
Comments by Subraman (page 218)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    Yeah, I'm making fun of it but I am honestly interested in people's views. Here's another one: Your (regular, civilian) massage therapist is very attractive, and her hands are getting awfully close to your private parts. Do you proposition her? My answer to this is: never, under any circumstances; it's unethical to risk traumatizing (and that's what it does) a civilian CMT by propositioning her. That also means no hints like arching your back, or llow moaning. You want a happy ending, there's a zillion bodyrub girls who welcome your business and openly advertise. Civilian CMTs are off limits But saying "I'm looking for a sugarbaby" is NOT the same thing as "I'd like a handjob".... is it? Especially if there's no direct proposition. On the other hand, no reason to pretend: the girls know exactly why you're mentioning SA, or why SA happened to be on your phone when she walked up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    I've been mentioning to strippers that I'm on SA looking for a sugarbaby, to very good effect. Here's a question I have, and the only group I trust to answer is tuscl, given the uncompromising high ethical standards and integrity shown here. I've been thinking of subtly expanding my SA System(tm) to civilians, and I'm trying to decide if it's genius, or if this is basically an unethical intrusion and sexual harassment. Example: there is this gorgeous young waitress at a local restaurant who my buddies and I regularly talk to. Recently, she let slip that she was having some troubles coping. This was probably just her way of saying, "hey, old guys, if you're going to flirt with me, and you want me to play along, you have to tip better." On the other hand, maybe not. I was thinking of letting her "catch me" on SA as she walked up, to see if asks about it; or maybe, just like with strippers, somehow smoothly slip into the conversation that I"m looking for a sugarbaby. My ultimate decision was: unwanted intrusion, she's a civilian, don't do it. But I"m wondering if I'm leaving some amazing opportunities on the table. A number of the sugarbabies I have met claim to have met their initial sugardaddy at work or otherwise organically, so maybe the mere mention isn't unethical? Whatcha think?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Newbie needs help, thought it was different!
    --."AND YET still flaked on the most recent dates that we had planned!!!!! STILL FLAKING to go out on dates Why???????????" Heh, it is CRAZY that you can't understand why! I realize that being love-drunk or lust-drunk causes you to lose perspective, but man, from the outside, it is crazy crystal clear. And this is a pretty standard pattern, I know she's making things feel super special in the club, but she's running the exact same hustle a zillion other strippers run on a zillion other customers. The short answer here is: you are exactly the type of customer strippers dream of: regularly spend ridiculous amounts of money in the club, without getting sex, gullible enough to continue to buy her excuses on why she flakes on dates, and all it's costing her to buy your loyalty is some extra texting a few extra dances. She'd be crazy to do anything else but play you the way she's playing you. RM is exactly right that in most areas of the country, $900 per meeting puts you in ultra-desirable sugardaddy territory with some amazing beautiful women. And there you get actual sex. Or, if you move on to a different strip club, or a different girl in that same strip club, again that type of spending should get you the royal treatment on OTCs (which is what I"d recommend). But you're going to have to find a way to draw a line somewhere. See the same girl 3 (or whatever) times, she still doesn't meet you OTC? Move on, that's that. With how much your spending each month, only a seriously lovedrunk PL would not be deliriously happy getting awesome sex from a smoking hot and charming stripper or sugar baby.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SC Census For Rooks
    ********** 1) Do you generally go yourself or with others? 70% of the time with others, 30% by myself. I'd go 100% of the time with others if I could arrange it. My SC crew are all hardcore PLs -- totally different experience than going with the "once a year boys-night-out" rookies. ********** 2) Do you leave a tip after a standard LD? I generally don't do LDs. But if I did, my tipping policy for dances is: I tip for EXTRAORDINARY service. Not expected service, or good service, or really good service. So, most of the time, no tip. *********** 3) What is standard tip to a bartender on a per drink basis? $1.50 or 20%, whichever is larger. Keep in mind I usually SC in a big group, and buy giant rounds, so 20% is the usual answer. ********** 4) If a girl keeps you company at the bar for a significant amount of time but you dont end up going for a LD with her, do you tip her? Or just count the drinks you bought her as payment? If I invited her over, there's an implicit agreement for remuneration, IMO. If for whatever reason I change my mind about getting dances with her, I tip her. If she comes over uninvited, the first 2-3 of socializing is on her. If she stays longer than that, I'll tell her explicitly, "you can stay if you'd like, I'll buy drinks but I'm not buying dances or tipping". Best to be crystal clear. ******* 5) Do you tip on top of VIP price? (assuming its not an extras VIP where the tip is a "tip) Same policy as with LDs. I tip for EXTRAORDINARY service. So usually, no.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Stripper day jobs
