
Revoked privelages with fav after 4 month absence?

I took a break since November. A few reasons for it but whatever that ain’t even that long. I saw what was my CF at the time last night and got some vanilla ass dances. I tried sucking titties..nope, licking and kissing her neck...nope tried feeling up down there...nope all things that made this girl my fav. Now she says to me “you just show up out of nowhere and expect shit to happen like it was?” Well that little rapport we used to have costed quite a bit of money god dammit.

Now I can’t take breaks no more? Is that some kind crime now. I was expecting to be welcomed like a conquering hero, instead I’m just some forgotten horny dude. Look I’ll be honest I’m charming as fuck if y’all knew me you be saying let this guy do what he wants. WTF kind of bullshit is that? Fuck outta here. Any of y’all have a similar experience after a long break? I kicked out of this girls VIP. And I desperately want back in :’(


  • clubdude
    6 years ago
    Just move on, she's the one losing out on a payday.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    And I just want to add I’m drinking a little bit and still a little butt hurt. And she was probably butt hurt too that my steady income stream also took a break. But I just can’t accept sometimes that these girls aren’t head over heels crazy about me. Especially with money for fucks sake.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ hey bro, you’re lucky, going in with that attitude you might have gotten taken to the cleaners, and still not getting what you wanted, just move on there’s always another stripper just as hot.
  • reverendhornibastard
    6 years ago
    You need a stripper like that about as badly as you need tuberculosis.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Drop the hoe. There are plenty of fish in the sea...and plenty of strippers on the pole.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    If I tried to see it another way... how often were you seeing her before? If you were going 3+ times a month and then just stopped without texting her she probably thought you were spending your money elsewhere. Telling her you had to take a break from all clubbing for some reason true or not might’ve salvaged it. Clearly, you got to her. She’s pissed because she cares. Otherwise she’d just take the money.
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Lol. Pissed because she cares? Not a chance. She is playing him because she knows that HE cares. SCing is FANTASY. When you think otherwise, you become the chump bitch. She literally had him where she wants him. The next time he goes in, she is going make him PAY $$$$ because she knows he will. MOVE ON lest your hobby is gonna double in $$$ for no more than you got prior.
  • K
    6 years ago
    Always assume that everything a stripper says or does is an attempt to separate you from your money. Keeping that in mind it is easy to see Nidan111 is correct. She thinks you will come back soon, get extra dances and tip her well to "fix" your relationship. My advice is don't do that.

    There is no need to drop her. tell her you took a break from clubbing. Life got in the way. You were disappointed in your last dance but you are willing to try another one to see if the magic is back. Remind her you tip based on how well you enjoy the dance.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    I’ve been through all this manipulation bullshit. It’s more relaxing to just go the club to have some drinks and tip the stage. As the great philosopher SJG says, dances are for chumps.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Perhaps she reserves/allows extra mileage for her regular/repeat custies - analogous to a dancer not wanting to give high mileage to a PL getting just one dance vs a PL that gets a string of 3 or 4.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If you're into her give her another shot - if the dance is underwhelming then cut het off at one and if she asks why let her know your expectations.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Let her know that you don't pay tuition twice. Her reaction would then dictate the relationship further.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    It's pretty common that regulars get up-leveled service. But I've never heard of a stripper revoking your YMMV card for taking a break. Instead, it's always just like you imagined it, happy reunion, etc. You're insane for "desperately wanting back in", man, this is not the way to a fantastic PL experience.

    Not that I think it's the key factor here, but when you took your break, ever text her to let her know?
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    Many of these girls aren't dancers because they're good at making smart decisions. On the other hand, this hard to get move may have gotten an old regular to start paying up and visiting her more than ever in past, making it a calculated move.

    For my former ATF, when we broke it off, I didn't see her for a year, and when I made a one time visit to see her for old times sake, she let me do even more at that time than she used to back when we were meeting up a couple times a month. Still didn't make me a regular of her's again, so the move didn't payoff. I guess it goes both ways.

    Anyways, your (former?) CF has played her hand, and you should assume it was a calculated move. Your move now, but if you stay, you should probably set some better boundaries so doesn't try to power play you again if you take another break.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Reverse psychology bullshit ROB. Move on in a heartbeat.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I think she thinks OP has feelings for her. That's the only way a strategy like this could actually work.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    4 months is a long time, especially in stripper time. There's something to be said for momentum and established relationships. I've experienced something similar with some former OTC partners when I've disappeared from their clubs for a while. Some of them use the notion that they don't do xyz with just anyone to feel better about their choices when they do choose to do it - it makes them feel like they're not prostitutes like some of the other "nasty" girls. An extended absence puts a chill on things and makes it harder for them to emotionally justify going back to xyz immediately, which in my case is OTC.

