the custy is not cooperating by not wanting to leave the club for example
The legal limits are probably similar to what action you can take with a visitor to your home. You have the right to ask them to leave and to forcibly remove them, if necessary. But, the level of force should be appropriate. If you drag them out, fine. If you beat them bloody, you can be charged. As always, it’s safest to involve the police.
At the club where I worked, we always had an off duty cop outside the front door. We would use sufficient force to get them outside and the cop would take over from there. If they opposed the cop, they went to jail. If they fought us inside, they sometimes accidentally ran into something, hard, on the way out.
If I were the bouncer, I would simply use only the force necessary to keep all the patrons and dancers safe while calling police to have the drunk ass bastard removed for trespassing. There is never reason to go beyond that. I watched a small statured bouncer remove a guy in a Canada SC by challenging the drunk ass shit to a fight outside. The drunk accepted the challenge. The bouncer lead him to the door. As soon as the door was opened, the bouncer shoved the drunk out the door and then closed the door and locked it. Situation resolved. SMART MAN. Very professional in my opinion.
The attitude of the bouncer has lot to do with the outcome. If he is firm, but respectful, it’s likely the customer will choose to leave. If he is confrontational, threatening the customer, many customers will choose to fight to protect their manhood.
The worst possible bouncer is the steroid taking behemoth who constantly needs to prove he’s the alpha dog.
The worst possible bouncer is the steroid taking behemoth who constantly needs to prove he’s the alpha dog.....which are exactly the type of guys that want to be a bouncer in a strip club.....throw in posissive as well and you have a problem that is waiting to happen.
No one has a right to fuck anyone up. Whether a bouncer will or not depends on their level of professionalism. Only one time have I been asked to leave. (Waitress cut me off, so I had my buddy get me a beer which if course the waitress saw me drinking. I was barely buzzed, just in a great mood. She was a bitch.) I was suddenly surrounded by six beefy bouncers in cheap tuxes and told I had to go. No one laid a hand on me, and I wasnt about to fight those odds. That was smart and professional on their part. An amateur might have walked up and pushed or grabbed my shoulder, causing an immediate physical escalation.
last commentIsn't that right @Icey?
At the club where I worked, we always had an off duty cop outside the front door. We would use sufficient force to get them outside and the cop would take over from there. If they opposed the cop, they went to jail. If they fought us inside, they sometimes accidentally ran into something, hard, on the way out.
The worst possible bouncer is the steroid taking behemoth who constantly needs to prove he’s the alpha dog.
@ mark94. Agree
Seems like things were different back in the day.
I don't know how many of them it would take to kick my ass, but I knew how many they were gonna use.