Have you ever felt sorry for a stripper not making money?

avatar for Maskath
Is it bad I felt bad?

Usually when I see my fave, she’s either just finished giving a lapdance or will get other guys to say Yes

One night, no one would say Yes , I had already gotten one and after talking to me for 10 seconds ( she did say it was quiet and could chill) she went back to work but would get turned down every time and she was really trying on this one guy, she never even came and asked me for another until I mouthed for her to come over and then suggested I’d get another one


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avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
I have felt sorry for them. And at one time I would give them some money. But then I learned that these "I haven't made any money" lamentations are often just a technique to extract your money from you by making you feel sorry for them.
avatar for Maskath
6 years ago
She didn’t say “ she hasn’t made money” I could see her get turned down, it’s not like the club has plant customers
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
No I have not. First of all, I Don know what they did prior to me getting there. Secondly, most guys turn down their request for dances because most who go are broke as fuckers who just want to look. Third,I have full confidence that if the dancer is in her element and good at what she does, then she will make her money. If she doesn’t, then there are other nights. If she still doesn’t, then there are other professions that she can seek out.
avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
I don’t spend enough time in any one club to know the girls enough for them to tell me they aren’t making any money. If/when they do, I view it just as Nidan said. I don’t pay too much attention to what others are spending but it would curious to know what percentage of guys that walk thru the door never buy a single dance.

There are plenty of girls out there that simply should not be dancing. One girl sticks out from this week at Follies. I won’t describe her to protect the innocent but she was would be considered unattractive by almost anyone with eyesight.
avatar for 4got2wipe
6 years ago
Yes. Yes I have.

Not making money = non-brilliant

But what are you going to do about it? Give the sad stripper money for being sad?
avatar for sinclair
6 years ago
The ones who are not making money and getting turned down by every guy in the club are the ones who are too fat or too ugly to be in the trade. I don't feel sorry for them. I just hope they come to the realization that they need to find another line of work sooner than later.
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
There was a baby stripper at my favorite club who was making next to nothing. Far from being fat and ugly, this girl was an absolute knockout! The problem was, she had very low self confidence and had no idea how to select, approach and close the deal with a customer. I told her to come and sit with me and I'd tell her how to sell a lap dance. She was very coachable and was able to sell four dances in what was left of the afternoon after I had returned to work.

She got the ability to make a decent living, and I got a new favorite.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Usually lower earnings have to do with mindset. I know I myself have been dealing with personal stress and it has reflected in my earnings in the past few weeks. Though to be fair, doing things like showing up way late in a shift doesn’t help either.

Though sometimes it can be other things as well. Like dancer/customer ratio etc

That being said, there’s no way in heck I’d verbally complain to a customer about things like that. Lest I have to listen to a “generous” offer of how to make money at a price point I disagree with...wouldn’t help matters at all lol.
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
Yes.....often....because there is typically one ( at least) in each club I've ever been to.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I generally get over feeling sorry for strippers especially when they use that hustle, it just totally turns me off, I don’t go to a bar and tip hot women to hear them complain, if I wanted that I’d just stay here and listen to fatboy he complains enough for a hundred strippers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
It would affect me when I first started clubbing - but after a while I came to grips with the fact that I really couldn't do anything about it - if I help her out once that really doesn't fix anything bc what about the rest of the time - I'm also not that well off that I can be regularly spending $$$ on dancers I feel sorry for on top of all the $$$ I spend on the dancers I do like.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
I empathize with people in general, but it doesn't really rise to a level above that. I agree strongly with Nidan -- you don't know if she's just having a bad day, or even just a rough couple of hours, so it makes no sense at all to get all upset about what you IMAGINE is going on. Some of the most gorgeous, desirable strippers I've ever met, have sometimes gone through periods where everyone said no; that lasts an hour, and then they're back to making bank. On top of all that, I'm pretty focused on my own fun, although I do try to keep up enough situational awareness to know what else is going on in the club. So, in the end, this doesn't rise much above "well bummer that chick can't get a dance. Okay, time to order my shots" for me.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Absolutely, especially when they are hot. Sometimes I feel so bad for a hot girl who can't earn her bill money that I offer her an opportunity to earn some cash with me outside the club. My giving knows no bounds. ;)
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I have. I've known a few girls who are nice and don't make much money at times, so I'll give them a hundred or two once in a while when I see them. offer them career guidance too.

I've seen some try to use the broke angle as a hustle. The point of that hustle is to make the guy think his money is going to something productive like her bills and necessities. I think it works a lot better on regulars..... unless she says she's paying her car payment for the third time that month... But overall they obviously do need the money, everyone needs to earn some.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I agree with sentiments mentioned about mindset. Most of the time I would guess this is the problem or a general lack of people skills.