    I wouldn't sweat it. I know going in that this is a likely outcome when I stop visiting a club for a while, for whatever reason, and now so do you. There are other fish in the sea and plenty of new "relationships" to be formed.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Pay no attention to Ricky Douchebag. He’s the same dipshit that thinks you have to wear a suit and pretend to be a chemical engineer in order to score OTC. https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php… He’s not even living in the same reality with the rest of us.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I've had girls I lost touch with, saw years later and it was like we picked up right where we left off. .....
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ muddy 9 texas is a quick plane ride to tj
  • 3131
    6 years ago
    You guys give this dancer too much credit. Shes not calculating shit. Shes just an emotional girl, lashing out in the only way her immature brain works.

    Next visit, she might have changed her tune. Or maybe not. If you got no other better options..... I'd give her another try.

    I commonly am absent for weeks or months at a time from my few standby clubs. I've always been welcomed back with enthusiasm by my favs.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    @Jimmy Yeah I would say once maybe twice a week. $100-$200 a pop.

    @Subra No I didn’t text her. Our texting relationship was just club meet up related so I just didn’t feel the need to hit her up.

    Yeah I really should just drop her. It’s the advice I would give myself. But she’s unbelievably hot. What can I say, I just want that. It’s harder in real life to just drop it. And I still worked around it to have a good time last night just not what it used to be. I probably give it a couple more shots to see what happens, I’ll look the other way this time.

    But I have to stop drinking more than 1or 2. I get too emotional when I drink. I lose my wits. 25’s right With a few more I might’ve got cleaned out. My dick takes over. I am not desperate, but my dick definitely is. I bought a ton of drinks for dancers to celebrate coming back. Maybe $60 worth. That was horseshit.
  • @ muddy it's ok ill buy u a cheesecake:)

  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    -->@Bavarian: "It’s more relaxing to just go the club to have some drinks and tip the stage."

    Yes, that is the strip club as entertainment model.

    The strip club for intimacy model, or the strip club for sex with some level of intimacy model, is what causes the heartburn of disappointment when YMMV from prior visits or a regular relationship changes.

    In the strip club for sexual satisfaction with no attachments model, the PL simply moves on if the mileage isn't satisfactory.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    3131->"You guys give this dancer too much credit. Shes not calculating shit. Shes just an emotional girl, lashing out in the only way her immature brain works. "

    You're absolutely right, it could be that. The thing is, we can't quite tell that from the story.. It is absolutely the case that she might have been having a bad night, or just irritated, or anything else, and that's how her brain works. But you are tragically underestimating them if you don't think they can be calculating and very efficiently manipulative, even if it's unconscious competence rather than following some machiavellian plan. And, in fact, it could very well be a bit of both at play.

    -->"Next visit, she might have changed her tune. Or maybe not."

    Absolutely agree. That happens for sure. Although having had my fill of moody and inconsistent strippers, where you never know how'll she'll treat you, I might well be annoyed enough to bail; maybe one more chance at most.

    -->" I commonly am absent for weeks or months at a time from my few standby clubs. I've always been welcomed back with enthusiasm by my favs."

    Yep, that's the weirdest hting about this story. So far, no other PLs have reported ever getting this treatment
  • CC99
    6 years ago
    "You were disappointed in your last dance but you are willing to try another one to see if the magic is back. Remind her you tip based on how well you enjoy the dance."

    I would say keep going to the same club and buy dances from another dancer. Use this advice if the previous dancer asks why you didn't buy a dance from her again. That way you're not actually burning your bridge with this dancer but you're also not showing that you will continue buying dances despite the decrease in mileage.

    As some others have said, I usually see an increase in mileage after taking a break. I one time wasn't able to see a dancer for two months, I came back in and she was all over me.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Look I don’t know. What I was thinking was in that break she just dealt with a lot of dickhead customers and became more jaded/guarded.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    @3131 - these girls make their money by manipulating men. I think it's shortsighted to assume it's just an emotional reaction. Like I mentioned in my earlier comment, yes they are indeed prone to really dumb decisions in their life which led many of them to this career. However, when it comes to PLs and the money they get from them, they usually make quite strategic decisions (often based on their own experience, or experience of other dancers who've mentored them).

    Thinking any dancer isn't potentially playing a calculated game with you as is a very PL move and how you set yourself up to get ripped off.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    They dont make money manipulating men. They make it selling a fantasy to men who are sometimes too stupid to get that and think they're being manipulated.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    Selling a fantasy vs manipulating: 6 to one, half a dozen to another.