    flag: Yes! I don't have much experience with that, other than occasionally seeing a smoking hot chick in my doctor's office. And, during the 2001 crash, one of the super hot strippers claimed to be one, which was easily believable based on our cursory discussion of the topic In general, as I've posted before, the place to find smoking hot chicks outside the strip club is at higher-end bars, mixology bars, whiskey bars, etc. Though places get the hotter-than-stripper-hot girls who don't want to strip
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dad's, you better triple the daughter's allowance
    Yes, it's a little scary how many "regular girls" I've met, including some who seemed to be on a success track, which would indicate a higher probability that their parenting wasn't terrible
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    flagooner: you'd best go on your cousin's Netflix account and watch Human Centipede
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Prejudice Strippers
    BigTezzy: Ya. It would be one thing if he was a nice non-threatening Sinbad black, but Wesley Snipes black is a whole 'nother story.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ways to start a text convo??
    -->" pics of *my* dick have always been effective conversation starters. Not sure it'd work the same way for others. They nearly *always* respond." Unfortunately, for me, the response is often a "laughing so hard I"m crying" emoji, and also in 3 cases, restraining orders. I continue undeterred, however, from my life's mission of ensuring every stripper I come in contact with knows what my dick looks like.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Prejudice Strippers
    One of my SC buddies is black. As GoVikings says, sometimes he's avoided, sometimes it's subtle but sometimes it's not. Not jsut in strip clubs, but in everyday life, I notice little subtle acts directed at him (if I miss them, he kindly points them out to me :). He's Wesley Snipes black and a little scary looking so I imagine he gets the worst of it. But, to Nina's point, it's hard to disentangle a stripper who avoid a black guy because she is prejudiced, from a smart stripper who knows with which group she appeals the most -- and it is absolutely the case that many strippers know which race, age group, social group she appeals to the most. After all, I've heard strippers say things like, "the young party guys never get dances from me, so I don't go over to them if I have other prospects", but we don't call them young-ist.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who else hates stripper tag teams?
    If I'm solo, I'm not interested in engaging with tag teams where I don't know either girl. But when it was a tagteam and I knew and wanted one of the girls but not the other, I HAVE just come right out and told them that. With a little careful wording, it doesn't come off too terrible, although it is slightly awkward. I don't think there was ever a time when the girls said, "sorry, we're a team, take both of us or neither", the girl I didn't want just understood and walked away. At least, I can't remember if there was ever a different outcome. These tagteams aren't built on deep personal friendship and loyalty, in most cases. They're business arrangements, they hustle together, rejections seem less personal, etc... and since tagteams are based on business, if one gets business but not the other, that's typically the end of the tag team for now, no harm no foul.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who else hates stripper tag teams?
    -->"When leaving the club, I encountered the 2nd girl again on break - she said she had never met the verbal one before, and wanted to shake her off." You know, now that you mention this, I've heard a good number of times strippers complain that some other stripper did something like this ... just improvised a tag team that the first stripper wasn't exactly a willing participant in, but didn't want to disengage right in front of the customer. While most tag teams might be a conscious decision by both girls, in retrospect more than a few are improvised. One of the side benefits of SCing with buddies is that the tag team immediately gets broken up and doled out to two different guys, and each guy will keep his girl or let her go strictly based on whether he likes just her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ways to start a text convo??
