
Comments by Subraman (page 217)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In search of OTC
    I love being in the club, and I love OTC. I'd hate to give either up. For myself, like Ish, I don't like paying a dancer to sit and talk. We sit and talk for some amount of time, and then I buy dances to pay for that time. In a typical trip, I buy two VIPs ($200, of which she keeps $120-$140 depending on whether the club is taking extra from her based on her check-in time). I like to see a stripper 2-3 times before I ask for OTC, partially because I feel this increases the number of immediate agreements, and partially because I like feeling comfortable with her. If she waffles, unless I'm certain it's a hardcore, impossible-to-change-her-mind "no", I'll see her a couple more times to try to change her mind (and often, I can get her there); I'll even reduce the expected service level (e.g. "BJ is fine") to increase her comfort level to try to get her to a "yes". My experience is that once we're in the room and she's comfortable, the service level limits fly out the door.
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    7 years ago
    Empirical perception versus outside perception
    Ish, agree with "I'm okay with being convinced in the moment". Fuck yeah, agree with that. Also agree with your last point. I'm especially amused when the new poster invariably throws in "I work out and I'm in good shape", as if that's some huge factor in what we'll think :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Empirical perception versus outside perception
    I think one of the key things people can miss is the pretty-much-universal aphorism "the exception proves the rule". I do think there are general truths (e.g., middle-aged guys are not giving young women orgasms on the reg). That said, some people here seem to think that every person is cookie cutter -- every stripper is exactly the same, basically a money-controlled automaton who does the exact same things depending on inputs. It's a belief that IMO shows a deep misunderstanding of humans in general. That said, I'm one of those people who thinks the rule is: middle-aged guys are not giving multiple orgasms to young women. I think that applies to 95% of the stories you guys post. And BTW, I think that applies to me, too. It doesn't mean there aren't sometimes exceptions ... hell, the last time a stripper turned into a FWB for me, I was 45 I think. It IS the case that young women, especially damaged ones, might end up with surprising feelings. Exception proves the rule. As a general rule, speaking in absolutes as if there's NEVER an exception ignores the fact that these are real people, and in fact I believe such positions are more about posing to look cool than anything else. And it's even true that if anyone is going to run into an exception, a bunch of guys who hang out with damaged strippers are probably strong candidates. I still nevertheless think that middle aged guys making young women cum is waaaay rarer than discussed here. (that of course is just one example)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Bathroom trolls
    -->"my views about bathroom trolls change since the toilets are often disgusting in the clubs that don't have one." Ya, aside from my general empathy for a guy whose peak career accomplishment is this job, my general suspicion is a club with a bathroom troll will normally have a cleaner bathroom than a club that doesn't, at least if that club is busy. So, not slipping on piss, toilets aren't all stuffed up, bathroom doesn't stink like a sewer, etc? Bathroom troll is part of the reason.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    OTC Logistics
    Unfortunately, cheap crappy hotels around here are $100-$120 (before fees & taxes), decent hotels are $140 & up. So, VERY quickly, you can be talking an added 50-66% of your initial OTC fee, just for the hotel. So, that means: Recharge app: Recharge lets me get mid-range and high-end hotels by the hour. At $40-$60 an hour, I'd rather get a nice hotel for an hour (or even two), than get a crappy shithole for the night. This means a nice hotel now costs me marginally more than the hot tubs. Discount hotel websites: like priceline, hotel tonight, etc. I try to get a hotel for the night, if and only if there's a possibility she'll be staying the night, or I know we want to party locally for many hours and need a home base. Hot tubs: if I basically couldn't give a fuck. $40 an hour and convenient, if not the most sexy place in the world. My place or her place: for rare ATFs who I trust
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    She Really Loves Me
    Unwritten rule: no putting a heart unless you mean it. Congrats jack, you ol' scaliwag
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pimps in the clubs.
    There was a black stripper who I spoke to after she'd retired, she'd been in a number of local low- and mid-range clubs around here. She claimed, and this is her talking, "if you see a black girl get dropped off by a black guy, he *might* be her pimp; but if you see a white girl get dropped off by a black guy, he's *usually* her pimp." I don't entirely believe her, maybe some old animosity creeping up
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Songs you want in the Strip Club
    One of the single sexiest stage shows I've ever seen is this incredible young latin girl dancing languidly to "Make it Hot" by Nicole Wray & Missy Elliot. I'm not sure everyone call pull that song off, but dang, would love to hear that song again for a stripper who could do it justice
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Songs you want in the Strip Club
    I know the songs I DON'T like hearing in the strip club: songs about strippers and strip clubs. Seems corny and almost puerile to me. "Ha ha! Get it? We're in a strip club, and THIS IS A SONG ABOUT STRIP CLUBS? Get it? Get it? Super clever and edgy to play a song about strip clubs in the strip club!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ways to start a text convo??