    We're called PLs for a reason. Most of an SCs clientele doesn't have the experience and foresight we have here. So I'm sticking with the manipulating stance.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Only time I've ever experienced a really hard hustle is at some touristy clubs in Vegas, its a turn off, just say no... but it never felt manipulative.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    You may not know what manipulation is if you're equating it to a really hard Vegas style hustle. Manipulation is more often than not quite subtle it's approach. If you feel a dancer has never attempted to manipulate you outside of Vegas, chances are you've been manipulated by dancers alot.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Send her a dick pic. That should make her come to her senses.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    No, if I sense anything like manipulation or like she's hustling me I don't give her the time of day. I don't even deal with ones who aren't my type. I'm very picky with strippers. I like picking them up, have a very specific type.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Thinking that dancers get emotional towards PLs is ignorance at worst wishful thinking at best.

    With rare exceptions they only get emotional about the $$$ and possibly missing outnl on it.

    Strip club bizarro world is the opposite of the real world - in SC bizarro world it's usually the PLs that misread things and get emotionally invested.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I use to blackball dancera that didn't treat me right in a visit - but being as flaky as many are I've had instances where they haven't treated me right one visit and subsequently rocked my world on a subsequent visit - there are times when the dancer just has a shitty attitude as her M.O. and best you can do is move on, but other times they may be going thru some shit and they get out of it - based on their flakiness I try not to ride them off too quickly unless it's a pattern of shirry behavior.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Absence usually makes the pursebook grow fonder - i.e. it *is* usually the case that a dancer one hasn't been with in a while will usually go out her way to make sure one is still in her grace$.

    Perhaps the OP was not paying enough attention to her upon his return and interacting with other dancers and not focu$ing on her enough.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I hadn't been to one club in at least 4 months and this one girl literally hopped in my lap as if it was yesterday and another dancer whom I haven't had a dance from in over a year or longer said she wanted to stop by and possibly dance. I actually thought I might be sitting alone for a while.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Oh, drinking beer stronger than normal, just seemed like 4 months, think it was only 1 or 2. I'm still right about the one dancer though, it has to have been at least a year or two since she last danced for me. She always wanted me to go to VIP where they charge a lot more.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Papi chulo you give the best advice on here. Should write a book.

    Strip clubs really are bizarro world at times. I've been going 11 years and still get surprised
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Papi chulo you give the best advice on here. Should write a book.

    Strip clubs really are bizarro world at times. I've been going 11 years and still get surprised
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    @loco - so you pick up on the overt SS quick enough to not fall victim to it. Doesn't mean they don't manipulate, in fact it supports that idea. The mere fact that they pretend to want to spend time with you or me is manipulation at the most basic level. To think it's not is the embodiment of being a PL. They are manipulating us into thinking we're doing anything more than simply roleplaying a fantasy from the moment they talk to us.

    The difference between you and I and most everyone here is we're not ignorant (for the most part) and know how to play the game. We're the smart ones out the hobbyists. That awareness lowers the house's odds and makes it so we get what we want out of the situation. The grand majority of custies are ignorant, fall victim to the manipulation and don't get what they want...or greatly over pay for it. Again, to think these girls aren't profiting off their manipulation of men just because either don't fall for it or don't recognize it in its subtlety is beyond silly.

    In the OPs situation, this dancer's cold shoulder power play is manipulating the OP into continuing to think about her more and possibly visit her more than he recently has. It might actually payoff for her too...
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I equate it to taking 4 months from anything whether it be 4 months off from your job, 4 months off from sports, 4 months off from school, etc. It’s not going to be same right away when you first get back.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    You should have told her you were in jail.

    She'd have taken you home, rocked your world, supplied you with weed, and let you play video games all day.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    now... that’s a good idea.
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    Being a deadbeat, unemployable ex-con; the true way to a strippers heart!
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I don't get played by strippers. I know how to read women.

    And yeah, being a bad boy helps. Tell her about shit you've done, exaggerate a little, they love it. But again, seems to be the case with most women. I recently told a stripper how I beat 2 felony cases last year....just didn't say in what capacity, and it made her panties so wet she's all over me now.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    @muddy “Yeah I would say once maybe twice a week. $100-$200 a pop.“

    If you were going that often and disappeared without texting her she probably thought you were spending money elsewhere. It may be as simple as her being mad that you took regular income away from her when she thought she was giving you extra in exchange from you paying her regularly. As I said in the other thread, be direct. If she still blocks you don’t waste energy trying to fix it. Just move on.
  • kingcripple
    6 years ago
    My understanding of this is you used to pay her for that stuff then you take a break, come back and expect the same treatment without the pay? I probably got that wrong.

    I refuse to believe that she missed you and is upset that you cut contact for a bit. That's bullshit
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    "I recently told a stripper how I beat 2 felony cases last year....just didn't say in what capacity, and it made her panties so wet she's all over me now."

    Bahahahaha, oh god that's so gay. That's the comment that did it for me. Absence from the site for a while has made my troll detector a bit rusty. Icey, you're clearly a troll or the most easily manipulated PL on here. I'll steer clear of engaging with you from now so you can mess with others instead. Happy trolling, buddy.
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