
OTC Logistics

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Where is the most common spot for OTC? cheap hotel? decent hotel? her place (too dangerous?)? your place (for me, out of the question!). I have done decent hotels and that's it.

I did have an exception with a girl at a now defunct dive. She told me we could not get away with much in the lap dance room, but if we met "outside" she would do FS for quite a cheap price. I agreed.

She told me to drive around behind the club. There were no other cars back there. She came out the back door wearing a long tee shirt.. Figured we were driving somewhere. Nope. FS up against my car in the secluded rear parking lot. Middle of the afternoon. After we were done I noticed a good dozen or so condoms on the ground.

And, getting her in the bright sunlight changed a 7 to a 5 and that was stretching it. That dark lighting can hide some pretty awful skin.


  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    It seems like the hotel seems to be the most common thing on here. I haven't done the hotel, it's just been either her place or my place, but then again I don't do OTC until I get to know her a little bit.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    This reminds me of a story a buddy who I used to SC with told me. He didn't have a driver's license yet, and when he met up with a stripper after her shift, she drove to the city dump to serve as their own private champagne room. It was a young guy, so he didn't have any trouble performing, but he said that he did kind of wonder if the funny smells were from her or the garbage.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Since I only OTC when I am traveling I always have a nice hotel at my disposal. A lot of times when I mention where I am staying that can easily seal the deal for a stripper (I think they are thinking, "okay this guy is staying at a Renaissance so he must have a little cash and probably isn't a serial killer.")

    I know you're in ATL, if you go to Hotwire or Priceline (express deals), 90% of the time as long as you grab a 3.5 star hotel or better you're going to be staying in a quality place. There are a lot of 3 star hotels that are good as well, but sometimes you can get caught in a shit hole that's a 3 star as well, that's why I never go below a 3.5 star and try to snag a 4 star if they're available in that city.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    It's been cheap motels when I have been out of town and so far all of my Atlanta hook ups have been at my house. I'm too cheap to spring for a hotel room when I live here and all of my local take outs have been with dancers that I know very well and trust. I could use more of them though. :)
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    I'm shocked anyone has to ask about this.

    A motorhome is the way to go of course!
  • Chili Palmer
    7 years ago
    @Corvus: My old private monger group in LA once used a mobile home for an orgy with six escorts. Was quite the experience driving around LA while everybody inside (but the driver) was fucking their brains out.

  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    shailynn, the 3.5 star or above standard is a new edition to the rule of 3's and 5's here at TUSCL.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Yeah Monk that holds true, I dont recall ever fucking any stripper under a 5. I try to keep it at or over a high 6!!!
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    I've settle on value hotels like the Choice Hotels chain and Red Roof Inn. Also don't be embarrassed to try motels that offer hourly rate. Many are more than decent.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Always hotels. Nicer ones when I am traveling, which shailynn rightly pointed out can help things along with bubble travel scores. Cheaper ones when I am local, since I am not going to pay big money just for a place to screw.

    I would use my place if I was single, but that isn't an option since I don't live alone. Even if my family was away for some reason and the house was empty, I don"t want any of these headcases anywhere near the place where my wife and babies sleep. What happens in and around the club stays in and around the club and never comes anywhere near my homefront.

    I've tried their places 3 times in total, with 2 different girls, and I won't do it again. The first was just depressing since she had no furniture except what was in her daughter's room and we fucked on the air mattress that she used for her bed. The second lived with other people and we had to sneak into her room through a dark house. These girls rarely live alone.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    My place.

    I've done a hotel while traveling, but never at the hotel my employer is paying for. For me, the likelihood and consequences of issues at a company hotel are higher than at my home. Plus, for me there are few places where I've got better options than my own backyard.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "if you go to Hotwire or Priceline (express deals), 90% of the time as long as you grab a 3.5 star hotel or better you're going to be staying in a quality place. "
    Good to know, and I'll give it a try.

    I vastly prefer my house when possible. Unlike @Dugan, I only sleep with quality college girls and not heroin addicts, and I've yet to have any problems.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    Yeah, about them rarely living alone. I had a stripper offer OTC 'anytime'. She said she could give me her address and to just come by. The kicker:

    "My baby sister just moved in. She doesn't have a job so she's always home. If I'm not home you can just do whatever with her and we'll split the money."