    Ya, dick pic really is the best answer to very many questions, but beyond that, I wouldn't overthink it either. Unless I"m too buzzed and forget, I do typically ask, "is there any time of day I shouldn't text you, or anything else I need to know like I should keep texts all business instead of flirty? Just want to make sure I don't get you in trouble". They'll always thank me for the thought, and let me know what their sensitivities are. If they want me to keep it business-like ("Can you come in Wednesday?") then that's what i do. If they tell me to text whatever I want, I keep it lighter and flirtier, make off-color jokes, and of course .... dick pics.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ways to start a text convo??
    dick pic
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    Let's see if this link will work https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20914246_1478407975542371_8932180167152114898_n.jpg?oh=b362d1f9b6459b79a0ae87fc1f3770d2&oe=59ECE67A
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    firmly on the Atlanta United bandwagon!
    Stripper day jobs
    A couple of years back my CMT was incredibly cute. Basically, any profession where they touch you a lot, would love a girl who is stripper hot. Barber, physical therapist, masseuse.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    goos: ah, ok. To me, ass eating has been in vogue for well over a decade. In my day, it was totally naughty and we didn't even have terms for it. These days, young women (well, okay. strippers) tell me they basically expect to get their salads tossed (See! they even have dedicated terms for it!) ... huge percentages of young men do it, fewer of us old fucks do it. That seemed to be the consensus on another non-sex-related forum I'm on as well. So I'll go back to: I don't think there's any "yet" about it, I believe it's been common in the clubs for a good number of years.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    -->"Is this happening yet?... Just seeing if this trend has kicked off yet." Goosman, I've been curious about your wording since you posted it. Are you thinking eating stripper asses, or female asses in general, is some sort of newly-discovered thing that's just catching on? Like it's the fidget spinner of the sex world? Just some odd wording choices that I had to ask about :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    -->"and my expectations are that they don't gossip about me without permission." Now THAT'S funny, flag!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    No one is going to admit it, it's looked down upon on PL forums. But you ask the girls, strippers are getting their assholes eaten by PLs (or attempted to be eaten) all the time. There was a guy on one of the local forums who, for years, included asshole eating stories in his incredibly detailed trip reports... he eventually stopped after years of ridicule from other members. I don't even get BBBJ, much less tongue stripper asshole, but prefer on topic discussion (even if it's about eating stripper asshole) to off-topic nonsense, 100 out of 100 times
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Would you like a dance ?
    You guys love your meatbombs. I hear the timer...*tick* *tick* *tick* *tick*
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Booze recommendation for afternoon OTC
    MrDeuce: if you want to stick with the low-mid-range type tequila, yes, I think Centenario is worth a try. So far, everyone I"ve had try it thinks it's a lot better than Patron. Or, if you really want to impress her, bump up a tier to Porfidio or some other awesome sipping tequila. I think in your case, Centenario is fine
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Booze recommendation for afternoon OTC
    ime: Strippers love Grey Goose and Kettle 1 for sure. One thing I've found with most strippers, they love what in their world is high end (Grey Goose, Ciroc, Patron, Crown Royal, Hennessy) even though those things are not high quality. But most strippers I've met LOVE being introduced to actual quality liquor, sometimes in a "broaden my horizons" spirit, but very often in a pretentious "let me instagram this so all my friends feel like losers for drinking Crown Royal" spirit. So if YOU like high quality liquor, I find that very often it is appreciated by the strippers. I've done really high quality whiskey, rum, tequila, vodka with strippers and it's always been a huge hit. Plus, it makes drinking it more fun for me, too. Obviously, feel free to drop back down to Kettle1 if you're just slamming shots.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Booze recommendation for afternoon OTC
    Gran Centenario's Anejo is better and smoother than Patron's, and literally everyone I've had try it agrees -- we've all switched to Centenario. Bonus, it's a good deal cheaper too. That's my go-to with the strippers :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do you guys take strippers on trips?
    Strippers are fun at the (put any placename here)