I do remember tikes when I got dances and the dancer hugs me and thanks me profusely and told me they had not made any money that night and I saved their ass. They had not complained before this though. Usually when this has happened it is a dancer I noticed is not smiling at all. I joked around with them and they started to smile, then they ask for a dance... they may have been in a bad mindset and needed to pull out of it.

I have felt sorry in the past and usually the dances or the interaction was not good.

I recall one situation where a dancer I already knew asked me if i would get one dance with her cousin because she had not sold any all night. I reluctantly agreed wondering what I was getting myself into. She introduces me and her cousin was very pretty with the smallest boobs I ever saw on a dancer, which may have affected her confidence. She was like one of the coolest girls ever. I ended up getting a few dances from her that night and continued getting dances after that on future visits. She had a hard time closing and never got the hang of it. Last time I spoke with her, she was working at a Bagel shop and claimed to be making just as much money as dancing.
avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago
I'm an Uber driver and no one ever orders a ride just because I'm having a slow night.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
Yes I have.

Sometimes I tip a gal on the stage when no one else will.

There are probably plenty of ways to rationalize not showing a little kindness but damn if I can think of any.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Tipping a girl you don't like may often raise her expectations that you are interested and she may then latch on to you and now you have to reject her to her face or give her some sympathy dances - and if you do the latter wait for her to come up to you as soon as you enter the club next time.
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I one time had a stripper talk about how every guy in the club was rejecting her. I did feel sorry for her and ended up buying a dance.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
The pity hustle is a real hustle
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
One very attractive dancer who was stripping her way through college (She did graduate and left dancing immediately) told me, "We all have our $5 nights." She had a great attitude and gave a great dance.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I look out for me, myself, and I.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Felt bad when the girl feels bad. Local clubs, day shift, like Brass Rail, sometimes it is low. Sometimes girls have expressed their distress, not getting the good times during lunch, so then not much more until end of shift.

Shown them attention and $$$, cause I know they are competitive about money and take it personally.


James Allison, Nobel Prize in Medicine
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
^^^Mirror, mirror on the wall
Tell me, mirror, what is wrong?
Can it be my de la clothes
Or is it just my de la song?
What I do ain't make-believe
People say I sit and try
But whan it comes to being de la
It's just me myself and I

Now you got it in my head
avatar for Maskath
6 years ago
Crazy joe I had something similar to that, as I mentioned I could see her getting turned down, she didn’t say anything about it, she thanked me for saving her
When I was leaving she asked Who would be her knight in shining armour?
Which I don’t really take as SS exactly because I saved her
avatar for Maskath
6 years ago
Crazy joe I had something similar to that, as I mentioned I could see her getting turned down, she didn’t say anything about it, she thanked me for saving her
When I was leaving she asked Who would be her knight in shining armour?
Which I don’t really take as SS exactly because I saved her
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
About 10 years ago at my fave club, there was a dancer who wasn't really ugly, but she was pushy and annoying and never could take no for an answer. She was abused and tormented endlessly. She brought it all on herself. As time went by younger hotter dancers would fill the club, but she stayed on and her situation only got worse. I saw her once in the ladies room balling her eyes out because someone lit her up for asking them for a dance, and she hadn't made a cent all night. I felt sorry for her so I took her for some dances (they were horrible) but at least she made $30 off of someone that night.
avatar for larryfisherman
6 years ago
Yes especially when she’s dancing on stage and not a single person tips her.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
^^^That shit happens a lot I don’t got time for all that lol
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Funny how timely this thread was. I just dealt with a girl last night who was running a pity hustle. She kept telling people that she worked all day and hadn't made squat and that she had rent due. The clubs in my area were surprisingly dead last night, no doubt due to beginning of the month bills coming due, so I believed her.

After she struck out with me, she latched onto a scrawny creepy looking guy next to me and ran the same lines on him. He felt so sorry for her that he told her that he was "not going to take advantage of a desperate girl" and then offered to run out and get her food if she was hungry. I swear that this little scene was scripted just so I could come back and post it in this thread, lol. Now truth be told, I know that she wasn't as broke as she claimed. She gave at least one dance to another guy before creepy dude got there and I had also handed her a $20 for her time entertaining me. But I do believe that she was short of whatever goal that she needed to make.

Long story short, after she repeatedly came back to me after working each new guy that walked in or tipped her on stage, I eventually offered her an earning opportunity. Her predicament became even more apparent when I had more trouble than usual getting her out of the club. Apparently Friday night had been bad two and she owed a lot in house fees. I did not front her house fee money outside of the usual early departure fee, but after her [mediocre] performance I gave her more than enough to square up with the club if she has any of it left by her next shift.

Good times and a win win. She got the money she needed and I got a nice top off to the night.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
It sounds more like desperation than a hustle. A pity hustle is usually run by bitches with $200 eyelashes, $100 nails....etc whining about being broke.
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