    I think I'll pass, sister-pimp.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    90% hotel, usually midrange since I cant stand a room that is funky. Few times not meeting at a hotel. First time early in my OTC days met a girl I had otc'ed once before in her trailer which was not very smart also given there were two others in another bedroom. The second time I met a girl at her GF's rented house after she got kicked out of her parents house after a fight and she wanted me to visit. The other times were actually several times with girls at their condos when we were comfortable woth each other.

    One night stands its just a smart plan to meet in a safe place like a hotel. Once we both gain some mutual trust after several visits other options are ok.

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Simple bitch question...simple bitch answer lol

    Low end girl ...low end hotel

    High end girl...high end hotel

    This is extreme obvious
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    If you did your place or hers I would do only high end only like this

    Most of them are financial well so safe place or they want rob you

    Never a low end Girl..she might case your place to rob you later

    Never her place because it could be the project's
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Listen to juicy and random, talking about it like they read about it in a book. ;)

    If it was that easy to pick out the problem girls, then no guy on tuscl would ever have a bad story to share. I only bang hot girls OTC who were fun and alluring ITC and 95% of the time everything is fine. When I share train wreck stories here, it is from the other 5% that went south and, sadly, there was often very little warning. However, if I had gone to the homes of those other 95%, I bet that I would have seen more problems with them too.

    Net-net there is often no way to know which of these girls has problems under the surface as they often hide their issues well when dealing with us ITC. Most strippers are not traditional girls who were raised in intact homes with wholesome upbringings, so they often have emotional issues of one sort or another and substance abuse is common in the stripper population. So "high end" vs. "low end" has very little meaning beyond avoiding the girls whose problems are so severe that they cannot hide them ITC.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Good points Rick but you could also avoid many of the problems that you have written about by moderating your alcohol intake. Too much Scotch impairs good judgement.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Unfortunately, cheap crappy hotels around here are $100-$120 (before fees & taxes), decent hotels are $140 & up. So, VERY quickly, you can be talking an added 50-66% of your initial OTC fee, just for the hotel. So, that means:

    Recharge app: Recharge lets me get mid-range and high-end hotels by the hour. At $40-$60 an hour, I'd rather get a nice hotel for an hour (or even two), than get a crappy shithole for the night. This means a nice hotel now costs me marginally more than the hot tubs.

    Discount hotel websites: like priceline, hotel tonight, etc. I try to get a hotel for the night, if and only if there's a possibility she'll be staying the night, or I know we want to party locally for many hours and need a home base.

    Hot tubs: if I basically couldn't give a fuck. $40 an hour and convenient, if not the most sexy place in the world.

    My place or her place: for rare ATFs who I trust
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I wish that Recharge was active in my area.

    Always cheap(ish) to mid-range hotels. Never at my place or her place.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    1. My house. This is the most frequent place since I do most clubbing in the Detroit area. I'm single and live alone. The girls are ones I have already gotten to know in the clubs. My home is nice, and I know where my firearms are. I've never experienced anything dangerous from strippers in my home, but a few small, valuable items have disappeared. Who knows who took my things? Fairies? Elves?

    2. Her place. Again I have met the girls in clubs and gotten to know them. Usually the dancers have been single. However, a few years ago I screwed a dancer several times at her house when her boyfriend was working. This was not too brilliant on my part. I'm too old to be jumping out bedroom windows.

    3. Nice hotel. When I travel I usually stay in a 4 or 5 star hotel. Bringing a stripper back to the Four Seasons doesn't seem as tawdry as bringing her back to Motel 6.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Hey jack, can I borrow one of your strippers next time I come to Detroit? Seems like a good idea since you've already "screened" them! Lol
  • Jackmd
    7 years ago
    I have no problem dropping the tailgate around back for an OTC. Hell, I'm not doing it to see if they know how to cook breakfast.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    This phrase, "dropping the tailgate around back", could mean all kinds of things. I applaud your sense of adventurousness!
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    We game young strippers to help bring back our youth and BJs in my parked car from a big boob girl named Billie Jean (yes, her real name, and yes she went by BJ, and yes she was worthy of the monicker) were a significantly happy part of my youth.

    I got no problem relieving that part of my youth (big boobs nice, but not necessarily required).
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    When I'm just getting to know them a motel/hotel based upon where I met them and their quality. I've brought only a few to my place but only after I'd known them for awhile. I do go to their place and avtually prefer it. Usually they're relaxed and everything has gone well so far.
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