    Your boyfriend knows his stuff, when it comes to dick pics. No wonder you love him. You're probably putty in his hands. Also, I should have mentioned, the second dick pic in the sequence above should feature full erection
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Bathroom trolls
    "There but for the grace of God". Give the guy a dollar
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Another Shitty Stripper Article
    Those Captain Save-A-Ho's would be much better off if they read my article and adopted my "I'm looking for a sugarbaby" System(tm)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ways to start a text convo??
    Proposed texting sequence. You send these regardless of what she texts back, or even whether she texts back: Text 1: *dick pic* Text 2: Funny meme about a dog who "forgot how to dog" Text 3: Can you believe (name) died on GoT tonight?? Khaleesi is soooo hot! Text 4: *dick pic*
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Another Shitty Stripper Article
    Bj: I'm surprised about the "stripper heels are comfortable" remark -- all I ever hear are complaints about the heels. The rest seems fine, just super obvious and trite, although perhaps the audience for this article is not a forum full of guys who have been going to SCs for decades
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Another Shitty Stripper Article
    Checking each other's coochies for STDs .... that's a new one to me!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ways to start a text convo??
    With most strippers, I think the right way to start the conversation is, as described above, something that will pay off for her, e.g., "Can you come in to work Wednesday?". But with most of my ATFs, I end up with relationships that I know recognize as kinda-sorta arrangement-ish (arrangement adjacent), and with those girls , I'm usually free to text whatever. In those cases I almost always open with something along what Bj recommends above -- by the point she's my ATF, we have a zillion inside jokes, I know what TV shows she watches, and I know her sense of humor and interests. Not difficult to find a funny meme or comment to send her. These get as good responses as business texts
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Assault In Berryessa San Jose Area!
    I used to box at the gym on White, it was smack dab in the ghetto, I felt like I needed a gun just to get to the gym to get beat up there :) Horrible area, if it's at the eastside SJ end
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    You know it is going to be a shitty lap dance when...
    She looks into your eyes, gently holds your hands ... and places them on the couch on either side of your butt
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    joc: just the fact that you have the self-awareness to realize how creepy that is, puts you ahead of most people here :) I think a lot of lines sound totally smooth in my head, like I can imagine Brad Pitt saying it to his leading lady, and then if I say it out loud or write it down, it sounds like something a guy in a creepy clown suit would say :) I do think that a light conversational tone, rather than a "line", would work best. In my case, since my civvy was a waitress who is waiting on us and working for tips, I'm extra extra careful -- she's a captive audience, and as you can see above, I worry about how fair I'm being to her. It's not as if she were a random civvy who could just walk away. I mean, handle it wrong, she could go in the back, bust into tears, and now have to come back out and wait on my table, as well as 8 other tables. Both fairness, as well as how horrible a person am I willing to be in order to pursue my sex life with 22 year olds, comes into play ... especially since there are plenty of 22 year olds on SA who are begging for attention
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SC Census For Rooks
    I think LM is trolling, but just for the newbies: Buying the strippers drinks is the 2nd best deal in the club (buying her food is the #1 best deal). Provided you use some common sense and calm leadership when choosing the drink to order for her
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    pk, I actually think it's the reverse, if anything: Pretending your slick and just offering out of the blue to pay for stuff for a pretty young girl = creepy. And she knows what you're up to, and suspicious as to why you're trying to be slick about it. Mentioning you're looking for a sugarbaby = open and honest, but not insulting and no negative connotations (unlike, say, the word "prostitute"). I'm with you in that I hate the term "daddy", and when girls have "will you be my daddy" on their profile, I tend to swipe right past them, almost as fast as I swipe past the girls with nose rings
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    Right? lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Newbie needs help, thought it was different!
    No idea why she does that. But right here on tuscl, I've read several TRs that are similar -- SHE suggests the OTC and then she flakes. I think the important thing to note here is: again, there's nothing special about this, it's something strippers do. In this particular case, I have no fucking idea why. But wonder if BJ99 isn't onto something with her question
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    -->"I've never really done it but I swear these honeys put out a vibe that they're open to it. Probably just wishful thinking on my part." Again, I'm not sure this is wishful thinking. A good number of SBs I've been on dates with, have told me their first entry into this was someone they met while working or otherwise going about their civilian lives. Which means there's some % of hot civilians walking around who ARE open to it. We just have to figure out 1. how to read the signs, 2. proposition in such a way that it doesn't traumatize or upset her, if we fucked up on step 1.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    L_W, that may well have worked. I've known her long enough that I could say it casually and jokingly, and she could probably just take it as a joke. Of course, another answer here is: since I was with my buddy and #1 wingman, and HE has an even better relationship with her, I could have told him to let it slip to her that I"m looking for an SB, so we get the double indirection. Benefit of having good wingmen. Like I said, I didn't execute, but am still questioning that decision...